Oslo opened his uninjured arms and looked at Ye Shenyue lightly, with a hint of pride at the corner of his mouth:

"How about it?"

"How about what?"

Ye Shenyue sat indifferently and looked at Oslo with contempt. A guy who could look like that, Ye Shenyue really wondered how the world he created had such an existence that moved against the tide of life?

Chapter Fourteen Sternly Reject

"Of course it's my invitation!"

Oslo looked at Ye Shenyue calmly, and moved forward slowly with unsteady steps.

"I discovered a fighting genius inadvertently. Wouldn't it be a big loss for me if someone else took the lead in recruiting?"

"I never intended to be a gray figure like you. You are not welcome here. Go out. If you disturb my mother's sleep, I will make your luck yesterday into forever history!"

Ye Shenyue looked at Oslo coldly, stood up from her position, walked to the door, and gestured to Oslo with her eyes to quickly disappear from her sight!

"Since you're worried about disturbing your mother, how about we go to the door? In this case, we can have a good in-depth exchange, what do you think?"

"I didn't expect you to use honorifics!"

Ye Shenyue looked at Oslo silently, thought about it, and nodded in agreement. After all, standing in the studio and waking up her mother would be bad!

"I knew there was a relationship between the two of us!"

Oslo said disgusting words and moved out step by step, while Ye Shenyue closed the door with her backhand, and then said to Oslo:

"I'm not interested in you, what you plan to do with me, let alone what you do, I don't care, but don't come to me again! I already said yesterday, don't let me see you again !"

"But you are really a rare genius, but you are so handsome and skilled, I believe that in other respects, you must also be the best among men!"

Oslo was like touching Ye Shenyue's skin, Ye Shenyue grabbed it with his backhand, and pressed Oslo directly to the wall:

"Go away! I'm not the kind of person you think, go!"

After speaking, he reached out to stop a taxi and shoved Oslo directly into it.

"It's the position just now, we will definitely become good partners!"

Oslo shouted at Yagami through the window, and Yagami wanted to smash the dagger from her body on Eslo's face, but she gave up the idea when she saw that the taxi had started.

Soon, the day passed peacefully. Although Ye Shenyue was a little bored, but without Oslo's harassment, Ye Shenyue's mood improved a lot. The current situation is very normal. I just follow everyone to play various puzzle games under the leadership of the legendary education expert. When Ye Shenyue goes back at night and sees that the information sent by the remote monitoring is basically normal, I feel at ease. slept.

From the next day, Ye Shenyue originally thought that Oslo had been scared away by herself, but she didn't expect that as soon as the uncle came back in the evening, this guy came in after him, and he generously bought a painting of his sister, even The price was not returned, but a request was made.

"Boss, you can also see that my legs and feet are not very comfortable, why don't you let this little brother help me deliver this masterpiece to my residence!"

"I'm busy!"

Ye Shenyue refused directly. From the beginning, Ye Shenyue knew that this guy must have no good intentions, but he did not expect that this guy would actually make such a request!

"Why don't I deliver it!"

The uncle was obviously unhappy when he saw Ye Shenyue's expression, but he didn't force it.

"Do you think you are suitable?"

Oslo glanced at the uncle very dissatisfied, and then asked that he did not plan to buy it. When the uncle saw it, he could only give Ye Shenyue a helpless look.

"Go and go!"

Ye Shenyue saw that Oslo was so shameless, and knew that the uncle couldn't spit out the meat that came to his mouth, so he nodded directly, then picked up the wrapped painting and followed Oslo out.

Not too far, Ye Shenyue threw the painting in her hand directly on Oslo's body, followed closely, and punched Oslo's leg!

"Do you want to die? Do you think that if you do this, I will promise you? Tell you, I will never be together with people like you, no matter what you do together!"


After being beaten to the ground by Ye Shenyue, Eslo endured the severe pain in his leg, looked at Ye Shenyue eagerly, and said:

"Am I still not sincere? I took the risk of exposing my identity and came to your house continuously, just for you, and you are so right!"


Ye Shenyue just stepped up and stepped on Oslo directly, saying:

"Tell you, no matter what aspect of your orientation has any problems, no matter how abnormal your behavior is, but, I am a normal person, get out of my way! Do not do to others what you want, do what you want, And don't force it on others! Understand? Not everyone in the world has the same hobbies as you!"

"So determined?"

Oslo looked at Ye Shenyue stupidly, and said incomprehensibly:

"I've seen so many people, how can you have such a strange reaction at your age? Animals have to be male and female, but what about plants? Isn't a plant a manifestation of self-growth? Isn't it? Are people of different genders really in love? Is it? Is love all about having a child?"


Yeshenyue looked at Eslo with rage. As the god who created all things, Yeshenyue didn't believe that he was beaten to death. There are still people in this world who think like this:

"It seems that you have lived in an abnormal environment since you were a child! Get out!"

"I'm not normal? Who is normal? This world has clearly been materialized, and only we are qualified to say that we are true love!"

"Fuck with me! Next time I see you, I will make you smash into pieces, and as long as you see it, regardless of the occasion!"

After speaking, Ye Shenyue threw Oslo directly on the side of the road and walked away. For this inexplicable emotion, Ye Shenyue even believed that this guy was born because of some extreme living environment!The normal view of life should be doomed at the moment when life is created!Violating this rule is a choice against life!

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