Saying that, Yeyueshen turned over the notebook in his hand and handed it to Song Heman and said:

"I think it's better for you to keep this thing. After all, this is also a memory of the past!"


Song Heman took the notebook from Ye Luna's hand, glanced at it, and said sadly:

"She said that she will never come back here again. I am against this, because this body is hers, and her determination cannot be changed!"

Speaking, Song Heman fell into the battle between heaven and man, and a timid voice sounded:

"Why do people die? The world is so sad, I wish it was all over."

"Is this really good?"

Song Heman responded to the voice in his heart:

"This is your body, it is your life!"

"I know……"

With a crying voice, the voice said aggrievedly:

"However, I don't have the confidence to continue, so I want to hand over the future me to you! If you do, I will be able to live well!"

After that, the fantasy in his heart disappeared under Song Heman's gaze. Looking at the disappearing mood, Song Heman slowly lowered his head and leaned against the door frame with a sad expression on his face!

"is it?"

After listening to Song Heman's narration, Yeyueshen felt uncomfortable:

"Since Xiaoman himself said it, maybe there is really no way! But..."

Yeyueshen looked at Song Heman with a dazed expression, and said with a pouted mouth:

"What do you think?"

"I think she should use this body to live in the future!"

Song Heman in front of him lowered his head and said lightly.

"If Xiaoman doesn't come back, you can live freely! Don't you want your life to start all over again?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Song Heman and said seriously.


Song Heman stared at Ye Yueshen with wide eyes and said hesitantly:

"It is true, but this is not my body!"

"So, you mean, you want to do what Xiaoman wants?"

Ye Yueshen's eyes are a little serious, and it looks slightly different from the usual relaxed.

"Well, yes!"

Song Heman turned his head away and nodded in response.

"For this, you, and this body, it doesn't matter what it becomes?"

Ye Yueshen stared at Song Heman's eyes and said very seriously!

"Uh, what does that mean?"

Song Heman was taken aback by Ye Yueshen's attitude and asked in surprise.

"Don't ask, just answer!"

Ye Yueshen stared at Song Heman's eyes and said:

"You think that you should give priority to doing what Xiaoman really wants, right?"


Song Heman nodded, looking at Ye Yueshen with unease and apprehension.

"Ok, I see!"

Ye Yueshen nodded and took out a small jar from his pocket.

"This is?"

Songhe looked curiously at the small jar in Yeyueshen's hand.

"What Xiaoman has been eating to restrain you!"

Ye Yueshen responded lightly:

"Eat this now, and Xiaoman should come out!"

After speaking, Ye Yueshen walked in directly, grabbed Song Heman's shoulder, and said seriously:

"I want to ask her what she thinks!"

"It's useless even to do that!"

Song Heman broke free and said sadly:

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