After the introduction of the chief instructor, Ye Shenyue can be considered to have a basic understanding of Millie. After returning to the dormitory, Ye Shenyue's attitude has obviously improved a lot, and Millie still ignores Ye Shenyue. Of course, Ye Shenyue didn't notice that when she was watching the glasses man write the code, Millie would stare at her back in a daze, and sometimes there would be a lot of determination in her eyes.

The days of training are always boring and boring. Naturally, there are students who can't bear the harsh training and quit. Yagami is strengthening herself bit by bit according to her own ideas, and at the same time practicing close combat with the talented fighter Daniel. , learning the latest computer technology with Robart, a man with glasses, living a simple and boring life.

However, Millie is worth mentioning. Besides seeing her every day before going to bed in the dormitory, Ye Shenyue usually feels like this person has disappeared from her eyes. Every day is mysterious. She leaves early and returns late. gone.

In fact, when Ye Shenyue saw Millie grinding the bullet, she knew what the girl wanted to do. If the rifling of the bullet was polished off, the bullet would have less friction in the rifling, and it would fly out with greater force and lethality. Qiang, this is what Yagami thought when she saw Millie's target. The bullets she shot showed a point because of the loss of strength, and Milly's bullets could penetrate or nail the target.

Half a year of training has passed quickly, and the new year is coming. Even in the military camp, everyone comes from different places, but the promotion of the Catholic Gregorian calendar still allows everyone to have a common New Year's Eve festival, and the military camp is not unexpectedly held. A variety of activities, of course, these activities are more intense than martial arts.

On the first day of the new year, Robart helped Yagami Yue's team to win the first place in the information simulation battle, and Daniel became the first place in the melee combat unsurprisingly, although Yagami Yue also scored He reached the semi-finals, but without using special powers, he was lucky enough to win with points by Daniel.

On the third day, as soon as Ye Shenyue got up, she was attracted by a familiar voice. Although she was outside the dormitory, Ye Shenyue still saw the sound of Millie grinding bullets.

"Are you ready?"

Ye Shenyue looked at Millie with a smile, the latter raised her head and said with a smirk:

"Of course!"

Chapter [-] Shooting Range in the Morning

Follow Millie to the shooting range by the beach. During the holiday, the whole shooting range was quiet. Although it was covered with holly grass, Ye Shenyue and Millie did not notice these details. When they drove to the shooting range, Millie directly He took out his short gun and said:

"The previous high recoil firearms tested me too much. We are not better than that. We are better than me. If even the air rifle that I am good at can beat me, I will admit that you are the strongest!"

"no problem!"

She knew that Millie would do this for a long time, and Ye Shenyue did not bring her own sniper rifle. Instead, the air rifle that Millie was holding tentatively fired a few shots, smiled and returned it to Millie, saying:

"I heard that air rifles are used in the Olympic Games before, but I didn't expect that the recoil of this firearm is so small, and the bullets fired are so weak!"

"That's natural!"

It has long been known that Ye Shenyue is the apprentice of the legendary shooter Mazi, who participated in actual combat shooting. Millie is not surprised, she said lightly:

"This kind of firearm is the real test of the quality of the shooter. That kind of high-powered scope, even a novice can play with it!"

"It is!"

Ye Shenyue nodded and said:

"Looking at the effective range of this firearm, which is [-] meters, where are you going to let me put the target?"

"You don't need to come!"

Millie smiled, stretched out her hand, took out an empty aluminum can from her pocket, and said:

"This is our target!"

"This is too easy!"

Ye Shenyue smiled, he was confident that as long as he was within the effective range, he could hit him with a single shot wherever the can was placed!

"You'll find out later!"

Millie gave Ye Shenyue a disdainful look, and quickly ran to the lawn of the shooting range, lining up farther and farther, until she reached the [-]-meter mark, then stopped, fixed the can with a stand, and then panted. ran back!

"Is this there a problem?"

Yagami touched the air rifle in her hand and said:

"Let's not talk about this distance, it's hard for me to accept this bullet alone. You grind all these bullets flat. Without the internal spiral, the moment the bullet is ejected from the muzzle, irregular deflection will occur, and Whether it can fly [-] meters away is a question!"

"That's why I ground the spiral!"

Millie smiled, pointed to the can in the distance, and said:

"Only when the spiral is smoothed, can this gun send bullets [-] meters away!"

"Have you been hit?"

Ye Shenyue looked at Millie in surprise, and suddenly felt that she underestimated this girl, not only a genius, but also an extraordinary genius!


Millie's answer made Ye Shenyue's surprise freeze on her face. Looking at the smile, Ye Shenyue asked with some incomprehension:

"This target is a challenge for both of us!"

"Just for you!"

Millie smiled, pointed at the target and said:

"I have tried that position countless times, but I have never hit it, so as long as you hit it, it proves that you are better than me!"

"But why set it at that distance?"

Ye Shenyue looked at Millie curiously. Although the little girl's face was full of sincerity, Ye Shenyue still saw a touch of emotion she didn't want to show from the glimmer of her eyes.

"Because someone once bragged to me that they had hit it, I always wanted to try it out to see if there really is such a miracle in this world. Of course, I haven't created it!"

"It's the daddy who likes to brag and drink too much!"

Ye Shenyue smiled, lying on the sniper stage, picked up the air rifle and started aiming!

"You are..."

Choked by Ye Shenyue's words, Millie waved her fist unhappily. Seeing that Ye Shenyue had already started to prepare, she didn't want to say anything. She just looked at the cans in the distance. Looking at a can from [-] meters away, it was about the same distance as ten. It looks almost like a lighter from Miwai. They are all the same size and hard to hit!

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