To be more precise, come over.

The distance between Ye Shenyue and her was originally less than 1 meter. She only took two steps to reach Ye Shenyue's feet, her body almost sticking to it.

"So... please marry me!"

This is the most domineering declaration ever made with a blank face.

This declaration is much more powerful than the "man I like" just now.

Belonging and appreciating from the beginning has risen to the meaning of belonging completely.

Domineering claim!

please marry me!

"This one……"

The sudden confession or something, Ye Shenyue has already deeply experienced it from Bai Xuejiang. As for this marriage proposal without any circumspection... This is the first time I have faced it.

It happened so suddenly that Ye Shenyue didn't know how to reply.

"Silence means nodding in agreement. Well...that's it."

He nodded expressionlessly, and the girl with dark green short hair was so unquestionably settled.

It's like saying "Eat the East for dinner", such a terrible word was given directly without giving anyone any space to think!

It's settled.


And just like that... suddenly it became... remarriage?

Ye Shenyue opened her eyes.I really can't believe that there is an extra marriage contract like this. This is more exaggerated than the secret agreement between my childhood sweetheart and childhood sweetheart to get married when I grow up!

Childhood childhood sweethearts at least gave time to consider, and this Lei Ji, this is a unilateral decision that does not give people thinking at all!

" calm down should be calmer when you are alone, were you anxiously looking for someone just now? Was it Xingjia Baixue?"

As if it was a foregone conclusion, Lei Ji really felt that there was nothing to threaten her, so she just said something very important.

"Well... calm down..."

It is indeed calming down a bit, being enveloped by such an explosive news, Yashenyue already knows what it means to turn the corner, and the five bodies hit by Lei Ji’s words and speed fell to the ground, forgetting everything, forgetting all this, can you continue to be nervous?

It's just that Reiki seemed to be talking about the act of shooting at him just now.

Could it be that the act of shooting just now was not a bad taste, but to calm him down?

Then... the words just now are also... to calm him down?

In the end... what does Reiki want to do?

With a certain mood, Ye Shenyue seized the opportunity to ask, "In other words, the marriage proposal just now was also to calm me down?"

Although the possibility is very low, Ye Shenyue still asked.

It's just too embarrassing to not understand being proposed by the other party and then not being able to question it.

If the other party is not a mouthless loli, Ye Shenyue will definitely go crazy.

"It's not fake. What I said just now is true. According to my intuition, you are the most likely candidate to become powerful. So you must marry me!"

"So...forget it...don't talk about it... Back to the topic just now, if you are looking for Xingjia Baixue, then I saw her at the third warehouse 10 minutes ago. You should be in a hurry. ."

Without any unnatural expression, classmate Lei Ji mentioned the word marriage again.

Both words are true no matter how you look at them.

Just saying the first sentence is nothing, but after saying the next sentence, Ye Shenyue's chin almost fell.

"Hey Hey hey……"

Why did Reggie change the subject?Is this skill already equipped by all people?

It's just that Lei Ji is Lei Ji in the end, and the location of Bai Xue directly stated in the latter sentence makes Ye Shenyue unable to continue, and she has no chance to refute her.

Because now... I have to find Bai Xue.

I hope Bai Xue has not been deceived by the magic sword.

"Wait a moment!"

Just when Yashenyue was about to leave, when her front feet were all open, Reggie, who had brought her sniper gun back, pulled the hem of Yashinyue's clothes.

stopped him.

Don't let him go.


Ye Shenyue, who was caught, couldn't leave at all, at most she would go with Lei Ji.It's just that if you go with Lei Ji, even if the heart-shaking Bai Xue doesn't want to follow the magic sword, she will leave because of jealousy!

So... Lei Ji, is absolutely not allowed to play!

"I told you Bai Xue's location just now, and you have to leave the corresponding price."


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