Leaving angrily, Ye Shenyue went back to the studio to tell her mother directly, then went home and rested on the bed for a while, Ye Shenyue got up and took a hot bath, then went back to the room, put her own He took out his mobile phone, checked the time, went downstairs to buy some food, and called him at the time agreed with Yiji!

"Sorry, the phone you dialed has been switched off, sorry..."

Ye Shenyue listened blankly to the echo in the receiver, and after a while, she put down the phone.

"Shut down? Impossible!"

Ye Shenyue murmured, and a huge worry quickly burst out in her heart...

Chapter [-] Non-negotiable

"Is it out of power?"

Ye Shenyue found a reason for herself, hurriedly went to the uncle's house, found the teacher's phone number that had been saved, and called:

"Sorry, the phone you dialed has been switched off, sorry..."

Ye Shenyue listened to the voice in the receiver and wanted to crush the phone in her hand, but after thinking about it, Ye Shenyue still returned to the uncle's room, took out the computer directly, and hacked it into the school's website. All the phone numbers of the classmates were found.

The whole afternoon, Ye Shenyue was frantically making phone calls, but as long as it was the classmates who went to the summer camp, all of them couldn't get through. There were only a few children who didn't go, and said a few words to Ye Shenyue lazily. hang up the phone!

"It's over!"

Such an idea popped into Ye Shenyue's mind, she stuffed her phone in her pocket, and Ye Shenyue went downstairs and took a taxi.

"I hope not, I hope not!"

Ye Shenyue kept praying in the taxi, because Yiji was the child of the uncle and her mother, so as long as there was no new mildew on their bodies, then Yiji would definitely be fine!

She hurriedly walked into the studio, and just opened the door, Ye Shenyue was stunned. Although her mother was still haggling with the guests, Ye Shenyue had clearly seen a new mold on her body, and it was spreading rapidly. Open, although my mother doesn't know what happened, but I can tell from the mental state that my mother is already very uncomfortable!

"Looking this is telepathy!"

Ye Shenyue bowed her head silently in her heart, then walked over and said to the guest who was bargaining with her mother:

"Sorry, this painting has been reserved, please leave!"

After speaking, Ye Shenyue drove the guest out without her mother's reaction. Just at this moment, the uncle came out of the inner room, looked at Ye Shenyue and said curiously:

"What's the matter? How did you drive the guests away?"

"My sister's phone is off!"

Ye Shenyue looked at the uncle quietly and said directly:

"I can't get in touch with everyone, including the teacher, and they all shut down!"


Only then did the uncle realize the seriousness of the problem. Just like Ye Shenyue, he quickly picked up the phone and called his daughter. The result was very natural. All the calls that could be made were called, and the result was the same. All were turned off. !

"This is how to do ah?"

The uncle panicked and looked at Ye Shenyue and his wife stupidly, unable to catch a clue!

"Call the bastard expert who asked my sister to go to the summer camp. They will be responsible for the safety of my sister!"

"Yes! Yes! The child's father, hurry up!"

Like grabbing the last straw for life, the mother hurriedly grabbed the uncle's arm, and she burst into tears!

"I know I know!"

Throwing away his mother's arm, the uncle hurriedly picked up the phone, took out the envelope from the drawer, and called according to the phone number on it, Ye Shenyue stared, and found that the uncle had already handed the envelope to the watch at some point. Up, it looks more like a promotional item in the future.

"Hey, I'm Feng Jian Yiji's father, my daughter can't be contacted now, tell me what's going on!"

The uncle said quickly to the other end of the phone, and after a while, he actually hung up the phone. Ye Shenyue looked at it and asked in surprise:

"Why did you hang up? Where is my sister now?"

"They said they were verifying, let's wait..."

The uncle shrugged, as if it was all right, he waved to Ye Shenyue and said:

"The adults will handle this matter, you go back first, if you can't get in touch again, your mother is not going to cry to death!"

"But my sister hasn't been found yet. How can we wait for news here? Let them tell us immediately about our sister's destination and today's itinerary! If my sister is gone, I will fight with them!"

Ye Shenyue said loudly, this time is not normal.


Seeing Ye Shenyue's resolute attitude, the uncle was also a little uncomfortable. She was stunned for a while, and then called again, but Ye Shenyue saw the attitude of the uncle, and directly reached out and grabbed the uncle's phone, facing the inside. the man shouted:

"You didn't record this summer camp in the school, which means that you are responsible for all this summer camp. If something happens to my sister, I will make you pay the price forever. The TV station is opposite our house. Do you want me to go to the TV station? Talk about the famous education experts!"

After speaking, Ye Shenyue heard a silence from the receptionist opposite, and just said to Ye Shenyue:

"Sir, we need to verify, please give us a moment, we..."

"I won't hang up!"

Ye Shenyue said firmly:

"Either give me an answer now and say that my sister is fine and let her talk to our family on the phone, or tell me about my sister's whereabouts today and we will call the police, that's all!"

After Ye Shenyue finished speaking, she heard the sound of the phone being placed. After a while, the operator opposite picked up the phone again and said to Ye Shenyue:

"Today was supposed to end the summer camp and go back to school, but the car lost contact [-] kilometers away from the city..."

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