"Would you like to see Ye Shenyue come back, just like this? When there is no one around, you never have a good face for me!"

JB came out of the room, put on his sunglasses, looked at Yashenyue, tickled Yashenyue with his finger, and said:

"Come in and see my new car! The latest version of Lamborghini, the feeling of buying a car with public money is cool!"

"Is maintenance also public money?"

Ye Shenyue walked in, touched the cream-colored protrusion on the body, nodded and said:

"Sure enough, such an anti-heat, it must be very cool inside, and the engine will not be lost due to the internal heat, good car!"

"That is!"

When JB heard Yagami's praise, he couldn't help but nodded and said:

"I chose this car, but I made the decision after thousands of choices. It's no wonder that the performance is not good!"

"Stop bragging!"

Pock got down from the roof, made a face at JB and said:

"You can talk nonsense when Ye Shenyue is not here these days? This is not going to be sent to the spy department, you are just opening it!"

"And open?"

JB said unconvinced:

"Don't worry, I'll send another car there, anyway, the spies of the military want a car, not news, just give them an Aston Martin, and this Lamborghini is here! "

"Don't make trouble!"

Asako crossed his hips and said:

"Driving a Lamborghini to buy smoked fish and sushi, you can wait for the military regulations!"

"Then you can drive a Lamborghini to eat shark fins and killer whales, no problem!"

JB said unconvincingly, and said to Ye Shenyue:

"You know? It's because this car is too ostentatious that your shooting instructor turned his nose up at me after you left. When you come back, I'll be relieved!"

"Uh, is it?"

Unexpectedly, the two of them did not live as harmoniously as they imagined, so Ye Shenyue could only lower her head and smile, watching Mazi guide:

"So are we going to start training?"

"Need not!"

Mazi waved his hand, turned his head to his room, took out an order, and said:

"Today's Foreign Legion training has been moved to the Marine Corps, and the Army hasn't responded yet."

"The War Department won't fight for it today?"

Ye Shenyue was surprised for a while with the transfer order, but she had heard of it before, because the Foreign Legion has strong combat effectiveness and good grades, the Ministry of War and the Ministry of the Navy have been fighting for training rights, and there are also unknown regulations, who wins the training rights , in theory, who will control this ace army!

"I don't know, I heard that there is a struggle from the upper class, who cares, I'll send it to you tomorrow!"

Mazi nodded, glanced at JB sideways, and returned to the room without speaking.

"What's the reason?"

Moonlight looked at JB deeply and said:

"Mazi doesn't seem to be angry about this car."

"Of course!"

Nodding with a pouting mouth, JB pouted and said:

"Originally, I was informed of this order in advance. I can let Mazi start to force you here and follow the army to train, but considering that the training level of the Marine Corps is indeed the highest in the army, you can't always follow Mazi can be a sniper, you are a genius, you should be an all-around warrior, so I ignored it."

"Then when Mazi knows about this and works hard, the order from above has already come down?"

Ye Shenyue looked at the order and said with a smile.

"That's right!"

JB nodded and said:

"Actually, Mazi is also very tangled. In fact, it's okay if she doesn't let you go. After all, you are here, and she can use the question of age to refuse, but thinking about your genius ability, she also knows that it is not possible to do so. Well, I don't want to, but reason tells her that it should be like this, that's why she's sulking and sulking!"


Ye Shenyue nodded, looked at the time on the order, and said:

"There's still half a month left, so let the two of you teach me well!"

"That's natural!"

A smile appeared on the corner of JB's mouth, he stood up and took Ye Shenyue's hand and went into Mazi's room, pushed Ye Shenyue in, JB turned around and blocked the door:

"You two stay inside and see who teaches who! I don't know anything!"

With a smirk, JB thought that there would be exclamations coming from inside, but he didn't expect that there was no response at all, and curiously opened the door a crack, and JB's hand was tightly grasped by Mazi!

"Hey, you still want to stay out of the way!"

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