Yeyueshen was surprised for a while, looked at Yiji, and said something like this in her heart, it doesn't seem like a big sister can say it!

"No way! It's just the best female friend!"

Yiji smiled and looked at Yeyueshen thoughtfully, but Yeyueshen did not evade, and looked at Yiji's eyes indifferently. Perhaps only the two of them knew the love in those eyes!

"Ah? Do you have a better male...boyfriend?"

When Zhou Fangtianyin was about to take this to greatly exclaim, he suddenly closed his mouth sharply, and Yeyueshen turned his head directly and said:

"Sister's body is fine, I have already checked it!"

"That's good!"

The parents who had just gone with the police officer to take the transcript returned to Yeyueshen, the mother looked at Yeyueshen and nodded, and then said:

"There are more wounded here. The police officer said, let's wait here first."

"Let's go back first!"

Ye Yueshen glanced at the police officers in the distance and said to his father:

"Don't people always come to buy paintings these days? What if my sister is not around and the paintings are sold out?"


As soon as he heard this, his father, who was still in a heavy heart just now, suddenly came to his senses. He took out his mobile phone, took out a spare battery from his pocket and installed it. After making a few calls, an off-road vehicle came over. Yeyueshen went up first and left with Yiji and Tianyin, leaving her parents to wait for the next bus.

"What is the purpose of this summer camp?"

Let the driver get out of the car halfway, and drive the car by himself, Ye Yueshen asked Yiji while looking at the intricate road conditions ahead.

"Uh, it's actually all kinds of tests of intelligence and heart. It was quite normal at the beginning, but I don't know why, after seven days, we were suddenly brought back on the third day, and we had a car accident halfway. In order to find a way to go, we entered the forest again, and some of us were reduced to eating snails!"

As Yiji recalled and said, Yeyueshen listened and found that there was no particularly important information, so she simply asked:

"Where did you crash the car the night before? What happened after the crash? Where did your teacher go? Where did the driver go? Why are you only the children left?"

"Oh, please slow down, I can't even respond!"

Tian Yin, who was sitting on the side, suddenly said:

"I don't remember the question you asked just now, I feel like I haven't experienced it at all. Anyway, I remember the car overturned, and then the memory jumped directly to the appearance of us in the forest, what happened in the middle, I I really don't know!"

"Okay, I get it now!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, shook his head silently in his heart, made a sharp turn, turned [-] degrees on the spot, and headed towards the way back.

"How do you go back?"

Yiji looked at Yeyueshen in surprise. What Tianyin said just now was what he wanted to say. No memory means no memory, and no one can synthesize the memories of the past in their minds.

"I was planning to go to the place where your accident happened just now. Since you don't remember it, there is no point in going there. I believe the police will come up with the answer!"

Ye Yueshen said something that he didn't believe, and then drove the car naturally, and soon drove to the nearest gas station. After filling up the car, Ye Yueshen stopped a small broken car on the side of the road. After changing with the car owner, he brought Tianyin and Yiji to his home.

"Drink some water!"

Yeyueshen poured two glasses of water for Tianyin and Yiji, then sat on the sofa, spread out a city map on the coffee table, and found a few precise points on it.

"This is……"

While drinking water, Tianyin looked curiously at the black box in Yeyueshen's hands, a device he had never seen before.

"This is a point receiver!"

Ye Yueshen explained casually:

"It's the ability to turn the orientation into a point on the map."

After speaking, Yeyueshen pointed at the points he marked on the map and said:

"Sister, your whereabouts are like being dragged away by a train. It's very strange. During the five days, you appeared to be able to circle the entire city. What does this mean?"

"It means that when I play with my phone, the reason why my phone is ringing is because you installed an electronic tracker and a camera on my button!"

Yiji smiled and took off the button on her chest. Tianyin next to him saw this scene, looked at Ye Yueshen stupidly, then looked at Yiji stupidly, then slammed her chest and said loudly:

"Ah! People, people..."

"Don't worry, my brother is a gentleman!"

Yiji looked at Tianyin with a grin, and for the first time there was a sly smile on the corner of her mouth, and she felt a little dazed when she looked at Yeyueshen!

"Should you say that when I was like that, it was better that you didn't wear this dress!"

Tianyin covered her chest and looked at Yiji in surprise.

"But my brother carefully put this kind of thing on every piece of my clothes, I can't lie to you!"

The smile on Yiji's face continued, and Tianyin immediately widened her eyes after hearing Yiji's words, and said:

"You already know, and..."

"What else? This is just an electronic receiver. If I want to watch the video, I need to remove the chip from the button..."

Yeyueshen looked at Tianyin innocently, did he look a little wretched?

Chapter [-] The Confident Cook

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