Are you Miss Yuko?Still want to exchange for equivalent?But Ye Shenyue still responded, "What do you want? Too much is not acceptable."

Like the so-called marriage just now, it's basically her unilateral overlord clause!

"I want your... jacket!"

Lei Ji said word by word, but stopped when she said "you".It made Ye Shenyue almost hairy, this is a mouthless loli, do you still want to do that now?

Now we are on the way to find Snow White!

"Coat? What are you doing with my coat?"

After listening to it all, Ye Shenyue breathed a sigh of relief, Lei Ji just liked to scare him.Unexpectedly, this loli also has the black belly of Youjiang.

It is the most terrifying person who usually does not reveal the landscape.

Especially when they are still loli.

"The ground was a little cold when I was sniping just now...I wanted to find something to keep warm."

Lei Ji shook her thin pale red school uniform, as if she was still cold.


It turned out to be the case.

Indeed, although Ye Shenyue did not participate in sniper training, he understood that to have such a powerful strength at such a young age requires constant training.

No matter how talented you are, you can't truly become a genius without training.

Like the arrogant Loli Aria who shoots at him with two guns all day, but Yagami knows that this Loli is also in the yard for shooting training every morning.

She also grew stronger by herself little by little.

And Lei Ji is the same, the sniping is really powerful, but they often hit a shot, and in order to choose the timing of the shot, they have to ambush for a long time.

Like now, lying on the ground and sticking to the cold ground with a cute little belly is commonplace.

If it's a boy, it's nothing, and she doesn't care about the same-sex Yagami, but this is a delicate little loli like a petal.

How can such a cute loli suffer?

Ye Shenyue was still wearing a shirt under her jacket, so it was okay to take it off.Very quickly, the dark red school uniform was taken off.

Then handed it to Reggie.

It's just that people are stunned and even widened their eyes, this dark green short-haired Sanwu Loli did not directly put on a thick coat that can block bullets, but made an eye-catching one. The move to fall.


She's actually undressing!

Not getting dressed but undressing!

This... what kind of plot is this!

The night god and moon wind were messy.

And Reggie's undressing speed was still very slow, very slow, as if she was deliberately showing a figure that was almost equal to Aria.

Did you see that he was a lolicon?

So you show your body on purpose?

To watch...or not to watch?

Now there is Snow White to look for...

But Loli's rare initiative to undress... Wouldn't it be a waste of Loli's will if she didn't watch it?

Sure enough... still choose...

Choose to watch it!

Ye Shenyue widens

Chapter 026


Ye Shenyue sadly found that he was lost!

Where is this third warehouse?

Sure enough... As expected, she couldn't be fascinated by the lolita figure of Sanwu Lolita, Ye Shenyue shook her head vigorously, and immediately called her daughter who would not be confused.

"Aria... already knows Baixue's location, in the third warehouse."

"Already know? Well... I'll be here soon... Good job... But how did you know? Forget it... Let's find Bai Xue right away, it's really uncomfortable, she's actually in my hands Lost, that magic sword... that guy with the magic sword will definitely not spare her!"

Aria on the other end of the phone was breathing heavily, and she seemed to be looking for Bai Xue too.

It's just that her questioning and self-answering, like a machine gun, almost made Yagami threw away her phone.

How the hell did he know the source of Snow White's news... Absolutely... Absolutely can't tell Aria!

But now, there are more important things.

"Aria...there is one more serious question..."

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