"Tell me, how to solve this problem! I'm only thirteen years old!"

Tianyin yelled and yelled at Yeyueshen's house, just like a victim. Because his skills were not as good as Yeyueshen's and Yiji's reaction was not quick, Tianyin could only watch Yiji hold the button in his hand. In his hand, he handed it to Yeyueshen and let Yeyueshen put it on his chest.

"Why don't you just be my brother's girlfriend. You won't suffer anyway. My brother is handsome, and he is a low-key genius. He is calm and determined, and he is not annoying. How good?"

Yiji looked at Tianyin with the look on her face that she was selling the tight products, which surprised Tianyin for a while:

"What a joke, you are only twelve years old, I am almost thirteen years old, although your brother looks like twelve or thirteen years old, but according to his age, he is a primary school student!"

"...You didn't just go to junior high school..."

Yiji looked at Tianyin with a speechless expression, thinking to herself, what is the reason for this, what happened to the elementary school students?Are there any elementary school students as good as my brother?

"Okay, the age issue can be ignored, but look at you, a genius who doesn't know how to socialize, your brother is also a genius, is he also a quirk?"

"I can't say anything when you pick and choose like a vegetable market, which has proved that I'm not a quirk, but I don't seem to have promised to let you be my girlfriend, right?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Tian Yin lightly, then pointed at the map and said:

"There must be ghosts in this summer camp. If you guys want to know the truth, we'll go check it out together. If you're not interested, I'll treat it as if it never happened!"

"Then pretend it never happened!"

Tianyin looked at Ye Yueshen with an indifferent expression, and said lightly:

"My father said that forgetting is the best medicine to relieve pain. There are so many secrets in the world, why should they all be solved?"

After speaking, Tianyin pointed her finger at the tip of Yeyueshen's nose and said with a smile:

"Let's both talk about our lifelong events!"

"A lifetime event?"

Yeyueshen looked at Tianyin with a speechless expression, thinking that it was you who objected all the time just now. Why does he seem more active than my sister now?

"Tianyin is quite a traditional girl..."

Ichiki said next to him:

"I have high requirements for my boyfriend. After thinking about it, I feel that you can meet all the standards!"

"All right!"

Ye Yueshen glanced at Yi Ji curiously, and said lightly:

"Then if we are together, won't we alienate you?"

"you dare!"

Hearing this sentence, Yiji, who was docile just now, suddenly smiled and said:

"Let you be my boyfriend and girlfriend, I think you are the people I care about the best, but if you two dare to do something strange, or you can't say it, but it's unbearable, I'll be jealous, As for the state of my jealous finger, I will impress you all!"

"Hey, your brother and I are just in love, so we won't do anything weird, don't worry!"

Tian Yin said a little arrogantly:

"People are just a little girl!"

"It's just a little girl who has so many messy things in her heart..."

Yeyueshen's head was covered with black lines, watching the two girls discussing in such a subtle and explicit way in front of him, all topics that could be discussed, shook his head slightly, and said:

"Sister, you can figure it out, I agree with you anyway."

After that, Ye Yueshen began to clean up the things on the coffee table quickly and prepare to put it back in his room.

"Eh! Are you a fool?"

When Tianyin saw that Ye Yueshen did what he said, he panicked and said loudly:

"I... I didn't say it just now, I'm just in love with your sister's brother, so I won't do anything strange, didn't you hear?"

Tianyin's voice was getting lower and lower, because while he was talking, Ye Yueshen had already turned his head with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and Yiji also came over, patted Tianyin's back, and said:

"You will be my brother's girlfriend from now on, be good!"


Looking at Yi Ji with a black line, this tone is basically the tone you use to speak to a cat when you give your cat to someone else!Is he a pet in Yiji's eyes?

"Then see if your brother can make me fall in love with him!"

Tianyin tilted her head and looked at Yeyueshen, her heart was bleak, why did she want to be cute, but she was always made like a shrew by this talented sister and brother?

"Could it be that there is no lady's factor in my heart?"

Tianyin thought lightly, while Yeyueshen in front of him stood there, staring blankly at the two of them. From childhood to adulthood, my sister has always liked her so much, why do you do this now?Could it be that this girl really made her sister tie into the legendary friendship?

Why does this red-haired girl look so comfortable?

"Hey, say hi!"

Tianyin's little hand was dangling in front of Yeyueshen. Just now, he mustered a lot of courage to let Yeyueshen understand his intentions, but now it seems that the guy on the opposite side is not very satisfied with him. !

"Ah, Zhou Fangtianyin, right? My name is Fengjian Yeyueshen, I... What are we going to eat at night?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Tian Yin with a slightly embarrassed look, although he wanted to say a lot, but seeing Tian Yin staring blankly into his eyes, Ye Yueshen felt a little nervous in his heart.

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