"Tian Yin!"

Yiji exclaimed, Yeyueshen heard the sound and looked at it, only to see that when the TV screen was playing, it was directly facing Zhou Fangtianyin's face, and there were two close-ups in a row, as if he was afraid that the audience would not be able to see it!

"Although the eyes are covered, no one can see that this is Tianyin!"

Yeyueshen looked at the picture with a sullen face, and shook his head helplessly, while Yiji looked worried, turned his head and said:

"What do you mean by broadcasting such news over there?"

"Naked threat!"

Night Moon God replied in a deep voice:

"They definitely want to use this method to force us to go back. It is estimated that in just two days, someone will visit our island!"

"is it?"

Yiji lowered her eyes and said with a sad face:

"If that's the case, isn't this picture telling us that they will be detrimental to Tianyin?"

"Mostly yes!"

Ye Yueshen shook his head helplessly:

"This group of shameless politicians will use other people's emotions to achieve their own goals. The so-called slogans are all shouted to others!"

"The following is the latest news from the literary and art circles. It is said that after the disappearance of the famous girl painter, Kazami Kazuhime, her father continued to use her name to sell many fakes, and has been criminally detained by relevant parties. The rich people in the paintings have also found that their injured works may have plagiarism, ghostwriting and other problems to varying degrees, and they have asked their parents for huge compensations, and the specific content will be discussed in the evening report!"

The news from the TV was shocking one by one. While comforting the sad Yi Ji, Ye Yueshen hurriedly poured a glass of water for Yi Ji. The news just now almost made Yi Ji's body unstable and fell to the ground.

"It seems that they have started to do everything they can. Let's see if there is any bad news!"

Yeyueshen hugged Yiji to Yiji while watching the TV screen quietly, although it was just a news program, but in the whole screen, Yeyueshen saw a big, evil face, it was a kind of Demonstration, a kind of show, a kind of omnipotent treatment, power can be so capricious!


Yiji nodded and stopped mourning. At this time, mourning was useless. Yiji's mind had already started to spin rapidly, seeking the best solution.

The news after that was lackluster. Yeyueshen looked at the splendid stars in the sky and didn't have the mood to appreciate it at all. He patted Yiji's shoulder and Yeyueshen stepped forward to turn off the TV and connected the signal on the first day. Just seeing such shameless news, how bad is Ye Yueshen's mood!

"The latest military news is inserted below!"

The voice on the TV suddenly stopped Ye Yueshen's pace, and Kazuhime also walked to Ye Yueshen's side, staring nervously at the TV screen:

"Look at what else threatens us!"

Ichiki said with a wry smile.


Ye Yueshen nodded, his fists clenched little by little, it's all this time, what news is coming?

"Recently, during a female-soldier confrontation exercise, two staff officers of the Blue Army violated military discipline by leaving the camp and staying overnight without returning. They also took to the streets with guns, which seriously disrupted the normal life of the citizens and damaged the military's military discipline. He has been detained in the Sergeant's Detention Center, and will be sentenced in a military court soon. It is worth noting that this violation of discipline is the first to be announced to the public. A spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense pointed out that this is a big step in the transparency of military information. , the photos of the two female soldiers were published for the first time, and this station has done image processing!"

"Where did these two seem to have met?"

Kazuhime stared at the two photos that appeared on the TV, and curiously leaned on the shoulder of Ye Luna!

"These are the two officers who gave us water, a lieutenant and a second lieutenant!"

Yeyue said with a sigh of relief, the expression on her face was extremely ugly, thinking that even the two people who let go of her under the influence of compassion have been made public in this way, it can be seen that this action is thorough and shameless!

"is it?"

Yiji looked at Ye Yueshen in surprise, shook her head and said:

"I didn't expect the other party to care about the two of us so much!"

"Not the two of us!"

The voice of the night moon god is sad:

"It's you, Yiji, it's your head. Your head is the only brain they've found that can participate in that experiment. These people are going crazy if they want to live forever!"


It was already clear in her heart that Yiji could only shake her head, stepped forward to turn off the TV, and said:

"It seems that anyone who has a relationship with us has fallen into a predicament. I originally thought that in this world, we are all free, but now it seems that in the face of a powerful government, everyone is like an ant existence!"

"Yes, especially with such a shameless government!"

Yeyueshen said bitterly, and brought Yiji back to the wooden house. The two of them lay down and looked at the night sky at the patio, relatively speechless.

When the morning dew appeared, the fish maw white in the east slowly lit up, and Yi Ji, who had not slept all night, got off the bed and walked to the creek behind the door. In the water, he washed away his thoughts of the night, and at this time, Yeyueshen also slowly sat down from the bed, watching Yiji crying while taking a bath, Yeyueshen's heart was almost melted.

Chapter [-] Unique

"you're awake?"

Hearing the sound behind her, Yiji turned her head to look at Ye Yueshen, not knowing whether it was water droplets or tears.

"En! You got up so early, you must not have slept!"

The pre-trial also leaned against the wooden house to go to the fence. This fence was built by himself, one by one, one stake after another. Ye Yueshen didn't seem to give up these.

"You haven't slept all night!"

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