JB pouted, pointed to the intelligence he had deciphered, and said:

"It says that something will arrive in three days, and the other party must be prepared. Although we haven't heard the location, as long as we know that they will do it in three days, it can be considered a chance to seize the opportunity!"


Night Moon God nodded and said:

"When will this information be sent to the military?"

"Send it to the military for what?"

JB said with a look of surprise:

"This kind of intermittent information, even if you read it in vain, only complete information can be reported. Otherwise, what if it is a false alarm?"


Ye Yueshen nodded. If the information he heard is wrong at a breakpoint, there may be a big problem in the entire translation. Even if he knows that he will not be wrong, no one can guarantee that it will be wrong. Not to mention the expended manpower and material resources, whether it will affect JB and the others is unknown.

"Um, what are you two discussing? So serious?"

Mazi's voice came, Yue Yeshen and JB looked back, only to see Mazi walking out sleepily, with the sniper rifle just oiled in his arms!

"It's nothing, I just think you're leaving soon, very happy!"

JB smiled, looked at Yeyueshen's scumbag eyes, motioned him not to speak, stood up, and said:

"If you sleep in a military uniform, you will catch a cold, so go back to the dormitory and sleep!"


Mazi nodded and went out with his sniper rifle in his arms. Yeyueshen looked at Mazi, but he was still a little apprehensive. Now that "Little White Bear" has new developments, he has no way of grasping it all. , somewhat worried.

"Okay, Maziji people have their own good looks, don't worry!"

JB came over and patted Ye Luna on the shoulder. The two of them continued to monitor while Mazi slept until dinner time before getting up.

The three of them went to the cafeteria to have a simple meal. As soon as they returned to the dormitory, they heard the phone ringing in the room. JB hurried over to answer it. As soon as he heard the voice on the other end of the phone, he stood up straight and saluted:

"Please don't worry, sir, I'll inform Mazi right now!"

Taking Mazi to the room, Mazi took the phone and said:

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

He went out and said goodbye to Ye Yueshen:

"The situation has changed. Our friendly forces have intercepted the information, saying that in Hokkaido three days later, that group of bastards who do all kinds of evil plans to start early, I'm going to carry out the task, you and JB should be careful at home!"


Although it is very strange how Mazi calls the military camp home, Yeyueshen still nodded. The scenes that Mazi taught him these days are vivid in his mind!

"If someone shoots you, dodge first!"

Ye Yueshen didn't know why, but the gods unknowingly popped out these words!

"Uh, okay!"

Mazi nodded, looked at Ye Yueshen and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, kid! I'll come back alive, and I'll take you to the shooting range when I get back, okay?"

After finishing speaking, with a smile on his face, he stepped on the motorcycle and disappeared from the front of Ye Yueshen.

"Oh, I really hope she can come back alive!"

JB stood next to Ye Yueshen and threw his blond hair behind him with a look of sigh.

"You also think that Mazi's actions this time are not going well?"

Ye Yueshen turned his head curiously and asked.

"That's natural!"

JB smiled and said:

"You know? That half of the information is short, but it's definitely not as simple as what Shangfeng said. Since they are terrorists, they should only need to transfer arms. Why do they need people to pick them up? Don't they know that this will happen? Did you get attention?"

"Then who should be transported?"

Ye Yueshen asked hesitantly:

"Not arms?"

"Certainly not!"

JB said with a serious expression:

"I speculate that it is likely that a person suddenly joins, and those people will greet them. If it is arms, since I had an idea two months ago, it should have been secretly transported as soon as the plan was finalized. !"


Ye Yueshen was stunned when he heard this, and said:

"Since the telegram is sent specifically for one person, then this person..."

"It must be awesome!"

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