No matter what, Ye Shenyue couldn't escape casually and must be responsible for her.But now, she has an even bigger problem, which is to settle Aria.

If it's just a single teenager, of course she's fine, after all, she's already kissed.

From Bai Xuejiang's point of view, a kiss is a promise made in this life, which must not be violated... If it is violated, she will never let such a thing happen.

After all, she is still carrying all kinds of terrifying weapons such as chains that make people dread.

But that situation only applies to ordinary teenagers. Now she is facing a popular teenager. Against such a teenager, she has to defeat many competitors!

And Aria's stealthy cat is one!

Bai Xue is not stupid. As soon as she walked out of the bathroom door, she saw Yagami Moon standing in front of Aria's door. It would be strange if they didn't have Bai Xue-chan.

As the shrine maiden of Xingga, she still has the power of observation and tracking.After all, it belongs to the power of Miko-sama that has been handed down from generation to generation.

Huge spiritual power!

It's just that such a huge spiritual power is not used to eliminate demons in the right way, but to track and exercise eyesight. Those priestesses will cry.

Right now, Snow White has a full awareness in her heart that Aria will be the biggest obstacle to her pursuit of happiness.

As long as she has done her ideological work, everything will be solved easily.

As for the imprisonment of Xingjia, in the hearts of girls who are in love now, in addition to love, they are rivals in love, where is there any place to place the shrine?

Of course, ignore it first.

Moreover, the important thing is that Ye Shenyue told her last night that she would be rescued from the cage, but she was looking forward to that day.

Nympho, also has the benefits of nympho.Relatively natural, not easy to hurt.

If someone else is in her position, in that kind of imprisonment-like life, if she thinks about and complains, then it must be that kind of resentful person.

There is no limit to the temperament of a wife like Yamato Nadeko.

"Then... that... last night... last night... last night... how far... how far have you... done? Do... how many nasty things have you done? If you don't tell the truth... I'll give you the A hole! Open a hole!"

Although it was intentional to be angry with Ye Shenyue, but she got on the bus with Bai Xue, and the double ponytail Lori said that she still cared about what happened last night.

So, I asked this person.

"Down... nasty things..."

The shrine maiden of Xingjia was still a very pure and pure girl before her blackening.

"Like Aria, I've got Saya's lips..."

"Mouth...lips? Could it be...could it've already kissed? That man with a heart! It's really unreliable!"

If it is usual, a certain double ponytail loli will definitely add a sentence behind it, "I have to tell my mother about this!"

But now, not now.

"But...but don't worry...I...I'm not pregnant yet!"

The shrine maiden of Xingga on this side suddenly spoke astonishingly.

This is an earth-shattering sentence, this sentence is so familiar, because Aria said it herself, and also brought out the original words of her mother...

"Kiss and get pregnant!"

It's just now that this sentence sounds... to Loli, who has been forced by Ye Shenyue to read the physiology book, how... how terrifying!

That guy... that guy from my father must have done something nasty!

"That... bird and beast! Must... must make a hole for him!"

A certain loli has fallen into a state of rampage, and the dual guns have also been taken out and ready to shoot.

Fortunately, this was the early bus and there was no one there, otherwise, I would have thought it was hijacked by the Butei killer.

It's just that Aria's act of drawing the gun still frightened the driver, and the driver's speed dropped all of a sudden.

"Dong dong dong..."

But at this time, Bai Xue's cell phone rang.

That's the tone of the phone's incoming message.It was the sound of a bell, and it suited the voice of a priestess.

Snow White still has the self-sufficiency of the shrine maiden of Xingga.

"what happened?"

Aria asked, putting the gun down temporarily.She could still distinguish the priorities of things.

"'s nothing...let's go to school quickly..."

Bai Xue turned around and looked at the message, her face was pale for a moment, but when she saw that Aria was about to rush over to look at her phone, she quickly closed the phone, then hid the phone with both hands and turned around to pretend to be something. Things are not like.


Aria looked at 2.7 Baixue a little more, as if something was wrong.

It's really not right. At the moment, they are on the bus, but what Bai Xuejiang said is to hurry up. What is the way to hurry up in the bus now?

And a certain double ponytail Lolita, although you are an S-rank Butei, she didn't think much about it at the moment, now this Lolita's mind is flashing, "Could it be that guy with a flower heart? Suddenly send a text message to Bai Xue! This is...a broken thread? That really a beast, a big beast!"

She clearly knew the emotion in her heart.

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