"Yeah, it's also a god, and it's as powerful as me!"

Ye Yueshen smiled and said:

"It seems that you are very concerned about whether there are women around me?"

"Of course!"

While drinking a drink, Kazuhime said:

"You know, I'm your only one, and it must be yours for you. You actually have a relationship with another woman. I don't care if she is a god or a human being, she is my competitor!"

"In this world, you have no competition!"

Night Moon God smiled and said:

"You are my first and only sister for so many years!"

Chapter [-] Peace Negotiations

"Please come with me this way!"

After getting off the plane, a bald head wearing a windbreaker holding a small submachine gun and sunglasses made a gesture of invitation to Ye Yueshen and Yiji!


Ye Yueshen chuckled lightly and said:

"It seems that your organization is very powerful. You can actually hire a special plane for us, and it also blocked the largest airport in our country. The Prime Minister will not have such pomp when he goes out!"

"do not know!"

The man in sunglasses gave Ye Yueshen a light look, then took out a hood and said:

"I'm sorry, Miss Yiji wants to enjoy the highest courtesy, and you can only be blindfolded!"

"It doesn't matter, I knew it would be this treatment!"

Ye Yueshen smiled and obediently asked the other party to put a hood on him, but he snorted coldly in his heart:

"Do you think that I don't know where your heads are? If I hadn't seen that you didn't look unfavorable to Yiji, I would have turned my face!"

Soon, after a deliberate roundabout, Yeyueshen and Yiji were taken to the upper floors of a building!

"It's so rude!"

A person with a sissy voice came to Yeyueshen and took the black veil from Yeyueshen's head.

"Let's talk!"

Yiji glanced at the man dissatisfied, and said:

"Of course, you can leave my brother out, but I won't be happy!"

"I admire the brothers and sisters who can go through life and death, so naturally I don't mind, please come with me!"

After speaking, he took Yeyueshen to a huge conference room, and let Yeyueshen and Yiji sit opposite the bench, while the other person sat opposite, about [-] meters apart. look!

"So far away? You're not afraid of the two of us attacking you, are you?"

After Ye Yueshen sat down, he smiled slightly and gave the other person a contemptuous look.

"I know that what our organization has done this time is indeed a bit too much. As for why the boss is so eager, I don't know!"

The man smiled and lit a cigarette in front of Yeyueshen.

"Put the smoke out!"

Night Moon God said in a tone similar to an order:

"I want to confirm a question, are you the plenipotentiary representative of your organization? If we ask a question and put forward a condition, you have to listen to the old men chatting for a long time, and there is no need for us to negotiate. Come here with full authority!"

"Of course I have full authority!"

The man obediently pinched off the tobacco in his hand!Then said:

"And there are no chattering old people in the organization. They are all smart and capable people. This world belongs to young people, to energetic people, not to the dying old people!"

"Okay, I'm still very comfortable hearing what you said!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, and the man opposite took a sip of water and said:

"Then let's talk about the conditions. People in the past always tried indefinitely when negotiating the conditions. We don't want this. You can feel it from our threats against the two of you. I don't need to go into details. , I will first express our ideas, or the bottom line, and then the two of you will show your bottom line, so that everyone has a high probability of success in negotiation, and everyone will have a cooperative relationship after that. If you can't get down on the stage, how can you cooperate in the future?"

"I have to say, your eloquence is very good, I appreciate you very much!"

Yiji smiled, then took out a piece of paper from her waist and read to it:

"Any invisible threats and surveillance against Zhou Fangtianyin must be revoked, and any of the above-mentioned behaviors to his family, relatives and friends must not be performed, and his original living status should be returned; second, all allegations and detentions against my parents should be immediately contacted. , cancel all troubles, order those rich people who buy paintings to restore my reputation immediately, and the agreement reached with my father will continue to take effect; third, my brother's status as a free man cannot be changed, and all his reasonable requirements be satisfied!"

"Can you elaborate on all your brother's reasonable requests? I can't tell the boss. One day this young man was dissatisfied with the Prime Minister and asked to kill the Prime Minister, whether it was a reasonable request!"

The man put the drinking glass upside down on the table and said with a smile.

"What about your bottom line?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the person who came curiously. It was this guy who said that he was going to show his trump card directly, but now he has no action!


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