
Ye Shenyue's voice was like a thunderous roar, directly making the police officer who was secretly proud just now stunned!And the moment he looked down, he fell down in a trance.

"Ah..." screamed, and the other police officers were horrified, "Take it away... save people..."

Ye Shenyue's voice came from below. In fact, he missed the moment the police officer fell, but... he could have saved him, but he didn't, or he simply wouldn't.

Even if the divine power is sealed, he is still a god. For those who seek death, then go to death!

So at the moment the police officer fell, he pushed him.Let him die more thoroughly.

"I've found a bulge. I can go down. Get ready to go down with the cable! I'll pick you up!" He said as if nothing had happened.

Ye Shenyue's voice was like the sound of nature, which instantly surprised the other panicked police officers.

"Come here, come here!"

A group of people walked down the mountain quickly.

"The rescue has been ineffective." The police walked over to the fallen policeman and shook their heads.

"This...it's really scary..." The mother was a little worried.This kind of thing happened when I came to search for people, then Ichiji and the others who fell off the goat...

They dare not think further.

By the time the last police officer came down, the sky was already white with fish belly.And everyone didn't care about the police officer. After all, it seemed that he made a mistake and fell again.Besides, now that he's all dead, there's no point in caring about him.

"Tell you the good news!"

As soon as a police officer came, he took the mobile phone and said:

"When I came down just now, I just received a call saying that the army had been temporarily dispatched to help us search, I believe your daughter has a great chance of surviving!

In front of the Yeshenyues is actually a huge valley, and the lush vegetation in it makes Yeshenyue wonder if this place is less than [-] kilometers away from the central city.

Just as Ye Shenyue was carrying a large group of people to search the entire forest with resentment on her face, Kazuhime, who was thinking about Ye Shenyue day and night, was struggling to pick an immature tree from a tree somewhere in the forest. The fruit is picked.

The moss on the tree noodles is like a skateboard, which can make people slide down at any time. Originally, everyone thought that she was just a high-IQ Kazuhime, but she accidentally became a fruit picker!

"Can I eat it?"

Yiji shouted to Zhou Fangtianyin, who was waiting under the tree. At this time, the teachers and students were already on the verge of danger. Everyone was in groups of three or five, looking for their own food in the dense forest where they could not see the sun.

I always say that I just don't study hard, and other students with high abilities stand in the open space outside the forest and watch everyone dryly. Yesterday's situation has ruthlessly told them that a good student is a good student, even if It's not learning. In other respects, as long as these students are willing to do it, they will always do better than themselves. Helpless, they can only watch everyone in the open space and do a little classified work.


After taking a hard bite, Zhou Fangtianyin's mouth was almost sour. It was only July, and many fruits were not ripe at all, and naturally they could not be eaten!

"It's better to take it, it's also good to add water at the critical moment!"

Yiji shook her head helplessly, and did not come down from the tree, but flew directly from the trunk of this tree to the trunk of the next tree, and continued to pick fruits. When jumping, Yiji usually insisted on doing The act of ballet practice helped a lot. Many children couldn't pick more fruits at one time like Ichiji, and starvation was inevitable!

In this way, Zhou Fangtianyin looked at Yiji who was walking among the trees, and filled his own package. Although he couldn't eat all of it, Zhou Fangtianyin still felt that his own The choice is good, even if it is two people who no one wants to be with at the beginning, if they really cooperate, it is seamless!


With an exclamation, Zhou Fangtianyin suddenly felt something caught under his feet, and fell to the ground with a bunch of fruits in his bag!


I don't know who shouted, but the students who were usually gentle and noble, suddenly rushed over, regardless of whether Zhou Fangtianyin was injured or not, they desperately grabbed from the ground the fruits of labor that originally belonged to Yiji. In his arms, if two people grab it together, a flesh-and-blood fight is inevitable!

Chapter Nineteen The Tiger in the Forest

"It's okay!"

After getting down from the tree, Yiji looked at Zhou Fangtianyin who was sitting on the grass in a daze, and for the first time there was a little sympathy in her eyes.

"No...it's fine!"

Struggling to stand up, Zhou Fangtianyin's face was full of mud, and he looked at Yiji with puzzled eyes:

"Well, why is this? Isn't everyone doing well? We agreed to support ourselves? We agreed to encourage each other? Why did such a thing happen just now!"

"Stop moving!"

Looking at Zhou Fangtianyin, Yiji first pressed her to the ground, then took out a small red wild fruit from her pocket, handed it to her, and said:

"Maybe everyone is very hungry. Two days and two nights have passed, and we haven't found the possibility of going out. Everyone's patience is running out!"

"Can you be a savage without patience?"

There were tears on Tianyin's mouth. The scene just now almost shattered her civilization nourishment for more than ten years into a powder, and there was nothing left!

"do not know!"

Kazuhime shook her head, pulled Tianyin from the ground, and said:

"Let's go outside the woods. There may be rescuers there. We are a little deep in the woods, and we may get lost!"


Looking at the classmates around with contempt, Tianyin followed Yiji's footsteps and walked slowly towards the woods outside. The girls resting beside the trees looked very weak, maybe they didn't grab anything to eat. Looking at Tian Yin and Kazuhime with a sad face.

Looking at the scars on her hands that other girls had dug up, Tianyin turned her face away and followed Yiji slowly to make a forest. At this time, everyone was exhausted after the conflict just now. There is Kazuhime who has been watching everyone fight, and has a lot of energy.

Soon followed Yi Ji out of the woods, Tian Yin was about to sit down and rest, but suddenly felt a chill!

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