Seeing that Yeyueshen's words really made sense, Tianyin nodded, got up and took the towel from Yeyueshen's hand, instructed Yeyueshen to turn off the TV, and then walked in alone!

"Oh, it's so quick to get into the character!"

Ye Yueshen smiled secretly in his heart, walked over and turned off the TV, then took out a book from his room and sat in the living room to read it.

"have not sleep yet?"

After a while, Tianyin walked out of the bathroom, her hair was wrapped in a towel, and it looked even more iconic. A girl who can comb ponytails is very confident in her face...

"No, I'm not used to letting girls wander in unfamiliar rooms alone!"

Yeyueshen closed the book, raised his head and smiled at Tianyin, then took the book and said to Tianyin:

"You can sleep now, and get up early tomorrow!"

"I heard you like classical music!"

Tianyin suddenly said to Ye Yueshen:

"This is what your sister said!"


Ye Yueshen looked at Tian Yin's slightly shy expression and said with a smile:

"Why don't you listen to it for a while? It can effectively relieve the fatigue of the day!"

"Okay, although I don't know much, I'm still curious!"

Tianyin laughed, then followed Yeyueshen into the room. Compared with Yiji's room, Yeyueshen's room was a lot chaotic. When I saw it, I couldn't help but smile!

"Why don't you take off your headphones, let's listen in the living room!"


Ye Yueshen nodded, and quickly put the music on. Tianyin listened to the pure classical music tune without singing, and immediately felt that the whole body and mind were delighted!

"I didn't expect classical music to be so good, I always feel very old and strange!"

Tianyin took a deep breath while listening, as if the whole person was relieved a lot under the nourishment of music.

"Classical music was played to praise God from the beginning. Later, although popular music replaced its dominant position, it was only because classical music was not close to the people from the beginning. The demise of the aristocracy led to the rise of popular music. But on And the artistic level, of course, is classical music!”

Ye Yueshen responded confidently:

"When talking about this kind of thing, my self-confidence is the same as when you talk about your own drinks. I am extremely proud. Although I may not understand it, I feel that the reason is common!"

"Then I feel like now we both want to dance to this classical music, right?"

Tian Yin blinked his eyes and said with a smile.

"That's right!"

Yeyueshen nodded in response, stretched out his hand, and embraced Tianyin's waist...

Chapter [-] The Missing Ichiki

"It's really troublesome!"

Tianyin stood at the elevator entrance and shook his head helplessly. From the moment he entered, he and Ye Yueshen were required to be checked constantly, as if they were not entering a hospital, but an important military base!

"It is estimated that it will come later, and it will still be checked like this!"

Ye Yueshen shook his head helplessly, saw the elevator open, and walked in with Tian Yin, skillfully opened the door of the lounge, Ye Yueshen saw the uncle and mother inside at a glance.

"Good aunt, good uncle!"

Tianyin said hello to the mother and uncle who stood up obediently, the mother looked at it, and quickly said with a smile:

"You don't have to be so outspoken. I heard that you and Yiji are good friends. My child's father and I are very excited!"

"Sister is still in the ward?"

Ye Yueshen asked curiously, he originally thought that his mother would stay with Yiji, and the uncle was resting here, but he didn't expect both of them to be here!

"No! We were called to check up early in the morning! We're just waiting here!"

The mother smiled and said:

"Our family Yiji is very valued! The doctors and nurses here are very kind to your sister!"

"What check?"

Ye Yueshen hurriedly asked:

"Isn't it just a diseased body on the hand? Do you need so much trouble?"

"Do whatever the doctor tells you to do. It's all for your sister's good. Why are you so excited?"

The uncle said to Ye Yueshen with a bad expression:

"You little child, just stay at home and don't let us worry about it. You came so early, you don't know how to bring us some breakfast!"

"I'll take my uncles and aunties out for a good meal later, and I know there's a great breakfast place around here!"

Tian Yin said obediently, and tugged at the corner of Ye Luna's clothes, as if reminding her boyfriend of something.

"Then let Tianyin take you to dinner. I've already eaten. I'm waiting for my sister here. If you're okay, you can go back and rest. You must be exhausted last night!"

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