"I am coming too!"

Mother looked at Ye Shenyue and said firmly:

"Our family's Yiji has never let us worry about it since she was a child, and it will definitely not happen this time!"


Ye Shenyue saw that the attitude of the two people was so firm, and she didn't know what to say. She went out of the ward to go through the discharge procedures for herself, and then took her uncle and mother to set up an off-road vehicle and quickly rushed to the mountainous area in the suburbs.

Not long after getting in the car, the two people who barely slept last night fell asleep. Yeshenyue spread out the map while eating in the car, and saw the five-pointed star marked on it, Yeshenyue. With a slight smile, she continued to eat and hurried to her destination. It was also at this time that Ye Shenyue realized that she had been in a coma for almost twelve hours, and it was already afternoon when she woke up.

When Ye Shenyue looked at the car and saw the densely packed police cars in front, the setting sun was already hanging in the air, Ye Shenyue patted the sleeping uncle and mother awake, then looked at her watch and found that it was night time. At seven o'clock, he nodded secretly.

"My phone should have blown up by now!"

Ye Shenyue pondered in her heart, and brought her uncle and mother to the scene of the accident. It was said to be the scene of the accident, but Ye Shenyue clearly felt that these people did not intend to rescue, and everyone stayed in place. Standing there, it means that they don't need their help at all!

"I'm Kazami Kazuhime's younger brother, this is my father and mother, let's go in!"

Ye Shenyue saw the inspector and directly reported the name, and then walked in slowly under everyone's attention. It was only at this time that the uncle recovered and said to Ye Shenyue:

"Why don't we just take a look. In this case, let's leave it to a professional!"

"Sister is more important!"

Ye Shenyue responded without looking back, and then came to the edge of the cliff, looking at the cliff with no trace, and said to the police officer who was approaching:

"When will the rescue be possible?"

"How do you know we haven't rescued?"

The visitor looked at Yeshenyue in surprise. Although Yeshenyue was growing faster, she was just a child no matter how she looked at her. How could her tone of voice be incompatible with her age?

"There is no trace of the cable arrangement here!"

Ye Shenyue responded lightly, looked up at the sky, and said:

"It's going to be night soon, if we don't go down now, we won't have time to go down!"

"It's very deep down there, I won't joke about my life!"

The man looked embarrassed and said stubbornly!

"I'll be fine if I go down!"

Ye Shenyue said directly to the rescue vehicle in the distance without blinking her eyes:

"The cable above should be [-] meters long. What kind of cliff can be [-] meters deep?"

"I ask for instructions!"

After discovering that Ye Shenyue was really discerning, the man didn't dare to say anything, so he returned to his command car, made a few phone calls, and then came out and said to Ye Shenyue:

"The lighting hasn't arrived yet... we're still..."

"Just give me a flashlight!"

Ye Shenyue did not wait for the man to finish speaking, and directly replied:

"Just call your leaders now, you don't have to hide from us, my parents and I can control our emotions, but if you reject my rescue application, I will be a child who can't lie, and I will appear on TV shows. Tell me what you saw and heard today!"


Unexpectedly, he was threatened by a child.The man shook his head in discomfort, but still took out his cell phone. After a few words, the man took someone to fix the cable. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Shenyue put the uncle and mother aside and went by himself. Looking for a young policeman to ask for two sticks and a shovel, just like that, Ye Shenyue tied a few things to her body, then put it on her coat, bit her flashlight, and went down to the bottom of the bottomless cliff. !

"Boy, you brought it on yourself. I hope you will remember in your next life that curiosity killed the cat!"

The police officer holding the cable in his hand looked at Ye Shenyue's body that was descending little by little, and snorted, but he didn't realize that Ye Shenyue looked at him at the end, and then held the shovel and two wooden sticks in his hand... …

Chapter [-] Human Nature

"The child is out of sight, let's go back and sit down and wait!"

The uncle's voice was a bit old, and when my mother heard it, she could only shake her head helplessly. The sunset had already set, and all that was left was the light from the headlights.

"It's here!"

Ye Shenyue saw that the person above had retracted her head, so she slowly pulled the cable down and stopped at a protrusion on the cliff. She took a shovel and quickly dug a hole in the stone wall in front of her. A slap pushed the stick in, until his own strength could not squeeze the stick!

"You guys are so stupid if you want to play dirty with me!"

There was a sneer at the corner of Ye Shenyue's mouth. Just now, when the police officer agreed to use the cable to go down, he saw at a glance that this person was emitting a murderous aura towards him. Naturally, Ye Shenyue still had some precautions. Yes, as soon as they got to the edge of the cliff, Ye Shenyue slammed the whole stick of a wooden stick into it, leaving only a little protrusion on the outside, and then wrapped the rope. Now here, continue to wrap it, even if it is that bastard Letting go of the rope, Ye Shenyue can also ensure that the strength of the rope is accumulated on the body of the second wooden stick, and her own life will not be in danger.

What should come will always come, Ye Shenyue just fixed the wooden stick, and there was an exclamation from the cliff:

"what are you doing!"

The mother's exclamation made the birds in the woods fly, Ye Shenyue quickly let go, and attached her body to the wall of the cliff, and the stick on it was directly buffering herself!

"Uh, sorry, sorry!"

Quickly holding the cable where the sword was about to disappear, the police officer said excitedly:

"What's going on? Which bastard purchased the fixed valve, and this kind of situation happened at this time!"

"Ye Shenyue, are you still there?"

Glancing at the police officer with red eyes, my mother hurriedly shouted at the bottom of the cliff!

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