"But if this lady doesn't have a certificate, she won't be able to get in. I'm just following the rules!"

"forget it!"

Looking at the heavily guarded gate of the military camp, Tianyin's mind seemed to flash a picture, she shook her head and said to Yiji:

"I don't like the atmosphere of the military camp anyway. I'd better go back. Grandma still needs me to take care of her!"

Chapter [-] Dialogue under the Sunset

Under the bright sunset, Yeshenyue and Yiji were walking on the road of the army. Because there was no military license, Yeshenyue's motorcycle could only be placed at the door. Take it easy.

"What have you learned here in the past six months?"

Yiji stood next to Ye Shenyue, looking at Ye Shenyue who was already taller than herself, she felt a burst of emotion in her heart, time passed so quickly, but she missed the most changeable half year of Ye Shenyue.

"Radio listening, passwords, and sniping!"

Ye Shenyue nodded, the sunset was always so gentle, it didn't look dazzling at all, much better than the afternoon sun.

"Oh? Sniper? How's your practice?"

Yiji looked at Ye Shenyue in surprise. Before, Ye Shenyue had the basics of listening and passwords, and it was normal to learn it, but sniping, this is a super-level shooting skill. If you don't study hard, you can't learn Will do!

"It's only been two or three months of practice, but the effect is good!"

Ye Shenyue smiled and said proudly:

"The girl who sniped us on the windowsill was the best sniper here. I saved her life indirectly, and then she gave me her sniper rifle and guided me for a while!"


Yiji looked at Ye Shenyue curiously, thinking that Ye Shenyue should have a good time here.

"Yes! There are only three of us left in that place, so it's basically one-on-one!"

Ye Shenyue looked at Yi Ji with a slightly embarrassed look, and said slightly relaxed.

"Looks like I've come right!"

Yiji nodded, took two steps, and suddenly said with a smile:

"By the way, you have practiced sniping in just two or three months. Isn't it a bit exposed?"


Ye Shenyue nodded and said:

"Actually, that girl, Mazi Hibuka, also thinks I'm a genius, and suggested that I exchange with you, so that there will be more free time!"

"That's a good idea!"

Ichiki nodded and said:

"If I can process the whole year's data in half a year, then the two of us will rotate, and each of us can be in the outside world for nine months!"

"Can you only come one by one?"

Ye Shenyue said curiously:

"In that case, the two of us will only meet for half a year!"

"It seems so!"

Ichiki nodded and said:

"I can only go to that place alone. The cost is too high. This is why these people did everything they could to let us come back. The cost of optical fiber transmission in the light made it impossible for them to stop the experiment. Otherwise, these people will go to jail for squandering taxpayers' money the moment the experiment is announced to stop!"


Ye Shenyue nodded and said:

"It seems that you can only go, the proposal to reduce the burden is impossible!"


Ichiki smiled and said:

"This work is getting more and more proficient. Sometimes the brain will handle some of it by itself, all in the subconscious. I don't need to be awake at all. It is estimated that in a few years, I can compress the time!"


Ye Shenyue nodded, and continued to walk forward with Yiji. A group of soldiers approached, Ye Shenyue pointed at the man who was carrying the sniper rifle and said:

"That's a sniper rifle, but it's not the kind I use. This thing can only shoot at an effective range of [-] meters. The sniper rifle I use can reach [-] meters!"

"It must be heavy!"

Ichiki asked curiously:

"It's not too difficult to practice, isn't it?"


Ye Shenyue nodded and said:

"It was really not easy at the beginning, but I'm a genius. I found that as long as I put my hand in the middle and resist it with my shoulders, it's a lot easier. Mazi also said that I'm a genius!"

"How do you answer?"

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