Ye Shenyue nodded, thinking that Yiji should have mastered a lot of resources, otherwise she would not easily know where she and Tianyin are.

"Okay, I just miss you a little bit!"

Tianyin put the water cup on the coffee table, her small eyes turned, and when Ye Shenyue was not paying attention, she slapped Ye Shenyue's face when she went up!

"I miss you too!"

Ye Shenyue touched the lip print on her face, smiled, walked into the room and took out the old dish that she hadn't listened to for a long time, and put it to Tianyin to listen to. When they were done, the two of them danced to the violin concerto in the living room.

I haven't seen Tianyin for half a year, but Tianyin's dancing has become a lot more beautiful. Ye Shenyue wanted to come, and she knew that Tianyin must have worked hard on her dance in the past six months. The little girl is working harder and harder, Ye Shenyue looked at the sweat on her neck. , smiled slightly, reached out and wiped it.

"Don't be like this, they're not ready yet!"

Tianyin looked at Yeshenyue a little shyly, just at this moment, the doorbell rang again, Yeshenyue let Tianyin sit on the sofa, walked over and opened the door, the moment the door opened, Yeshenyue felt that she The heartbeat stopped involuntarily, although it was only for a moment, but the empty feeling caused by the ischemia of the brain still made Ye Shenyue's eyes a little dull!

"What are you looking at? Stupid?"

Yiji at the door shook her long hair, lifted the small box in her hand, and said to Ye Shenyue:

"Look. What did I bring you?"


Ye Shenyue stood at the door and looked at Yi Ji stupidly. She had not seen her for half a year. Yi Ji's skin was fairer and her eyes were sharper. Yi Ji, who used to have soft eyes in front of her, was gone. of sophistication.

"Let me in!"

Yiji looked at Ye Shenyue helplessly, and habitually pushed Ye Shenyue's chest with her hand, only to find that she felt a muscle as hard as a stone.

"You have exercised well in the past six months!"

Yiji smiled at Yeshenyue, Yeshenyue only then reacted, and hurriedly let Yiji enter the room, seeing Yiji coming, Tianyin became more and more excited, she quickly stood up and hugged Kazuhime, looked left and right, exclaimed:

"You and your brother have changed so much, I'm still the same me!"

"But your figure has gotten better!"

Kazuki smiled, sat on the sofa, and handed the box in her hand to Yagami:

"Look at what's inside? Big sister misses you every day!"


Ye Shenyue nodded, took the box, opened it, and saw only a pair of pure white leather leather appeared in front of her eyes!

"Knowing that you went to the military camp, you must have suffered a lot. This is a knee pad made of sperm whale fin skin and polar bear fur. Here's it for you!"

Kazuhime explained with a smile, and Tianyin next to him quit:

"Why does Ye Shenyue have a gift, but I don't have one? I have been in the car for a long time to come here, and I am a servant of the wind, dust, and servant. No, I want it too!"

"You have this!"

As Kazuhime said, she took out the pendant she had put in her clothes and handed it to Tianyin, saying:

"This is a doll that I use ivory powder to glue little by little. Although it has no color, I do it every day. It is a little bit of a little bit of a little toothpicks to glue it together. Here you go! You must have worked hard for the past six months, come and tell me, how many people have my unreliable brother attracted bees and butterflies outside?"


Taking the doll made by Yiji herself, Tianyin looked at Yiji in embarrassment and said:

"Actually, as soon as you left that day, Ye Shenyue went to the military camp, and I couldn't get in, so there was no way to record how many women he was with. Anyway, he told me two names at the time!"

"Which two?"

Yiji looked at Tianyin nervously, and Ye Shenyue, who was next to him, listened, and simply said:

"Sister, no one, it's the two female lieutenants who were implicated by us. I've been with them for half a year!"

"How far are we together?"

Kazuhime's voice suddenly became sharp, and even her eyes looking at Ye Shenyue were full of jealousy!


Tian Yin said next to him:

"Those two are both lieutenants, and they should be quite old, so let's take Ye Shenyue as his apprentice. Actually, Ye Shenyue is in the military camp, so I'm quite relieved!"

"Then let's go take a look!"

Yiji smiled, took Tianyin's hand and said:

"Anyway, you and I have never been to the barracks, so I just went to see it this time!"


Tianyin nodded, and followed Yiji out of the house with her few things. Ye Shenyue shook her head helplessly and could only follow. As for what would happen then, Ye Shenyue was too lazy to care so much. .

Under the leadership of the efficient Yi Ji, the three quickly arrived at the barracks. Yi Ji and Ye Shenyue showed their credentials and planned to bring Tian Yin in, but Tian Yin was stopped.

"What? Can't enter without a certificate? Didn't you see that the two of us were holding certificates issued by the Prime Minister's Office?"

Yiji looked at the gatekeeper with an unbelievable look. For a long time, this document has been unobstructed everywhere, especially the military camp. As a result, she found out today that this document cannot be brought in with others, and can only be used by herself.

"I see!"

The gatekeeper said very politely:

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