It would be great if Jeanne took it away, but Ye Shenyue forgot where Bai Xue was hidden in the original book.

Sure enough, can only be searched slowly?

He remembered that the dialogue that Joan of Arc persuaded Bai Xue to surrender was very short, that is to say, if he didn't catch up, then... Bai Xue would really leave with Joan of Arc.

"Bang bang bang!"

Three consecutive bullets shot at Yagami's feet, and as long as he moved forward a few centimeters, he would be shot.

The bullets all landed on the hard concrete floor.

This is……

Ye Shenyue looked up at the place where the bullet came from.

Where is a dark green short-haired expressionless girl lying on her stomach in a standard posture, holding a sniper gun, and then shooting.

After the first three rounds, the girl actually fired another 10 rounds in a row.

This time, the shot was not aimed at the ground but at Yagami's feet.

To dodge the bullets, you have to move fast, and it looks like you're dancing.

"Lei Ji, you are really bad fun!"

One second, Yagami was trying her best to dodge the bullets she fired, but the next second, she moved directly to the girl who was still shooting.

"Teleportation? should be...moving at super fast speed! It's so fast that it's like getting here in an instant."

Ye Shenyue suddenly appeared in front of her, but this girl didn't have a surprised expression, nor was she defensive, but... secretly speculated.

ps: Thanks to qsxeszll2, man, hicker0, for the flowers and comments of the lost section.Secondary illness also depends on the reward and monthly ticket of the novel.

Chapter 025 Please marry me!

Ye Shenyue's speed was very fast, and in an instant, she appeared beside the person who had been shooting at him a second ago.

Yagami looked at the shooter.

This is a three-free loli, with an expressionless face, but it makes people feel that she must be cute.

"As expected of the man I liked!"

Wearing the orange earphones, I pulled the earphones slightly apart. I was still in the prone shooting posture, but now I gradually got up.

Then she said this to Ye Shenyue, who had a strange expression on her face.

As expected of a man I like!

Such a claim, no matter how you look at it, is the kind of domineering person who can claim it.

It's like a certain golden glitter saw something she liked and said magically, "This thing is what this king likes, and it belongs to this king!"

and many more……

He seemed to have forgotten something.Lei Ji is a descendant of Genghis Khan, a generation of arrogant emperors. As a descendant of that kind of emperor, how... how can he say with a domineering side.

Domineering or something, it really has nothing to do with gender?

"That... Raiki..."

It's just that she can make an oath no matter how domineering she is, but Ye Shenyue wants to justify it.

Because in his memory, he didn't have any particularly powerful entanglement with Raiji.In Yagami's impression, Lei Ji is a three-dimensional loli with no smile and no expression. The last time Riko planted a bomb on the bus, it was Lei Ji's bullet and then the bomb was fired. fly.

At that time, I just contacted her, and Rai Ji nodded directly to take over the task.

And Lei Ji also received the reward, 100 million yen, so it seems that he and Lei Ji really have no long-term connection.

At most it's an employment relationship!Where is the relationship full of adultery?

He doesn't even know about such a relationship!

"Our family respects powerful men..."

Without waiting for Ye Shenyue to ask directly, Lei Ji, who had already stood up, had already picked up the sniper gun and explained it herself.

Really simple and straightforward explanation.

Because strong men are admired, it is a simple and domineering declaration to see a strong man directly declare "This man is mine"!

"But Raiki... I don't seem to... have shown anything in front of you before... How do you know that I am stronger? There are many people who are stronger than me in this world..."

Ye Shenyue Dark Khan, he didn't know that the descendants of Genghis Khan of that generation were actually so... domineering.

It's just that Lei Ji's own rank is only S rank, and there are several others at S rank. If she chooses someone who she thinks is strong like this, and if she meets someone who is more powerful, then she Isn't it a loss?

Since we advocate power, we have to find the most powerful person from the very beginning!

Reggie wouldn't be so sloppy!


The girl with dark green short hair shook her head calmly, as if what Ye Shenyue said were completely wrong, "This world... oh no, even if someone is stronger than you now. But in the future, you will Become stronger than anyone!"

Lei Ji actually threw the gun, and threw it on the ground like this. He was clearly the one who cared about the gun the most as a sniper, and she, who regarded the gun as a companion, actually put it like this in such an environment without warning. Her gun was thrown away!

Throw it away and throw it away, but now the dark green short-haired girl is the fairy looking at Ye Shenyue and looks over.

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