"Well, that's a question!"

JB nodded, suddenly looked at the ceiling and smiled:

"Why should I pay attention to this issue? Mazi and I don't plan to get married when we are old. Is it important to have a man close to us?"

"I'm a man too!"

Ye Yueshen smiled, stood up, and said:

"If you don't know my age, I just look at my appearance, how can I say that I am a teenager?"

"It doesn't matter if you grow well and mature!"

JB smiled, and then ignored Ye Yueshen, earnestly helping Ye Yueshen make the shell gun in his hands, while Ye Yueshen stood at the door waiting for Mazi's return, the sky was blue, but Ye Yueshen My mood still hasn't calmed down much. It's a strange feeling. On the one hand, I feel lucky to know that something will happen, and on the other hand, I feel uneasy because of the silent waiting.

Soon, with the roar of the motorcycle, Mazi's figure appeared in front of Ye Yueshen's eyes. Looking at the mud spots on the motorcycle, Ye Yueshen didn't have to think about it, he knew that Mazi must be driving the motorcycle to rush up the mountain. , took a shortcut.

"Boy, take your helmet! Go wash the car, I'll take you to eat something delicious tonight!"

Mazi said excitedly, and didn't notice the hesitation on Ye Yueshen's face, so he rushed to the shooting range and saw JB working on the unfinished shell gun, and said with dissatisfaction:

"Hey, hey, you agreed to prepare gifts for each other, you are taking chances!"

"Because I have the conditions of exchange!"

JB said nonchalantly.


Mazi looked at JB curiously, put his hands on his hips, and said in surprise:

"The daily life of the two of us is so monotonous. What are you doing and what I am doing, we all know clearly, what conditions can you give me? Wouldn't it be the information just now?"

"Of course not! That's just my duty"

JB stood up and handed the prepared cartridge gun to Mazi, saying:

"Look at how I'm doing?"


Asako nodded and said:

"Tell me, what are the conditions? Can I exchange?"

"Because I know that you have already got the mission this time, so I tell you. You may be injured or even sacrificed in action. I especially remind you that when you find someone aiming at you, don't lie down like before. Don't move, wait for the counterattack, dodge properly, and maybe you can get your life back!"

"What do you mean by that?"

Mazi looked at JB in silence. When he was on a mission before, JB had never said such a thing, and he still used such a sure tone!

"Yiyueshen, come in!"

JB shouted to the outside, and after a while, Ye Yueshen walked in and told Mazi that he had washed the motorcycle, and then, under JB's instruction, told about his hope of qi surgery.

"Well, maybe you really have this special ability, I'll just be careful when that happens!"

Mazi nodded and handed the water bottle around his waist to Ye Yueshen:

"Go, get you a pot of sweet potato wine, we'll have a big dinner tonight!"


JB also got excited and asked:

"Is it a saury or a poluosu?"

"It's BBQ!"

Mazi looked at JB's makeup and said with a smile.

Chapter [-]: Half Information

After a night of carnival, Yeyueshen, Mazi and JB were exhausted before returning to the barracks, because it was early morning when they returned, and JB also took Yeyueshen through the front door and let Mazi ride a motorcycle from the target Round the field.

After the three-person round, they briefly explained a few words. Ye Luna and JB, who were so tired, went back to their room to sleep, while Mazi took his beloved motorcycle to the shooting range to wipe his sniper rifle.

Because he hadn't been on the battlefield for a long time, Mazi remembered that he would go to Hokkaido to perform a mission in a few days. love gun oil.

"I must perform well this time, I am still the number one sniper in the army!"

Mazi thought like this, and continued to wipe his sniper rifle. Before he knew it, a sour feeling hit his heart. Mazi was just like that, leaning against the wall, holding the sniper rifle, and fell asleep, still holding the oiled The brush, the oil on the brush also seeped into the barrel little by little!

When the sun passed overhead, Ye Yueshen and JB had woken up, walked to the shooting range, and saw Mazi sleeping, both of them couldn't bear to disturb them, so they went to the radio station to continue monitoring, because Mazi was going to the battlefield. The reason is that JB no longer listens aimlessly, but is constantly searching for signals belonging to a terrorist organization code-named "Little White Bear".

And Ye Yueshen took the appearance of a new radio scholar JB and continued to monitor. Soon, a familiar frequency reached Ye Yueshen's ears.

"It looks like there is a radio station password being released!"

Ye Yueshen handed the code he heard to JB. JB took a look and blinked his eyes. He took off the earphones on his head and said with wide eyes:

"This is half of the information, you continue to monitor and see if they will send it again!"

After speaking, he sat in front of the table, turned on the lamp, and began to punctuate words meticulously, while Ye Yueshen continued to monitor the signal at the end of the radio station. After listening for a long time, he could only shake his head and say:

"The one just now seems to be the last point. After that, this channel seems to be non-existent, and even the noise from the circuit connection no longer exists!"

"Forget it, these are enough!"

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