A rocket charged towards Yeyueshen with a whistling. Hearing the whistling in his ears, Yeyueshen turned over without blinking, got up and shot three times, exposing two snipers and one to his position. The rocket launchers are destroyed!

"The left side is wiped out! Get off!"

Ye Yueshen kicked open the door that was deformed by the rocket shock, grabbed Tachibana Chizuru's hand, and pulled it off the Rolls Royce involuntarily!

"what should I do now?"

Although her whole body was trembling, Tachibana Chizuru's voice was calm.

"Watch my show!"

Ye Yueshen smiled, stood up, and threw the only smoke bomb into the air!


As soon as it was thrown out, the smoke bomb in Ye Yueshen's hand was blown up!

"Still a master!"

Ye Yueshen smiled, put the muffler on the pistol, and appeared from the back of the car in a side-sliding step. Without waiting for the man to react, he fired three shots in a row, and then quickly turned around!

"That's right, why only seven bullets?"

Ye Yueshen took out the magazine, looked at the only bullet on it, smiled helplessly, and kicked the broken barricade next to him with one kick!

"Too tao tao tao!"

A burst of submachine guns rang out, and the roadblock that had just been damaged was immediately turned into a sieve, and the body of the Rolls-Royce was constantly being shot!

"Two people!"

Boldly, the small Tachibana Qianhe got under the car and reminded Ye Yueshen.

"You're not too brave!"

Ye Yueshen smiled and flew sideways from the gap of the roadblock just now. He shot at the enemy who charged down with the submachine gun. Then he quickly got up and flicked his hand. The gun in his hand spun in the air and drew a wonderful arc. Line, hit the last enemy accurately!


He rushed over and kicked the person who was hit by the gun. Ye Yueshen didn't blink an eye, grabbed the dagger from the person, and once he went down, the world would be calm!

"Okay... it's great!"

Standing up nervously, Tachibana Qianhe took off his helmet and looked at Ye Yueshen with admiration.

"Let's go, I don't know if motorcycles can take us to school!"

Chapter [-] Shocking News

In the midst of the morning breeze, Ye Yueshen stood up, took off the rice grains from his mouth, nodded to Tachibana Qianhe and said:

"Thank you for your hospitality, I'm going back now! If nothing else happens, I shouldn't see you again. After all, you have to live on campus for half a year, and I only need to send you once!"

"That's not necessarily true!"

Tachibana Qianhe smiled and nodded, and said:

"Actually, I really want to invite you to our school! This school is so clean, it's very suitable for people like you who are used to life in the military camp!"

"Look at my interest!"

Ye Yueshen smiled. Although he was very curious about why the students didn't come, the teacher wasn't there, and only the headmaster, who was often assassinated inexplicably in the legend, was there, but this thought just flashed through his mind.

"Actually, you can do something else while staying at school!"

Tachibana Qianhe looked at Ye Yueshen and said:

"Actually, I feel that you will be very useful in our school!"

"is it?"

Ye Yueshen stretched out his hand to hold Tachibana Qianhe's hand and said:

"I don't know what kind of role it is. It requires me, a soldier from a military background, to stay in the school."

"Because there are a few difficult students to deal with!"

Tachibana Qianhe smiled shyly and said:

"My personality is also relatively soft, so I can't handle it very well!"

"Then I hope you can find a competent teacher as soon as possible!"

Ye Yueshen smiled and was about to say something.The phone I just got from JB rang!

"Hello? I'm Night Moon God!"

Yeyueshen smiled apologetically at Tachibana Qianhe and walked to the balcony. At this time, the person who could call Yeyueshen was JB!


Ye Yueshen listened to it for a while, and the originally stretched smile disappeared from his face, replaced by a shocked expression!

"I'm going back right now!"

Ye Yueshen spoke firmly to the phone, then hung up the phone, bowed apologetically to Tachibana Qianhe, and said:

"I'm sorry, I have something to deal with now, and I appreciate your kindness!"

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