
Excitedly wanting to step back, Song Heman was about to turn around when Ye Shenyue grabbed her long double ponytail:

"You have this hairstyle too, I don't usually see it!"

"Because, because it must be like this, there is no way!"

Pushing Ye Shenyue once, Song Heman turned his head away, shook his hands a few times, and folded his fists in front of his chest while leaning on his side, and said shyly:

"Aojiao is cursed!"


Ye Shenyue was stunned for a moment, hearing such a statement for the first time, she couldn't help but be a little curious.

"Da da!"

A pair of short-heeled leather shoes was kicked out by Song Heman, standing barefoot on the ground, Song Heman took a deep breath and said:

"Aojiao must be..."

As he spoke, he suddenly stood on the desk, pointed at Ye Shenyue, and said excitedly:

"Blonde double ponytail, do you understand... No, you must understand!"

While speaking, a gust of breeze blew in from the window, Ye Shenyue raised her head and pretended not to see anything!

"Aojiao is really hard work! I understand..."

Ye Shenyue looked at Song Heman indifferently, and extended her hand to her friendly:

"Anyway, please take care of me in the future."

"It won't take care of you!"

Song Heman turned his body on his side, hugged his arms, and said with a displeased expression:

"Just take care of yourself alone!"

"Ah, I don't need you to say that I plan to do it too!"

Ye Shenyue said with a little sincerity, retracted her arms, turned around and picked up a desk that was brought down by Songhe, and put it away.

"At this time, according to reason, you should be depressed for a while! Idiot!"

Song He, who was completely speechless by Ye Shenyue's calm gaze, roared in frustration.

"Aojiao is really hard work!"

Ye Shenyue looked at Song Heman with a side face, and said quite emotionally.


Shouting, Song He looked at Ye Shenyue in horror, how can he still be so calm at this time, how should he deal with this new student?

"Forget it, let me out!"

With a crying voice, Song Heman pointed at the door of the classroom and said angrily.

"Are you crying?"

Ye Shenyue looked at Song Heman strangely and said speechlessly:

"Did I do something bad?"

"I didn't cry! Idiot!"

Song Heman covered his little face, turned his head away, and tried his best to suppress his emotions.

"Good morning to you!"

At this moment, the door was suddenly opened, and Xiaoling Xing walked in with a smile on his face, with Tianyin and Shicai in the nest behind him.

After saying good morning to Ye Shenyue, the three people filed in.

"Good morning! Miss Man!"

Xiao Lingxing walked past the podium, not caring about the scattered tables, chairs and benches in front of him, and still greeted Song Heman, who had just been hurt by Ye Shenyue from heart to spirit, with a smile.


With a cry, Song Heman, who had put on his shoes, rushed over at once:

"Fortunately, didn't I tell you not to call me Miss Man?"

As he said that, he directly covered Xiao Lingxing's mouth with a look of excitement.

"But Miss Man, you didn't say you had to call me that, so..."

With Song Heman covering his mouth, Xiao Lingxing tried his best to say this, although it sounded grumpy.

"All, all said, it was a joke, that..."

Quickly letting go of Xiao Lingxing's mouth, Songhe danced and explained, as if he had done something wrong!

"Well, like this, because you said you must, so I..."

Koichi Xiaoling was so excited that he almost cried, when Songhe Man saw it, he hurriedly stopped:

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