Yiji smiled proudly and said:

"Is it the guy who was wearing a nurse's uniform and pretending to be checking, but was actually installing a debugger?"

"Yeah, they came here to pick you up to take part in that bullshit plan. I went out several times to listen to their conversations. I feel that the two of them are very sympathetic to what happened to you and me. He grew up in an orphanage, and there is still a little kindness in his heart!"

"Then you're still holding guns at us?"

The corners of Yiji's mouth twitched, obviously dissatisfied with Ye Yueshen saying nice things about other girls in front of him!

"At that time another girl pointed a sniper rifle at us, and we were able to escape, which itself shows that they are releasing water!"

Ye Yueshen smiled and said:

"Look, it's past five o'clock in the morning, and no one has come to the airport to check, which means that these two people have given up their pursuit!"

"It is!"

Ichiki nodded and said:

"It stands to reason that for such an important matter, the army should have mastered the traffic routes immediately. As a result, the personnel at the airport were still so leisurely, and it was obvious that someone was releasing water!"

After speaking, Yiji felt the fuselage move, and the whole plane began to glide on the runway. Looking at the land that was slowly moving away, Yiji put her head by the window and said reluctantly:

"I don't know if I can leave this time and come back!"

"We will come back, we will come back clean and free!"

Yeyueshen held Yiji's hand and nodded fiercely, to have a woman who guards her side, Yeyueshen felt very satisfied!

Time is like running water, and it disappears between the fingers. Yeyueshen and Yijihe soon came to the purchased island. Although they were somewhat run-down, Yiji and Yeyueshen were very satisfied, and they were not short of money. Under the circumstances, Yeyueshen and Yiji also insisted on building the island together, and even in the forest of the island, Yeyueshen also built a cabin in the forest.

"Higher, higher, there is a picture!"

Yiji's voice was filled with joy, while Ye Yueshen stood on the roof and desperately pulled up the long wooden pole in his hand, and the wooden pole with a small radar receiver was gradually inputting the picture for the TV in front of Yiji. Because it is too remote, there is no TV signal on the island, and Ye Luna is also constantly groping and searching, and has made a small radar receiver by hand!

"All right!"

After Yiji gave an order, Yeyueshen quickly stopped what he was doing. Looking at the distance between the wooden pole and the roof, Yeyueshen shook his head and walked down, returned to the woods, cut off a small tree, and then On a wooden pole, erected on the roof.

"It's not easy, it's been half a month, and I can finally watch the TV show!"

Yiji hugged Ye Yueshen excitedly, jumping and jumping like a child!

"It seems that you have been very depressed before!"

Ye Yueshen stroked Yi Ji's hair with her hand. For more than ten years, Yi Ji has been a good child. This time, this is the first time the little girl laughed unbridled in front of her, eating whatever she wanted. No worries, no interference from the adult world, no inexplicable envy, jealousy and hatred among the crowd!

"I don't know how you got here when you didn't watch TV and paint every day."

Ye Yueshen smiled softly, with a hint of strangeness, and walked to the stake in front of him!

"It's said that you are going to cook today!"

Yiji stared at Ye Yueshen, muttering that Xiao Mou would not want to.

"Go and cook, or I'll let you change into a table!"

Ye Yueshen smiled and took the remote control from his pocket!

"Humph! The TV comes with a remote control!"

Kazuki smiled meaningfully, walked quietly to the TV, and pressed the tune button on it!


Seeing that the TV was broadcasting the news unresponsively, Yiji was stunned, and immediately realized that it was Yeyueshen's fault!

"I said that when you were going to install the antenna this morning, what were you doing with the TV for a long time? You were trying to avoid the responsibility of cooking at night!"

"That's right!"

Night Moon God nodded and said:

"I'm not just doing this. You know, I've turned up the signal band on the TV. In short, we not only watch programs from this country, but also programs from other countries, such as Say, the country we used to live in!"

"is it?"

Kazuki nodded in surprise, then shook her head again, and said:

"No, you have to show you your results, or the two of us will starve together tonight!"

"no problem!"

Ye Yueshen smiled, took the remote control and switched the signal to the band of the previous country, opened it, and the familiar sounds and pictures appeared in front of him!

Chapter [-] The Government's Means

"Dear viewers and friends, an urgent message is now inserted. According to authoritative media reports, at the beginning of this month, there was a bizarre car accident near the capital of our country. A school whose name is inconvenient to return from a summer outing was involved in a car accident and the vehicle fell into a cliff. , more than [-] people in the car, including the teacher, were placed in the depths of the forest by mysterious forces. Did a student named Kazami Kazuhime disappear? A student who was traveling with him was interviewed by this station! It's a detailed report!"

When the TV station started to broadcast the news, Kazuhime had just brought the cooked food to Ye Luna, and when she saw the scene of the accident shown on the TV screen, the tableware in her hand fell to the ground!

"It's our school!"

Yiji screamed and hurried to the side of the TV, watching it intently, while Ye Yueshen silently turned up the volume of the TV!

"Said your name directly! It's scary!"

Yeyueshen watched the TV screen silently, his hatred for the government grew stronger and stronger. It was just a simple matter, and he actually threatened Yiji with such a shameless way of spreading news!

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