Yiji smiled, walked out of the stream, and said to Yeyueshen:

"Although the water is a bit colder than ice, it makes me sober a lot!"

"You don't plan to leave here and go back to being the brain of that bullshit plan,"

Yeyueshen looked at Yiji in surprise, Yiji's eyes were very firm at this time, Yeyueshen also felt a trace of sadness, she did not let the lovely Yiji get the happy life she wanted, she still planned to Use your shoulders to resist all this!

"Then what else can we do?"

Yiji smiled bitterly, the expression on her face was extremely sad, her parents, Tianyin, these people were all in trouble because of themselves, how could they just sit back and ignore it?

"There is another way!"

Ye Yueshen looked into Yiji's eyes and said:

"My power can change the world!"


Kazuhime pressed Ye Yueshen's lips with her hand and said more painfully:

"You came to this world in the first place to escape those who are chasing you, I like you, I love you, I'm not afraid of losing you temporarily, I'm afraid of losing you forever, you said to me from the plane Since the beginning of your identity, I have cherished it even more. I know that you are my follower, not the younger brother of this world. My heart suddenly relaxed, and the depression for more than ten years was turned into nothing at that moment. Thank you so much! Darling!"

"I should thank you too!"

Ye Yueshen walked over and hugged Yiji, and said softly:

"Then what are you going to do? It's definitely not in your character to stay here, do you want to go back?"


Kazuhime leaned on the shoulders of Ye Yueshen and said softly:

"Not only do I want to go back, but I want everything to return to normal. I want Tianyin to live a good life and let my parents return to freedom. In short, I have to sacrifice myself!"

"then what do I do?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Yi Ji in surprise and said:

"Are you going to join that bullshit program, make a deal with the government, and make it feel like it never happened? It took us so hard to come out and have this free life!"

"But we can't escape, because we still have concerns!"

Tears hung on Yiji's face, dripping on Yeyueshen's shoulders, and after a while, Yeyueshen's shoulders were wet with Yiji's hot tears!

"All right!"

Ye Yueshen closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and said:

"I would have such a day, but I didn't expect the government to take action so quickly. Can't they find a new brain? Humans have billions, so why sacrifice you?"

"It's not necessarily a sacrifice!"

Kazuhime wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with her hand and said with a smile:

"Since they want me to participate in this plan, they must make me a member of the government. After the plan is successful, who will dominate who, I don't think so? Although I don't know how this plan benefits all mankind, but I My brain is under my control, they are just assistants!"

"What did you think of?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Yi Ji in surprise. The sad girl just now disappeared from his eyes, and was replaced by a surprising and decisive girl!

"I thought about it a lot, and I also thought about tomorrow? I'm going to try it, I want to make that plan successful, I want to control that plan, maybe through this plan, this system, I can make those sly things disappear from this world! "

After speaking, Yiji's mouth and Ba smiled even more:

"Perhaps, I have stayed by your side for a long time, and before I knew it, I also began to have a kind mentality!"

"You are cuter than those angels!"

Yeyueshen gently lifted Yiji's chin, and kissed and kissed it by mistake. Being able to meet such a person with a great love in the world, Yeyueshen suddenly felt that this world is very cute, because there is a People like Ji!

"En! I'm the angel by your side, don't betray your angel and be with other women!"

"Love is always selfish, the same in front of anyone, even if she is an angel!"

Ye Yueshen chuckled lightly, stroked Yi Ji Rupu's hair, then released his hand, took Yi Ji's clothes, put them on Yi Ji, and said:

"I'm going to book a flight on a satellite phone now, looks like we're going back soon!"


Yiji nodded, staring at Ye Yueshen, holding her own clothes in her hand, but not putting them on!

"I will grow!"

Yi Ji looked at Ye Yueshen lightly, and then went to Xiangxi Creek to continue taking a bath. Ye Yueshen looked at Yi Ji's graceful figure and said with a smile:

"I will too!"

Soon, Yeyueshen completed the formalities for himself and Yiji to go back. Following that, Yeyueshen asked the transportation company to airlift a large number of barbed wire regardless of the cost to surround his beloved island, no matter what the cost. After all, the half month on this island was the happiest time for Kazuhime and Yeyueshen.

Sometimes happiness is looking into each other's eyes, staring slowly, and getting old.

When the morning sun shone on the earth again, Ye Yueshen Yeichiji stood on the pier, got on his own small yacht, left this small island with good memories, and went to the nearest seaside city. From there, night Luna and Kazuhime got on the plane back to their hometown, but this time, there was no so-called homesickness in their hearts, only the idea of ​​changing the world!

"I heard that you had a wife before?"

Yiji got on the plane specially prepared for her by the organization, looking at the empty cabin, Yiji suddenly remembered this topic.

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