"Wow, don't cry, don't cry! Anyway, for now, this is an order, an order!"

"Yes, stop crying!"

Xiaoling Xing nodded and returned to normal in an instant.

"Got it, call it what you like, call it what you want!"

Song Heman nodded helplessly, and Tian Yin, who was behind Xiao Lingxing, couldn't help but lower his head and chuckle.

"Yes, Miss Man!"

Xiaoling Xing nodded enthusiastically, Songhe continued to fall into the fine points without any accident...

Returning to his seat with a tired face, Song Heman fell to the ground all of a sudden, covering his head between his hands.

"Are you all right, Miss Man?"

Ye Shenyue was sitting not far away, seeing Song Heman so precise, she couldn't bear to ask a question.

"I killed you!"

Song He stood up like a spring, looking at Ye Shenyue with resentment and shouting.

"Good morning!"

Tachibana Qianhe's voice came from the door, Song Heman hurriedly sat down.

"Is everyone here?"

Tachibana Chizuru looked down while walking to the podium.

"It doesn't seem to be..."

Glancing at everyone with a little helplessness, Tachibana Qianhe smiled apologetically at Yagami, yes, Yumiko is not here for Yagami's mission!

"Where's Yumiko?"

Tachibana Qianhe asked helplessly.

"Don't big people always arrive late? It's been like this lately!"

Song Heman responded with a slight displeasure, and looked out the window with an expression full of resentment.

Chapter [-] Sakaki Yumiko

"Indeed, these days, I only come here in the evening!"

Tianyin shrugged helplessly, as if she didn't like this classmate.

"Yumiko what happened to him?"

Nina Mina also looked at Yumiko's seat curiously, and said in a milky voice.

"Is something wrong?"

Xiaoling Xing had a worried look on his face, and seemed to feel remorse for not understanding the dynamics of his classmates in time.


Ye Shenyue silently recited this rare surname, frowning involuntarily.

After class, Ye Shenyue and the monitor Xiaoling Xing were walking in the corridor. After Xiaoling Xing introduced the situation of the teaching building, he asked curiously:

"What? Classmate Ye Shenyue isn't planning to go back yet?"


Ye Shenyue nodded and said:

"Because there are still classmates who haven't said hello..."

"Oh yes!"

Xiaoling Xing nodded, lowered his head to think for a moment, and suddenly ran in front of Ye Shenyue and said:


"Oh? What's wrong?"

Ye Shenyue was curious for a while, Xiao Lingxing lowered her head to think for a moment, raised her head and said to Ye Shenyue awkwardly:

"No, nothing is... I'm sorry!"

She bowed to Ye Shenyue, and then ran away quickly!

Looking at the figure of Xiaoling Xing leaving, Ye Shenyue blinked her eyes and looked up at the sunset outside the window, and said silently:

"Be careful, more careful than usual!"

In the sunset, the sound of birds chirping filled the entire campus. In the classroom, a pair of jade hands opened the textbook in front of him. A girl with long hair was wearing a school uniform, sitting by the window, supporting her head with her hands, and quietly reading the book. .

The bright sunlight shone on the girl's body, as if it had plated a layer of golden light for her, and the gentle wind blew over the girl's clothes and hair, like silk.

In the quiet corridor, Ye Shenyue's footsteps were getting closer and closer. In the classroom, Sakaki Yumiko, who had long been unwilling to read a book, let the wind blow the pages of the book, and cast her slightly sad eyes on the book, like a crystal light.

Walking lightly into the classroom, Ye Shenyue stood on the podium, holding her schoolbag and putting her hands in her pockets, she said with a little surprise:

"Yo, are you Sakaki Yumiko?"

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