"Kanda beef!"

Tianyin spoke for a moment, and then covered her stomach, only to realize that she hadn't eaten since she was discovered until now?Why don't I feel hungry?Could it be that there is a new guy in my life that makes me forget my hunger?

"Kobe beef..."

Yiji sat on the sofa and looked at Tianyin with a smile. Under her own witness, these two guys were together like this, and she felt so excited!

"Kanda! The name of my hometown! The beef there is the best, I'll make it for you another day!"

Tian Yin crossed his hips confidently and said loudly:

"Things that are famous may not be really delicious. The food in our hometown is the best!"

"Sister, what does her family do?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Yi Ji curiously, and for the first time discovered that among her sister's classmates, there are still people who are so close to the people that they can cook.

"The first wine shop in Kyoto is ours! I'll take you to see it when I have time!"

Zhou Fangtian said with a smile, Yiji looked up at her watch and said:

"If we waste time like this, we're going to have dinner directly!"

Chapter [-]

Chapter [-]

"I didn't expect such a good snack bar in such a place. I will definitely come here often in the future!"

Yeyueshen walked out of the shop and said to Tianyin with a smile, he originally thought there were high-end hotels nearby, but Tianyin took himself and Yiji to a hidden alley. Although there was an ordinary snack shop, But the food is unique and tastes good.

"Of course! The places where I eat are carefully selected, and the taste is naturally good."

Tianyin smiled sweetly, summoned up her courage, and took Yeyueshen's hand, Yiji next to him looked at it, and said with a chuckle:

"It's like this so soon, it's really hard to say what it will be like in the future."

"haha, really?"

Ye Yueshen grinned lightly. He couldn't understand what Yiji meant. Although Tianyin had always thought that Yiji and her were just a relationship between siblings, she knew in her heart. This emotion is not just superficial.

"Don't let anything strange happen to you two, then, you know!"

Yi Ji smiled, looked at Tian Yin holding Ye Yueshen's hand, still walked in front, took out her mobile phone and called her mother, reported that she was safe, and then walked back home.

"There's someone up there!"

As soon as Yeyueshen reached the entrance of the corridor, he pulled Yi Ji, and then asked Tianyin not to speak, and walked up slowly.

"Who are you!"

Ye Yueshen's tone was cold, and there was no joy in Ye Yueshen's heart when a stranger suddenly appeared at home.

"Is it Kazami Kazuhime's family?"

The visitor probed his head and asked.

"Who are you?"

Ye Yueshen's tone softened a little. Judging from the behavior of this person just now, he should not be an expert.

"We are the doctors of the Central Hospital and the hospital responsible for identifying the mental state of the students in distress this time. Please cooperate."

As the man said, he took out his work card and handed it to Yeyueshen. Yeyueshen borrowed it and lowered his head to check, only to hear the man continue:

"At the time when we were doing statistics at the rescue site, we found that Kazuhime Kazuma and classmates Zhou Fangtianyin had already left. We were told that Kazami Kazuhime's home was here, so we were ordered to come here."

"On whose orders?"

Ye Yueshen handed the work card to the person who came, and looked at the doctors in front of him curiously, all of them looked gentle and elegant, and they really looked like doctors.

"It's really an attendance instruction."

The man smiled and took out a thin piece of paper from the folder in his hand. Yeyueshen saw the seal and signature on it, whispered "a lot of things", and said to Yiji downstairs:

"Sister, she's a doctor at the Central Hospital."

"Come to see us to check?"

Yiji looked at Yeyueshen curiously, and walked up with Zhou Fangtianyin. Since Yeyueshen was sure that everything was fine, she didn't need to worry.

"Yes, Miss Kazami Kazuhime!"

The doctor came over with a smile, looked at Yiji and said:

"What a smart and beautiful girl!"

After he finished speaking, he showed a series of certificates and contacted his parents as well as Zhou Fangtianyin's parents. After confirmation, he took the two of them and Ye Yueshen to the hospital.

"Why don't you come in the hospital car?"

Ye Yueshen sat in the doctor's car and asked curiously.

"I don't want this matter to be exposed. Anyway, such a big thing is a great damage to the noble school. The fewer people who know it, the better!"

Kazama Yiji lowered her head and said lightly, although she usually doesn't want to pay attention to everyone's kindness and grievance, and she doesn't get along very well, but this doesn't mean that Yiji doesn't know the little Jiujiu in adults' hearts. On the contrary, Yiji is very clear.

"Miss Yiji is right!"

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