Tianyin pulled the corner of Yeyueshen's clothes and looked at him curiously. It was the first time that Yeyueshen was stunned. Why did he feel so handsome?

"it is good!"

Ye Yueshen retracted his gaze and followed Tian Yin to Yi Ji's ward. As soon as he walked into the lounge, he saw a familiar figure coming out of it...

Chapter [-] Betrayal

"Mother, when did you come?"

Ye Yueshen looked at his mother curiously. At this time, the mother still had tears on her face, and her eyes were a little red and swollen when she looked at Ye Yueshen, which made Ye Yueshen have a ominous premonition in her heart.

"It's been a while!"

The uncle's voice came, Ye Yueshen heard the sound and looked over, only to see that the uncle's eyes were a little red, but the dimness on his face was what made Ye Yueshen the most strange.

"Did something happen?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the uncle vigilantly, seeing his expression like this, Ye Yueshen didn't have to think about it, he knew that he had done something wrong.

"You...you'd better go and chat with your sister."

Mother looked at Ye Yueshen before she could say anything, but finally turned her face away.


Ye Yueshen didn't delay, grabbed Tian Yin's hand subconsciously, and walked into Yi Ji's ward. At this time, there was only Yi Ji in the room, staring at the ceiling, even Ye Yueshen came in. do not know.

"Yiji, what's wrong with you?"

Although her face was flushed, Tianyin called out eagerly:

"Are you alright? We left here, what happened?"

"Oh, Tianyin!"

Yiji reacted, looked back, looked at Yeyueshen and Tianyin in front of her, and smiled bitterly:

"I'm hungry, have you eaten yet?"

"Let's eat together!"

Ye Yueshen shook his head in his heart, although he already realized what happened, Ye Yueshen still hoped that the news would come as late as possible.

"No, I want to know what happened, otherwise how can I eat?"

Tianyin held the bento in front of her chest and said aggrievedly:


"It was fine when I left, how can it be like this now, people are so worried!"

"It's okay, I'm okay, let's eat first!"

Kazuhime smiled reluctantly and said to Tianyin:

"I'm afraid that after speaking, you will have no interest in eating!"

"All right!"

Seeing Yiji's words, she said that it was for her sake, Tianyin could only take out the bento, handed one over, and sat beside the hospital bed and ate slowly with her head down.

Although he ate slowly, he still finished the meal, Ye Yueshen got up to pack his things, and Tian Yin couldn't wait to ask:

"Ichiki, what's the matter?"

"How else?"

Ichiki smiled wryly and said:

"Those things that Ye Yueshen said have come true and have become a reality. I am now also a member of the legendary club of high IQ people - a member of the Association, and I can also allow my brain to be developed supernaturally!"


Tianyin couldn't react for a while:

"Why does it sound like a good thing?"

"Did you join that shameless plan by the way?"

Ye Yueshen took the trash out and said in a bad tone:

"My sister will be a test item from now on, no matter whether the plan is successful or not! It is impossible for my sister to live with me anymore, is that what you mean?"


Nodding silently, Yiji suddenly couldn't help crying, and hurriedly blocked her tear ducts with her hands, her eyes were red and her head lowered, looking extremely aggrieved.

"Why don't you refuse!"

Tian Yin said with a look of incomprehension:

"We are free people. Not only are our bodies free, but our minds are also free. Why should we sell them to others?"

"Because of our lovely parents!"

Ye Yueshen's tone became cold. At this moment, the parents who came from the lounge appeared at the door. The expressions on the two people's faces were so embarrassing and embarrassing.

"What did you say?"

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