After speaking, Ye Yueshen rushed to the side of the motorcycle, started the motorcycle in a blink of an eye, and quickly disappeared on the horizon!

"I believe you will come back! I believe it!"

Tachibana Qianhe stood on the balcony, looked at Yeyueshen's disappearing figure, and nodded firmly.

Returning to the barracks like the wind, as soon as Yeyueshen got off the car, JB greeted him:

"It happened suddenly, and I just got the news. Your sister's information is super secret, and I can't know it in advance!"

"What exactly is going on!"

Ye Yueshen looked at JB incomprehensible:

"Why do you suddenly plan to work all year? Is there a problem with the plan?"

"It seems that you need to confirm with your sister in person, I'm just a messenger!"

JB shrugged helplessly, and then gave Ye Yueshen a pass:

"This is the latest magnetic strip pass. Your comrades in arms are already waiting at the headquarters. You can go and say goodbye to them. Although you may have to leave for a while, they still have to continue their tasks, understand!"


Yeyueshen nodded, and when he received the pass, he turned around and rode on his motorcycle, rushing towards the secret organization's headquarters. That place is where he is now working, and Mazi is also one of them. I just didn't expect to say goodbye to everyone so soon!

Riding a motorcycle with a roaring motor, Ye Luna brought a magnetic strip pass all the way to the headquarters. After waiting for a while, he saw O'Neal, Robart and Millie who had just returned from a busy day!

"Your face is not good! Night Moon God!"

Seeing Ye Yueshen standing in the hall with a dark face, Millie said worriedly:

"Did something happen?"


Ye Yueshen nodded, looked up at everyone, and was stunned!

Just as Ye Yueshen raised his head, a mass of black air suddenly appeared on the top of O'Neill's head, making Ye Yueshen's muscles tense.

"Hey! Dude, what's wrong with you? It's so serious, it doesn't look like criticism!"

O'Neill grinned, and Ye Luna hooked his fingers directly at him and said:

"Let's go over there and talk!"

Doubtfully, he followed Ye Yueshen to the corner. Before O'Neal spoke, Ye Yueshen quickly said:

"Maybe you don't believe it, but it's true. I really have the ability to be hopeful since I was a child. Although you can't understand it, in short, it is the ability to predict things. It's far from being complicated, but I see it. A little bit of fierceness, you may encounter danger to your life in the next mission, I am here to remind you! When you encounter possible danger, you must avoid it as soon as possible, and then shoot. On the battlefield, the goddess of luck is not always on your side. this way!"


Staring at Ye Luna, O'Neal's mind really couldn't turn around for a while!

"Okay, I remember your words, thank you!"

O'Neill grinned, patted Luna's shoulder with his hand, and said:

"Although I haven't understood what's going on, but since you are so serious, I naturally keep it in my heart!"

After speaking, Ye Yueshen and Millie went to the small room to explain the current situation.

"No, I haven't been with you for a long time!"

Millie hugged Ye Luna's waist excitedly, and her always strong face became full of tears.

"Don't worry! I will definitely be back!"

Yeyueshen nodded, reached out and patted Millie's back, although the two were in a relationship, Yeyueshen knew very well that the private time that really belongs to the two of them has been pitiful over the years.

After saying goodbye to Millie reluctantly, Ye Yueshen went out, glanced at the building he frequented recently, shook his head, stepped on the motorcycle, and flew directly to a secret place according to the address that JB sent him via text message. I went to find Yiji.

In order to avoid attracting attention, the projects that have been successfully implemented have been moved to a secret place overseas, and the time that Yiji has been able to come out over the years has actually been continuously stretched, from the original six months to three months now. , Ye Yueshen originally thought that this time would end sooner, but what he didn't expect was that Yiji planned to do it for a year at once!

"long time no see!"

Yiji grinned and waited for Ye Yueshen at the door, but the latter just shook her head helplessly and asked impatiently:

"Why is this? We should have spent more time with each other. Why did you suddenly make this decision?"

"There are a lot of people here, let's go and see the scenery!"

Yiji smiled and walked to Yeyueshen, holding Yeyueshen's hand, smiling like a child.

Chapter [-] Do not forget the original intention

On the edge of the cliff, the crazy sea breeze was blowing head-on, and both Ye Yueshen and Kazuhime's hair were ruffled, while the two stood opposite each other, laughing extraordinarily happily.

"Since you have already mastered [-]% of the system, why do you have to work so hard to stay for a whole year?"

Ye Yueshen shook his head and looked at Yi Ji, his face full of incomprehension.

"But there are still [-]% that I haven't mastered! After so many years, we have grown up, and this shameless system is still imprisoning me. Is this appropriate?"

Yiji shook her head, her hair was blown neatly behind her head, looking like a queen.

"Then what do you want?"

Ye Yueshen's face was full of curiosity, her elder sister's ambition seemed to be getting bigger and bigger, and she was very dissatisfied with her current achievements.

"Of course it took a year of hard work to completely grasp this dead system! At that time, it will not be this organization, this government, this shameless system that controls my era, but the era that I control this government and organization through this system. !"

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