"is it?"

Mazi hurriedly took the information and looked at it, while JB pushed Mazi anxiously and said:

"What are you still stunned for? It's okay to look on the road. I'm definitely not the only one who got this information. If you don't go, you won't have a chance if it's too late!"

"Oh, oh oh oh oh!"

Mazi hurriedly nodded, threw a metal product to Yeyueshen, and said:

"This is the cartridge case gun I made for you. It's half finished. You can arrange and combine the remaining cartridge cases in the above way. I'll go first!"

After speaking, without waiting for Ye Yueshen to say anything, he rushed out the door, and soon, there was a sound of motorcycles outside the door.

"Hmph, you want to grab a mission from me? Don't you want to see who I am? My mother takes a shortcut!"

"Oh, I'm going to scare people again!"

JB looked sad, then sat on the chair on the ground, stretched out his hand to Ye Yueshen and said:

"Give that thing to me, and I'll make the other half for you. It's what Mazi and I have in common. You've been here for a hundred days, and we all remember it!"

JB's hand was in the air, Ye Yueshen didn't hand over the things, but pondered on the spot.

"what happened?"

Seeing that Yeyueshen didn't move, JB looked up at Yeyueshen curiously, only to see Yeyueshen at this time, his face was dignified and dripping water!

Chapter [-] Special Reminders

"What's the matter with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

JB looked at Ye Yueshen curiously. He has been with Ye Yueshen for more than three months. Ye Yueshen has always been sensible and silent, and he is not disrespectful to himself. What happened today?


Ye Yueshen shook his head, looked into JB's eyes, and said:

"JB, do you believe in the existence of superpowers in this world?"

"Uh, why did you ask this question all of a sudden? Did you not wake up? Did you dream of something strange?"

JB looked at Yeyueshen with concern, even if Yeyueshen looked serious, JB just treated Yeyueshen as a child!


Ye Yueshen smiled bleakly and said:

"Do you know why I took Yiji out of which hospital at that time?"


JB obviously felt Yeyueshen's seriousness, so he couldn't help sitting up straight and looked at Yeyueshen curiously.

"Because I knew at the time that if Yiji was in that hospital, she would definitely be unlucky, so I took Yiji and tried my best to get out of there!"

"Then what are you trying to say?"

JB looked at Yeyueshen silently, obviously, it must be because something similar happened to Yeyueshen!

"What I want to say is that just now, at the moment when you handed the information to Mazi, I and you saw the same aura surrounding Mazi. Although it was not strong, it was certain that when Mazi went, he might Bad luck!"


JB was stunned for a moment, looked at Ye Yueshen in surprise, his eyes drooped, and said:

"You mean, Mazi will have bad luck for reporting this information?"


Night Moon God said with certainty:

"Now that the breath on her body has just appeared, it means that it is just the beginning. When it is very strong, something will happen. Just like when Yiji went out, she also had a bad luck on her body, and then, a car accident happened!"

Ye Yueshen curled his lips helplessly, he already knew in his heart that the people around him were going to have a problem again!

"Okay, is this the legendary Wang Qi technique?"

JB nodded, agreeing with Yeyueshen's statement. Thinking about it carefully, since he knew Yeyueshen until now, this guy's sixth sense has always been magical and accurate. It turns out that it is because he is born with super powers!

"En, you can call it that. Of course, it doesn't matter what you call it. I've started to worry about Mazi now. Mazi will definitely not let me participate in this operation. I want to help, but I can't!"


JB stood up, looked at Ye Yueshen, smiled and said:

"Since you have already seen that Mazi may be unlucky, then if we notify in advance, maybe we can let Mazi escape? Of course, don't get excited. It is definitely impossible to persuade Mazi not to do this. We can do it. Yes, to remind Mazi!"

"That's a way!"

Ye Yueshen nodded and agreed with JB's statement. After all, the two were golden partners. Since JB couldn't persuade him to come back, he would definitely not be able to persuade him to come back!

"Okay, give me what you have in your hand, I am also ingenious, let me do the rest for you. To be honest, you are the closest person between the two of us now. No one has ever enjoyed this kind of treatment!"


Night Moon God nodded and said:

"If you are not scared away by Mazi's superb skills, you will also lose any privacy due to your excellent intelligence work!"

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