"But there is good and evil in this world too!"

Ye Shenyue hugged Yi Ji and said lightly:

"Evil is terrible, it hides in people's hearts, and there are factors of evil and justice in everyone's heart. When making choices, people's selfishness will make justice as fragile as paper, while evil is like It is like a spring, it can only be suppressed, but cannot be eliminated, because any selfishness has elements to protect itself, and these are also justice!"

"All right……"

Yiji nodded silently, beat Ye Shenyue's chest with her hand, and said with a little sadness:

"But killing people is never a good thing!"

"Some people shouldn't exist in this world!"

Ye Shenyue looked at the bright moon outside the window and said:

"There is still half a month before the New Year. After the New Year, I will apply to become a real ear soldier. I will obey the correct order and follow Mazi and JB to defend the fragile like a bamboo stick. Peace!"

"It seems that you are still full of godhead..."

Yiji nodded. At this time, she already knew that Ye Shenyue's decision could not be changed by herself. She could only curl up in Ye Shenyue's arms and silently wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes:

"You know? The most unacceptable thing for me is to leave your side, leave you, no matter how hard I work, no matter how hard I work, you are still in my mind. You are like a thread that will always tie me down. , you can never see it, you can only feel it with your heart!"

"Don't worry! The application will not be approved all at once. There is still half a year, and I will accompany you well!"

Ye Shenyue smiled, hugged Yi Ji's body and lay down, curled up like this, Yi Ji leaned on Ye Shenyue's shoulder and fell asleep, like a baby, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, and the tears had disappeared.

With the scorching winter sun, Kazuhime finally opened her eyes, but at this time, Ye Shenyue was still sleeping, using her shoulders as a pillow for Kazuki to lean against.


There was a sound from the camera, and Yiji raised her head strangely, only to see Ye Shenyue shaking the phone in her hand and saying to Yiji:

"Look, I saved the moment you woke up just now!"


Yiji sat up in surprise, reached out for Ye Shenyue's phone, and took a closer look, only to see that Ye Shenyue had accurately captured her appearance when she just woke up!


Looking at Ye Shenyue awkwardly, Yiji smiled and said slightly reluctantly:

"Bullying me to get up later than you?"

"You seem to be getting up later than me all the time..."

Ye Shenyue smiled, remembering the previous time, she got up at six o'clock when she was working, and Yi Ji always slept an extra hour. Of course, when it comes to hard work, Yi Ji is of course the hardest.

"That's true! But no one took a picture of my uncombed hair!"

Yiji rubbed her slightly curly hair, stood up, found a comb and sat in front of the dresser, slowly combing her long hair.

"Let me do it!"

Ye Shenyue smiled, put the phone aside, walked behind Yi Ji, took the comb, and combed Yi Ji's hair earnestly. Ye Shenyue also combed Yi Ji several times before, but now she is familiar with it.

"I thought about it last night, but I still can't help but want to persuade you not to go to the battlefield. There are many defenders of justice, and a soldier also has to obey orders!"

"I'm not applying for an ordinary warrior..."

Ye Shenyue said while combing Yiji's hair:

"I applied for the Foreign Legion, which is the kind of legion that charges on the front line. In that case, the chance of being controlled is very small, and you can also experience the life of the best warriors."

"Wouldn't that be more dangerous..."

In the middle of what Yiji said, she suddenly realized that Ye Shenyue is a god, how could she die.


Ye Shenyue still comforted Yiji, and then said:

"As a carefree god, what I hate the most is being controlled. Although it is to avoid being caught by Yuko and the others, so I don't need strength first, but it doesn't mean that I am a god to accept such ordinary things for nothing. People feel powerless. So I will make the earth tremble. As a person who has no power now, I want to become a power that even the country is afraid of.

I think I have a strong learning ability, so it's no problem to be successful.right? "

Chapter [-] Adjustment Order

Time is like a long river. What matters is not where it flows, but how it flows. After reaching a tacit understanding with Ye Shenyue, Yi Ji's mentality is obviously much more relaxed. The two people returned home and spent half a year. During this period, Yashenyue's application was rejected many times, but after unremitting efforts and the recommendation of everyone including Kazuhime, Yashenyue finally became a member of the Foreign Legion, although only a new recruit.

In addition to being hired exceptionally, Ye Shenyue also forgot to spend the time together with Yiji, Tianyin, Mazi and JB. Every day is full and happy. Without the constraints of money, Yashenyue and Yiji I have also returned to my island many times and spent a very happy time on it. Under the leadership of Tianyin, I went out of Hokkaido, which is inconvenient to travel, whether it is the food of Tokaido or the fish and shrimp of Xikaido, and Kyoto, Iga Saga Echigo is fine, and Yagami has almost tasted it all.

But good times are always short-lived. In the blink of an eye, it was another steamy and hot July. After Yiji gave Yeshenyue the last kiss, she returned to the experimental base and continued her work. And Ye Shenyue also said goodbye to Tianyin, drove a jeep with a military license, and returned to the military camp with full equipment.

As soon as she parked the car, Yeshenyue felt her temples throbbing and smiled, Yeshenyue lowered her head without blinking, and the glass window above her head suddenly shattered!

"Looks like you haven't been ravaged by time yet!"

Mazi's voice came, somewhat arrogant, Ye Shenyue smiled and looked back, only to see Mazi standing on the roof in a military green bikini, holding her sniper rifle, revealing a perfect mermaid line.

"In the public, is this all right?"

Ye Shenyue grinned, although there must be no one around, but Ye Shenyue still looked at Mazi with seriousness!


Staring at Ye Shenyue with wide eyes, Mazi not only wasn't angry because of Ye Shenyue's rude words, but was a little excited!

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