The operator was talking when the phone was suddenly picked up by another man, who said to Ye Shenyue in a hoarse voice:

"We've already called the police, don't worry about it!"

"I see!"

Ye Shenyue responded lightly, then turned off the phone and said to the uncle:

"You and your mother go to the Public Security Bureau for the record. I will go to meet those people now. They said that they plan to take me to find my sister. Don't worry!"

"Uh... well, that's fine too!"

Seeing that Ye Shenyue's arrangement was so timely, the uncle was stunned for a while, then nodded, and hurriedly took his wife to the Public Security Bureau for the record.

"What a man to be easily manipulated!"

Ye Shenyue looked at the figure of the uncle leaving, shook her head helplessly, locked the studio door, went directly to the computer in the inner room, put the last bit of video and mobile phone signal transmitted by her sister into the computer, and looked for a rough picture. After the location, Ye Shenyue went directly to the car rental shop, rented a motorcycle that did not require a driver's license, and after filling up the gas, Ye Shenyue flew away from the city, and rushed along the secondary highway to her sister. where it appears!

Chapter [-] Accidental Discovery

"What a hell of a summer camp to go to such a dangerous place!"

After Yeshenyue left the city for [-] kilometers, she realized that her sister's original route was not as smooth as she imagined, but drove into a mountain road. The whole road was either a cliff or a cliff, and it was just a place waiting for an accident!

After scolding, Yeshenyue kept looking down the road map with her mobile phone. After [-] kilometers of driving, Yeshenyue's motorcycle finally exhausted the last drop of oil. Yeshenyue threw the motorcycle without hesitation. At the side of the road, she dashed forward. For a distance of [-] kilometers, Yeshenyue did not see any gas station after she left the city. This made Yeshenyue very curious. The bus carrying dozens of people How did the car travel more than [-] kilometers along this kilometer!

While running, Ye Shenyue climbed upwards, trying to look down along the heights of the mountains and rivers, so as not to miss any place where there might be people!

"Jingle Bell!"

Ye Shenyue's cell phone suddenly rang, Ye Shenyue was stunned for a moment, and she was horrified, because she and her sister bought this cell phone together, and the person who knew the phone number came after Yi Ji, but the number that came was a fixed one. Telephone!


Ye Shenyue answered alertly, not wanting to say anything more.

"Is it Feng Jian Ye Shenyue? Our public security bureau received a report that your sister is missing, and you went to meet someone? With whom? Where are you now?"

"It's my parents calling the police!"

Ye Shenyue said while searching the vicinity:

"Since the police can find my phone number so easily, you should be able to find the phone number of the missing person, right? Even if you can't find it, you can find the distribution of their mobile phone signals. Isn't this more conducive to finding my sister? ?"

"Be careful how you speak!"

The policeman on the other end of the phone said dissatisfiedly with Ye Shenyue:

"We are the police, not your subordinates. You have to pay attention to the way you speak. The people who disappeared this time are all top students from noble schools. We also attach great importance to it. From your parents, we know who you want to meet. Please directly tell us!"

"Are you police so clueless? Check the magnetic field signals around my mobile phone and you should know that I am alone in the mountains looking for my sister. My motorcycle is out of gas. Come and reinforce my sister. It disappeared along the secondary highway, but let me tell you first, there is no gas station on this road, please bring enough fuel and logistics equipment, that's all!"

After she finished speaking, Ye Shenyue hung up the phone, because if she went on, Ye Shenyue really doubted whether her phone could last until she found her sister!

Running fast, Yeshenyue found several places that might have happened, but after investigation, Yeshenyue still didn't find any clues. I don't know why, Yeshenyue has a faint feeling of being brought here, but Can't imagine who it will be!

"He just disappeared here!"

Ye Shenyue trekked for an hour and a half, and finally came to the place where her sister appeared last before disappearing. Looking at the tire marks on the ground, Ye Shenyue made a good judgment and thought that the bus that Yiji was riding must have turned a corner.

But what makes Ye Shenyue puzzled is that there seems to be only this road in the surrounding area, and there is not even a small road, how can it be turned away?

"Jingle Bell!"

The phone rang very timely, Ye Shenyue looked at the same phone above and knew that the police must have discovered something new!

Chapter [-] Personal Rescue

The police are not completely disappointed, they have new news.

"We also just got the news that we found the news of your sister's disappearance on a cliff, but the cliff is so deep that we haven't dared to go down to search easily, we can only ask your family's consent!"

"What? My daughter fell off a cliff!"

The mother was startled, and quickly grabbed the man's hand and said:

"I'm just such a daughter, you have to save her!"

"I will, I will!"

The man smiled stupidly, then turned his eyes to the uncle who had been silent all the time. The uncle who was full of smoke just leaned against the door and did not speak, but the dullness of his eyes made Ye Shenyue hurriedly get out of bed. As soon as he got out of bed, the uncle's body staggered suddenly and almost fell to the ground!

"It's okay!"

Ye Shenyue quickly stretched out her hand to support the uncle, and then said to the police officer:

"On behalf of our family, I agree with you to go down and search. I hope you will tell us my sister's news as soon as possible, and we will have the map!"


Seeing Ye Shenyue's serious face, the police officer nodded and left the ward, while Ye Shenyue put the uncle on the bed and said:

"If there's nothing wrong, I'll go find my sister, I should be able to find it this time!"

"I am coming too!"

The uncle suddenly roared, as if he had just reacted:

"Yiji is the lifeblood of our family, if it's gone, I can't live anymore!"

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