
A gunshot sounded, accompanied by a gust of wind, and the bullet that flew out of the muzzle made several turns in the air and slowly fell to the ground. Although it didn't hit, Yagami's keen observation confirmed Millie's claim. It is said that bullets can indeed hit [-] meters away!

"Not bad! Much better than my first time. I could only hit [-] meters before the bullet fell!"

Millie leaned against the pillar, looked at Ye Shenyue, and grinned.

"It's all your credit!"

Ye Shenyue lay on the ground and continued to aim, and said:

"If it wasn't for the helix of the bullet being polished off, even if I hit it, I wouldn't be able to reach that distance!"

"Hehe, you are quite humble!"

Millie smiled and said to Ye Shenyue:

"I'm reminding you, I've polished ten bullets today. If these ten bullets don't hit, you will lose!"

"No need for ten bullets!"

Ye Shenyue smiled and said:

"Within five bullets, I will definitely hit it!"

"Humph! Then watch your performance!"

Millie glanced at Yeshenyue with disdain, and the good feelings she had just built up for Yeshenyue suddenly disappeared:

"What a joke, within five bullets, do you think you are a gun god?"

Thinking like this, Millie looked at the empty cans in the distance more seriously, because Milly was very serious about sticking to the target, so although the cans were light, they didn't move on the target!


As Ye Shenyue pulled the trigger again, the polished bullet also flew out. This time, the demonic wind on the shooting range hung up again. Millie heard the fine wind in her ear and looked at the aluminum can with a smile on her face:

"Being blown by the wind seems to be hit, what a joke!"

Millie was thinking about it when a relaxed sound suddenly came from her ear, followed by the aluminum can that was used as a target and rolled in the air and fell to the ground!


Ye Shenyue snapped her fingers, stood up, and handed the air rifle to Millie...

"No, it's impossible, it's luck, it's luck!"

Millie shouted, and instead of taking the air rifle that Yushenyue handed over, she ran over and ran to the aluminum can, carefully checked the mark on it, and lowered her head in despair!

"You also have to try to master the wind, the real battlefield will not be windless!"

Ye Shenyue took the air rifle, walked behind Millie, stood, picked up the bullets on the ground, and said with a smile:

"Perhaps, sometimes it's a good choice to believe the words of the following father who loves to drink and brag!"


Millie's body shuddered, and she looked up at Ye Shenyue, the young man in the morning light, with a handsome smile on his face, like an angel in a dream.

Chapter [-] Graduation

Walking alone in the forest, Ye Shenyue keenly felt the murderous intent behind her!


With a gunshot, Ye Shenyue's figure was hidden behind a towering tree, and in the distance, a wisp of red smoke came out from a clump of grass, and then the whistle sounded for the end of the performance.

"Such a sniper! He's obviously a commando, and he can hit a blind shot when he turns around. How can he fight this confrontation exercise!"

Depressed, the enemy sniper walked back to the camp with a speechless expression, and Ye Shenyue followed him to the camp entrance. As soon as she came in, Millie took a homemade lemon. The water is coming!

"Here! Rainforest operations especially need vitamin supplements!"

Millie shyly handed the homemade lemonade to Ye Shenyue, and did not forget to take the more than ten kilograms of equipment on Ye Shenyue's body!

"We want to drink too!"

Daniel and Robart appeared out of nowhere and looked at Millie with a smirk!

"You've all been shot down, but I'm so embarrassed to ask for water! Without Ye Shenyue, our exercise would have failed!"

Millie justly refused, hummed, and hurried back to the barracks with Yagami's equipment, ignoring the meaningful smiles of Daniel and Robart behind her.

"Since your kid defeated Millie a few months ago, our dormitory has been harmonious!"

Robart helped his eyes, handed a letter to Ye Shenyue, and took Daniel to gather. Ye Shenyue looked down, only to see Yiji's familiar handwriting on it:

"I've managed to reduce my time away from home to five months!"

Just seeing this sentence, Ye Shenyue's heart warmed, and with three medals, Ye Shenyue quickly left the barracks, met with Yi Ji Zaijia, and also went to see Tianyin, JB, And Mazi, who was called back to train again two months later.

As soon as she returned to the military camp, Ye Shenyue was surprised to find that Millie was the one waiting for registration in the guard room with her!


Looking at Ye Shenyue with a smile on her face, Millie quickly turned the table in the guard room into a paradise for French cuisine. All kinds of cod, flounder, salmon and countless canned products that Yagami couldn't call appeared in the in front of you.

"Do you know? In fact, canned food was not created by us French, but by Italians who were funny in World War II. In order to eat these delicious things on the battlefield, they created compressed air canned food that is more fresh than canned food!"

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