It must have been... intentional.

Aria turned her head again, a fist hanging directly on the railing, and a score appeared on the railing.about to crack.It can be seen how high the anger value of this loli is.

A girl who falls in love is not only simply deceitful but also... violent.

Chapter 024 Bai Xue Was Kidnapped?

Butei High School.

A race track for spacious cars.

This is Butei High School. In addition to basic Mandarin, math and English, courses related to Butei have also been added.Such as firearms and locomotive driving.

Now Yagami is driving a minivan on a high-speed drift.It's just that he has a modified body that can already be called a pervert, and driving a car to perform difficult actions in the eyes of ordinary people is like playing.

Eyesight, the flexibility of the hand has reached an unsurpassed realm.

Ye Shenyue stopped the car directly after the last lap.

"So handsome!"

Although it was a locomotive driving class, the girls in the class also had to learn, so there were many nympho girls around.

Hearing their exclamations, Ye Shenyue subconsciously wanted to take two steps back, because at this time, one of his arrogant double ponytails would have shouted, "I'm playing with flowers again, I want to make a hole, make a hole."

words like that.Then he took out two black and white robbers and started shooting at random.

Only today, it seems to be different.

Aria had been dragging Baixue off since the morning, and now she is nowhere to be seen in class.Aria has enough credits, so skipping classes or something is not a problem at all, after all, they still have the title of S-rank Butei.

However, I knew that the opening ceremony of the Butei Contest would only take two hours to wait.The guy from Aria still disappeared, even with Bai Xue.

But Ye Shenyue knew that she was pushing Bai Xuejiang to join the cheerleading team, and she could occasionally hear the sound of the two practicing in the room.

Or did they take advantage of this last minute to secretly rehearse?

This... seems to be possible too.

For Ye Shenyue, who is not on stage just as an audience, it seems that she can understand the hardship of "one minute on stage and ten years of work off stage".

It seems that little Aria is still very motivated.

Ye Shenyue was looking forward to her cheerleading performance.

"Night God Moon!"

He just stopped the car. It wasn't that Muto, the good engine oil, just rushed over and complained that Yashenyue was faster than him, but he walked over with a lady's cigarette that had been broken several times in his mouth. Teacher plum.

Snow White's head teacher.

Tsuru-sensei's facial expression at this time was not admiration or relief, but directly pulled Yagami to the corner and asked nervously.

Ask Snow White for news!

Snow White is gone!

Tsuru-sensei just wanted to find Bai Xue, but found that she was not in the class and no one had seen her!

Could it be that he was kidnapped by the magic sword?

As a volunteer bodyguard, the bodyguard is still here, so what about the client?

Of course, Mr. Tsuru came to him.

"Tsuru-sensei... calm down first, I'll investigate right away!"

If it's just with Aria, then Snow White shouldn't be lost.

First to appease Mr. Tsuru, Ye Shenyue began to call a certain double ponytail loli.

"Hey... Aria... Is Snow White with you?"

"Bai Xue? You finally think of me! What a father without a conscience! Didn't you just call Bai Xue and let Bai Xue go out? It's clearly your voice..."

It seems that because I only saw Bai Xue's information in the car and called Bai Xue again in the secret training room, Aria was not in a good mood.

This was just a complaint from Tsundere Lolita, but it made Ye Shenyue groan in her heart.

Bai Xue... Sure enough, she was taken away.

Joan of Arc has a strong voice-changing and cross-dressing ability.

"Tsuru-sensei... You can rest assured, I will definitely get Shiraishi back before the opening ceremony... Aria... You also started to act, Shirayuki was probably attracted by the magic sword, I didn't fight at all just now. Call and text her!"

"Hey... how is this!"

Aria on the other end of the phone screamed, feeling... that Bai Xue should have been kidnapped under her nose!

"But the one who took Baixue this time was the Demon Sword... Aria... Come on, you know that if the Demon Sword is arrested, then Kanae's..."

"Then another 125 years will be subtracted from Mom's crime!"

The twin ponytails are already excited. For the arrogant little girl, the crime of her mother is really the most important thing. She went back to Japan deliberately to clear her mother's crime.

Now...everything is going in the right direction.

It seems... it seems that Bai Xue was kidnapped... This is also very... pleasant to see... Looking for the place where Bai Xue was taken away...

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