Tianyin supported her head with her hands and looked at Ye Yueshen with a blushing face, embarrassed.

"It's past nine o'clock! The one inside? Which one?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Tian Yin in a confused way. He was very excited when he ate a meal just now. Why does it seem strange now?

"It's... It's so late, I'm going home alone, do you rest assured?"

"Don't worry, there are ghosts. With so many strange things happening these days, how can I be relieved!"

Ye Yueshen responded in his heart, but on the surface he said with embarrassment:

"If this is known to your family, it would be inappropriate!"

"It's okay, my parents are not at home, I..."

Tianyin was excited for a while, and was about to say something when she suddenly reacted:

"You don't even ask me if I agree to live in your house..."

Chapter [-] An Ancient Style

"Okay, I know!"

Tianyin stood at the door and hung up the phone. When he looked up, he saw Ye Yueshen staring at him. He couldn't help feeling a little shy, and murmured:

"The school called to inform me that because of this accident, my summer class was also closed, and the whole school is now in the phase of closing the school. If I have something, I will go and get it back!"

"Is there something?"

Ye Yueshen asked while opening the door.

"I don't have anything, I don't know if Yiji has anything at school!"

"I think should not be!"

Ye Yueshen opened the door, turned on the light inside, and said:

"My sister has always been a day student, and she is usually busy outside the school, so it is unlikely that she will put things in the school!"


Tianyin nodded, walked into Yeyueshen's house, took the phone and said with a wry smile:

"The school must be crazy busy, and it's amazing to call me after nine o'clock!"

"En, it's true!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, and found that Tian Yin was not as stupid as he had shown, and sometimes he was quite careful!

"Where do I live tonight?"

Tianyin sat on the sofa and habitually picked up the remote control and turned on the TV!

"My sister's room, let me clean up!"

Yeyueshen responded lightly, because the uncle and mother usually watch TV, so Yeyueshen didn't have the habit of watching TV at home, so he went straight to the refrigerator, got a drink for Tianyin, and then went to his sister. After cleaning up the things a little in the room, he came out and said to Tianyin:

"If there's nothing else, I'll go take a shower first. The room has been cleaned. You should be fine if you live there. If you have anything, call me!"

After speaking, he smiled at Tianyin, glanced at a TV, and asked in surprise:

"It's strange that a girl is actually watching a news program!"

"It's not unusual!"

Tianyin smiled and said to Ye Yueshen:

"Perhaps among the people you usually come into contact with, girls don't care much about politics and society, but for people like us who will definitely inherit the family business when we grow up, it is necessary to care about the political atmosphere and social hotspots!"

"Well, I still have few people in contact with me!"

Yeyueshen laughed like a self-deprecating smile, raised his legs and walked into the bathroom, while Tianyin glanced at Yeyueshen curiously, and continued to watch his TV silently.

"It's strange, this guy actually entered and exited from his sister's room, as if he entered his own room, and even changed into his pajamas. How good is his relationship with Yiji!"

With such a question, Tianyin curiously walked into Yiji's room and found that the contents inside were completely different from what a scholar should look like. Except for the large floor-to-ceiling windows, the entire room was clean and tidy, almost tidy. There is no superfluous place in sight, and the imaginary piles of books and countless brush paints did not appear!

"This is genius, you don't need to use external things to show yourself, just bring a brain!"

Tianyin smiled, then opened the closet, found Yiji's pajamas, walked out, sat on the sofa and continued to watch her news, since Ye Yueshen walked in, the little girl carefully listened to the sound of the TV down.

"I'm sleeping! You should go to bed earlier too!"

Ye Yueshen walked out of the bathroom with a towel, looked at Tian Yin who had changed into her pajamas, and sighed inwardly that the little girl was quite independent, so she walked over.

"When are we going to see your sister tomorrow?"

Tianyin suddenly asked:

"Where is your sister alone, you and I don't worry about it, and Yiji will definitely be lonely!"

"Eight o'clock!"

Ye Yueshen thought for a while and said:

"That way these guys won't let us in because they're not at work!"


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