"Oh? What do you mean?"

Yiji was taken aback, although she thought about what would happen, but seeing Yeyueshen's preoccupied appearance, Yiji couldn't help but worry.

"Yeah, what happened? Are we leaving now?"

"should be!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, then closed the door with his backhand, and whispered to Yi Ji:

"You know? They're going to let you participate in a plan, although I can't figure out what it is, but they want to use your sister's brain to complete the plan!"


Tian Yin was so frightened that she quickly covered her mouth with her hand and said in surprise:

"Did they plan to take Yiji's brain out for research? I heard that the guy named Einstein was too smart. After he died, his brain was soaked in formalin water until now!"

"It shouldn't be like that!"

Ye Yueshen shook his head, deeply conquered by Tian Yin's imagination, and explained:

"What they mean is that they plan to let my sister take her brain to participate in this plan. Although it will not cause harm to my sister's personal life, it will definitely limit my sister's freedom!"

"What should I do?"

Ichiki hurriedly said:

"There is a shielding device in this place. It is difficult for us to grasp the information outside. Even if we go out, according to your description, those people must be people from the government. We are living under the interference of the government. What do you say?"

"Is it the government?"

Tian Yin suddenly asked curiously:

"If it's from the government, we should have the right to refuse it. Why should I sacrifice the happiness of Ichiji for the happiness of everyone? They don't have the right!"

"That's the surface!"

Ye Yueshen said with a look of disdain:

"When necessary, the government can use special means, as long as they feel it is just!"

"But they shouldn't act immediately. Since they want me to cooperate with this plan, I can use uncooperative means, and they can't help me!"

Ichiki suddenly said:

"And the plan you mentioned should still be in the preparatory stage. I was just selected. It is unknown if I can become the brain of the plan!"

"That's right!"

Hearing what Yiji said, Yeyueshen's nervous mood just now calmed down a lot. Thinking about it, it's also such a big thing. Since these guys need to report to their superiors, it means that there is a time difference in the middle!

"But we can't just sit still!"

Ye Yueshen still said unwillingly:

"We always have to find a good way back. We are not people sitting there and resigning ourselves to fate!"

"En! Do you want my father to help? My father is a very upright man!"

Tian Yin said quickly:

"And for the government's perception, I think my father is an uncooperative figure!"


Ichiki shook his head and said:

"The fewer people who knew about this matter, the better, and now the factual news has not been confirmed. If we actively contact us now, not only will it not help, but it will complicate this matter!"

"Sister is right!"

Ye Yueshen also nodded quickly:

"We'd better prepare to retreat to a small island overseas. In that case, we can get out of the direct siege of conquest!"

"Attention is good!"

Kazuhime snapped her fingers at Ye Yueshen and said:

"Since your idea coincides with mine, you can take Yiji to do this today. I know that some countries are in debt crisis now, and their conquests are also intended to make some useless islands cheap. Sold. We can just take this opportunity and find a way out for ourselves!"

"En! What should I do?"

Although he is very smart, Yeyueshen has no interest in finance at all, so he can only listen to Yiji's plan together with Tianyin, and Yiji did not disappoint. Arranging a few random steps will roughly arrange the whole process. All right!

"Yiji, you are a genius! You actually have a lot of hard currency like gold in your pocket!"

Tianyin looked at the three gold storage places written on a piece of white paper in front of her, and immediately admired her classmates. She used to think that genius was only about learning, but now it seems that geniuses are aggressive, and ordinary students like myself are A scum with a combat power of less than five!

"Then I'll go first!"

Ye Yueshen saw that there was no one coming, so he hurriedly took Tianyin to leave the central hospital through the layers of checkpoints, and called to the first gold storage point. After Ye Yueshen got the gold, he rented it directly from the car dealership. A car, and then brought gold to the precious metal exchange. After taking the general funds in the entire exchange, Ye Yueshen brought Tianyin to the international bank non-stop, and exchanged the currency in his hand to the destination. After that, he came to the International Real Estate Exchange and used Tianyin's forged identity certificate in the urban area to buy a small island that was not large in size but far from the land, and the island not only had good scenery, but also The biggest feature is that it has a river and a flat land, that is to say, people can live on it completely!

After all this was done, it was past eight o'clock in the evening, and I bought takeout at a restaurant with Tianyin, and Yeyueshen took Tianyin to the hospital...

As soon as he stepped out of the elevator, Yeyueshen suddenly felt a strange atmosphere spread over the entire floor. Although it looked the same as before, doctors, nurses and patients, Yeyueshen carefully discovered that all the sounds in the corridor were replaced by Young people in their twenties and thirties, although wearing glasses, but the military aura on their bodies makes Ye Yueshen think that these people are soldiers at a glance!

"Let's go!"

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