"Anyway, in this regard, give me some flexibility!"

"Yeah, got it!"

Ye Shenyue nodded and looked at Song Heman without moving...

"You still understand the truth, forget it!"

Song Heman nodded in surprise, and by the way he was relieved, and finally became somewhat normal:

"Also, can you understand the joke?"

"Not very fond of jokes!"

Ye Shenyue responded bluntly, Song Heman listened to it, and quickly turned his head and whispered:

"Fortunately I asked..."

Then he hurriedly turned around, coughed lightly, and said:

"Then, I specifically allow you to call me by my name directly. You should have added a young lady after my name when you called it, but forget it now!"

Silence, still silence, Ye Shenyue's light eyes, cold eyes, stared at Song Heman, but said nothing.

After taking a few deep breaths, Song Heman finally couldn't help crouching down with Ye Shenyue on his back, holding his head and saying to himself:

"It's over, did you say something that shouldn't be said? According to the template, this should be fine! Ah, ah, really, here's..."

Having said that, Song Heman suddenly stood up, as if mad, and yelled at Ye Shenyue:

"The one just now, do it all over again!"

"I can call you Xiaoman directly, right?"

Ye Shenyue was silent for a long time, and finally spoke.

"Uh, yes, yes!"

Putting down the raised hand, Song Heman took a deep breath and finally relaxed himself.He also spoke quickly:

"That's it! That's it..."

Saying that, he took out a few candies from his pocket and stuffed them into his mouth.

"What are you eating?"

"Only, just lemon candy, what's the matter?"

Song Heman covered his candy and looked at Ye Shenyue with distrust.

"I only asked because you deliberately ate it in front of me and showed it to me!"

"Hey, long-winded, I didn't eat it to show you! Humph!"

Song Heman said, don't look away, suddenly widened his eyes, and said to himself with a look of joy:

"Ah, I feel like what I said just now is good! Maybe I have a lot of potential!"

"Is this the legendary arrogant?"

Ye Shenyue shrugged and looked at Song Heman indifferently. At this moment, a girl with straight hair was walking out of the school gate and disappeared on the edge of the wall...

Chapter [-] Miss Man


With a miserable cry, Song Heman, who had finally recovered to normal, was shocked by Ye Shenyue's words and retreated. Like a bowling ball, he retreated directly to the back of the classroom. He pressed his hand against the wall and took a deep breath. said aloud:

"No! No, that's not right, that's how it was originally... Hey, no way, would ordinary people suddenly say this?"

"I see!"

Ye Shenyue nodded silently and walked towards Song Heman:

"Because you want to attract the attention of men, you are so arrogant!"


Song Heman, who was told by Ye Shenyue's words in his heart, stood there, staring blankly at Ye Shenyue who came over, with a stupid face.

"But I really don't understand, why did your hair fade?"

As Ye Shenyue walked, she stared at Song Heman's eyes, her eyes sharp and sharp.

"This... this, this is the original color, the original!"

Song He was shaking all over with excitement, dancing and looking at Ye Shenyue, arguing loudly.

Ye Shenyue, who walked in front of Song Heman, stood still, put one hand on her waist, and said:

"Lie, real blonde should be a more natural color! Next time I'll write you some hair dye from the US!"


Trembling all over, with chaotic eyes and a blushing face, Matsushima looked at Ye Shenyue angrily, unable to say a word.

"Then, back to the previous question, why did it fade?"

Ye Shenyue looked down at Song Heman's hair curiously, and the tip of her nose was only ten centimeters away from Song Heman's forehead!

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