"She has..."

"Stop talking, eat now!"

Ye Yueshen let go of Songheman, pressed hard step by step, poured out a few pills from the jar, and said:

"By the way, in order to be more effective, eat more!"

Saying that, Ye Yueshen grabbed Song Heman who was about to turn around and ran away, and put the tablet in his hand into Song Heman's mouth!

"It's okay, not dead!"

Ye Yueshen whispered comforting while covering Songheman's mouth.


Struggling in pain, Song Heman still ate the pills in Ye Yueshen's hand, Ye Yueshen let go, Song Heman lay on the bed weakly!

Ye Yueshen saw Song He's expression full of pain, he pressed Song He's shoulder with his shoulder, and said in a low voice:

"Come out, come out!, I want to confirm your true thoughts!"


Uncomfortably trembling, Song Heman gritted his teeth and struggled in his heart!

"Come out, don't run away!"

Yeyueshen held Song Heman's shoulders tightly, frowned and said:

"If you have the slightest idea of ​​wanting to live! I will help you! I will save you no matter how much you pay! So please tell me what you really think!"

Ye Yueshen stared at Song Heman's widening eyes, and after struggling for a while, Song Heman's body suddenly softened!

"Xiaoman, say it well! I will do as you wish!"

Yeyueshen pressed Songheman and said solemnly!


Squeeze these three words out of the teeth in a row, Song Heman's expression looks extremely painful!

"What? Say it! Say it clearly!"

Ye Yueshen shouted loudly in Song Heman's ear, as if hoping to talk directly to her soul through Song Heman's body!

Chapter [-] Freshmen


Looking at Ye Yueshen with painful and empty eyes, Song Heman couldn't help but say the only word, a word that makes people hear no hope!

"I want to die!"

Song He's eyes were full of tears, and he turned his face to the side, no longer struggling:

"I don't want to lose anything anymore! Instead of losing someone, I might as well stop and live!"

Song He closed his eyes in pain, and Ye Yueshen's hand also loosened:

"Uh...is that so?"

Ye Yueshen took a deep breath and said weakly:

"Then I'll do as you wish!"

After speaking, Yeyueshen stood up, quietly looked at Song Heman lying in pain in bed, and said word by word:

"I'm here to kill you!"


Song Heman opened his eyes abruptly, his eyes filled with despair were startled and dimmed again!

"If you want to do this, let's start with the box that is ready to end this world!"

"Eh? Here is..."

When Song Heman opened his eyes again, there was already darkness in front of him!Reaching out and touching the bed board under him, the bare and exposed wood made Songheman feel a little cold all of a sudden!

"I can't move my body!"

Song He said suspiciously.

"are you awake?"

When the voice of Yeyueshen came, Songhe was full of surprises, and it was still pitch black in front of him, but Yeyueshen's voice seemed to come from above!

"Night Moon God?"

Song He opened his eyes that had been closed, and his tone became a lot colder. Hearing the voice of Ye Yueshen, it means that he has not left this painful world!

"You can't move because you've been given muscle relaxants, but don't worry, it will wear off after a while!"

Ye Yueshen stood on the ground with his back to the beautiful moonlight, and said quietly:

"As promised, I'll bury you where you like!"

"Uh...in the coffin?"

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