Heath turned to one side, a sharp bayonet suddenly appeared in his hand, blocking Ye Shenyue's attack, and he wanted to grab Ye Shenyue's back with his backhand. Heath's feet!


The two sturdy legs collided, and Ye Shenyue suddenly felt a bit of numbness. When she looked up, Heath's bayonet had already stabbed at her neck!

"Shameless, there are leggings!"

Ye Shenyue cursed, stretched out a fruit knife to block the bayonet in front of her, and stood up together, punching Heath's chin!

"Okay, I also met a fighting genius today!"

Heath clutched his chin with a look of anger and panic on his face. At first, he felt that Ye Shenyue was very powerful, but he didn't expect this child to be able to hurt himself, and more than once, he paid more attention to it. , the smile on Heath's face disappeared, replaced by a vicious stare at Yagami Moon!

"That's right!"

Ye Shenyue took two steps back and looked at Heath lightly:

"What do you want to do to my sister and my family? Say it!"

"You'll never know, because you'll be dead in no time!"

Heath looked at Ye Shenyue viciously, lowered his left hand on his waist, and held a swinging stick in his hand. At this time, Heath was holding the Mitsubishi Army thorn in his right hand and the swinging stick in his left hand, like a door god, looking at Ye Shenyue. God Moon!

"Then let's see who dies first!"

Ye Shenyue looked at Heath disdainfully, and threw out the fruit knife in his hand as soon as he reached out, and then took advantage of the opportunity of Heath's block, rushed up and punched Heath in the lower abdomen, waiting for Heath to react. , turned directly behind him, took the fruit knife in his hand from the air, and hit Heath's back with a knife!


The sound of steel interlacing sounded, Hiss reacted very quickly, and instantly held the army thorn in his hand backhand, in front of Ye Shenyue's attack, and then took advantage of the trend to use the swinging stick to swipe at Ye Shenyue!

"too naive!"

Yagami took back the fruit knife, jumped, and rubbed his foot on the swinging stick that Heath swept over, then reached out and drew the hand of Heath holding the Mitsubishi Army thorn in front of her, and then hit Heath with an elbow. On Si's chin, he stomped the swing stick in Heath's hand on the ground!


Ye Shenyue kicked the swinging stick under her feet, and at the same time looked at the embarrassed Heath. At this time, Heath was covered in the mud in the alley, dirty all over, and looking at I woke up tired, because the chin was hit twice by Ye Shenyue, and the whole brain was a little unclear!

"Come again!"

Ye Shenyue stood calmly on the ground and looked at Heath coldly. Although the Heath he had attacked just now, this guy's hostility towards him did not weaken in the slightest, but rather increased. In fact, Ye Shenyue did not You don't have to kill people, but Ye Shenyue is still willing to do this unless killing people can't get rid of the mold on her family!

"Boy, you're done!"

Heath shook his head to calm his mind, raised his leg, and pulled out the dagger he had placed on his calf!

"I thought it was leggings just now, but it turned out to be a leggings dagger. It seems that you are living in a state of unease all day long!"

Ye Shenyue looked at the Heath in front of her with a mocking expression. This so-called gray figure, it seems, is not as stable as ordinary civilians, at least in terms of mood!

"It's up to you! I've had a great time!"

Heath sneered, struggling to project the dagger in his hand at Ye Shenyue, and then he also learned the way of Ye Shenyue, and rushed forward at the opportunity of Ye Shenyue's block!

"What a dead man!"

Although Ye Shenyue blocked for a while, her eyes kept watching Heath, and when she saw Heath rushing over, Ye Shenyue did not move, and a hateful smile began to appear on Heath's face, but this smile was only limited. It lasted for less than a second, and Heath's face was suddenly replaced by consternation and fear!

Because Ye Shenyue squatted down at the moment when General Heath stabbed him, and then stabbed his calf with a knife, followed closely, stood up, and stepped on Heath, who fell to the ground!

"Say, who are you behind your back? What are you going to do to my sister!"

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

"I want to snatch your house clean, kill it, and then kidnap your sister, paint for us, and be a money-making machine!"

Hiss, who was stepped on by Ye Shenyue, endured the pain and said these seemingly reasonable words!

"Looks like you still hold grudges against us!"

Ye Shenyue looked at Heath's black aura that had weakened, but showed no signs of fading, and looked at him with awe.

"No... no more!"

Heath was lying on the ground like a toad, and was stepped on by Ye Shenyue. He reached out to cover the wound on his calf, but was stepped on even tighter by Ye Shenyue!

"Really not?"

Ye Shenyue looked at Heath coldly, and the movements on her feet lightened!

"of course not!"

Heath said to Ye Shenyue, and suddenly shouted:

"Because I want your life!"

Saying that, he used the other leg to support the ground, and taking advantage of the chance that Ye Shenyue was distracted, he took the army thorn and stabbed Ye Shenyue!


Ye Shenyue quickly rotated the fruit knife, blocked the General Thorn, and then held Heath's wrist, and the living General Thorn grabbed from Heath's hand!


Unexpectedly, Yagami Yue was able to defend against such an attack. His face showed a shocked expression:

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