"You're not too bad!"

Ye Yueshen smiled, looked at the sunset in the distance, and said with emotion:

"At one time, everyone thought that time was infinite and so was life, but they never thought that one day, they would find that time is just an indicator to measure the length of one's life, and life is limited!"

"Why are you so sad all of a sudden?"

Yumiko stared at Ye Yueshen's eyes and said with some playfulness:

"Aren't you already very strong? With your current ability and level, many people may not be able to reach it in their lifetime!"

"It's not sentimental, it's just that beautiful things should stay forever, not die, just like you, should not be spent in boring time, but should let people appreciate the best side!"

Yeyueshen looked back at Yumiko, with waterfall-like hair, sharp eyes, beautiful face, perfect body, kind heart, except for not being a genius, the rest of the characteristics are on a par with Yiji!

"But jealousy and desire in people's hearts are the driving force for destroying beauty. You can't see others being better than yourself. Like a fly, you look for weaknesses on eggshells, as if these weaknesses can turn a perfect eggshell into a mess. Kong's shameless existence is normal!"

With tears in her eyes, Yumiko looked into the distance. When the person she once trusted the most shamelessly said bad things about her in front of outsiders, at that moment, Yumiko gave up her motivation to show her good side to the world until she met her. Night Moon God!

"Don't worry, the tempering of that hand's life is also a gift of time. It is like a gauze, sifting the dregs around you, and what is left is the beauty that can accompany a lifetime, maybe very little. , but good!"

Yeyueshen reached out and stroked Yumiko's hair like a waterfall, and hugged Yumiko, who was already sobbing, in her arms. Once, in the woods, Yumiko held Yeyueshen like this, revealing her inner heart, and today, Ye Yueshen. With such a hug, Luna encourages Yumiko, who is gradually adapting to her new life!

"Night Moon God!"

The arrival of Tianyin broke the tranquility of the surroundings. Ye Yueshen hugged Yumiko and looked at the door, only to see Tianyin, who had been sitting in the room watching TV, running over anxiously!

"What is it?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Tian Yin and asked!

"You don't have to let go!"

Tianyin glanced at the surprised Yumiko, and said while walking:

"I don't mind Yeyueshen being with you at all. The reason why I came to disturb is just because an important person called Yeyueshen!"


Ye Yueshen was stunned for a moment, and quickly brought the phone over, smiled apologetically at Yumiko, and said to the other end of the phone:

"Ichiki, how's it going?"

"Your life is very rich!"

Ichiki muttered in dissatisfaction, then paused, and said:

"I have already found out the background of the girl named Song Heman, don't be surprised to say it!"

"I haven't seen anything on the battlefield, tell me!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, Yiji hummed, and then said:

"The reason why she went to your school is that she was stimulated. This stimulation was that her former best friend committed suicide, and then performed a heart transplant. That crazy and bloody scene, I believe, should have an impact on her bone marrow!"

Chapter [-] Songhe's Heart Full

"Although it's so late, I still want to talk to you!"

Yeyueshen stood in front of Songheman's door, looked at her firmly and said.

"You are so annoying!"

Without the appearance of being nervous during the day, Song Heman seemed to be very unhappy that Ye Yueshen came to his room at night to find him!

"Can you leave me alone?"

Song Heman said impatiently, after knowing Songheman's situation from Yiji's mouth, Ye Yueshen paid particular attention to Songheman these days!

"Sorry, I've seen it!"

Ye Yueshen took out a notebook from his hand and shook it at Songhe!

"This is……"

Song Heman's eyes suddenly widened, and he stared at Ye Yueshen, his eyes full of horror:

"It's the handwriting exchange between you and Xiaoman!"

Yeyueshen said lightly, knowing about Songheman from Yiji's mouth, Yeyueshen asked the already omnipotent Yiji to send it from the handwriting of Songheman in the United States!


Turning his face sideways and bowing his head without speaking, Song Heman's expression suddenly became hesitant!

"It will be replaced by the previous personality due to a heart transplant! Just show the plot of a B-grade horror movie!"

Ye Yueshen took a deep breath, shook his head and said with a helpless smile.

"Can't believe it?"

Song Heman said with a wry smile, looking into Yeyueshen's eyes.


Yeyueshen shrugged. Yeyueshen, as a god, still understands this kind of usurpation of personality. It is nothing more than that the recipient's willpower is weak, while the willpower of the transplant target is stronger, which leads to this phenomenon, but I want to return it. Thinking, Yeyueshen still couldn't say that to Song Heman, so he could only pretend to be surprised and say:

"No matter how absurd, I can only believe the facts in front of me!"

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