He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and a clear spring surged. Xiao Lingxing's heart, which was almost bleeding, slowly stopped beating three hundred times per second and returned to normal!

"A little, is it a little too far?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the water marks on the ground and thought a little embarrassedly.

Standing on the window sill and looking down, Yeyueshen saw that the entire Mihama Academy had completely fallen silent, and was inexplicably pleasantly surprised. It seemed that this originally irrelevant academy had suddenly become something that he wanted to protect!

"That street, that park, I've been there!"

Yeyueshen turned his back to Xiaoling Xing who was changing clothes and said lightly.


When his body tightened, Xiao Lingxing turned his head hesitantly. At this time, the Moon God Ye looked exceptionally handsome under the moonlight, just as he remembered!

"Long time no see, Xiao Xing!"

Yeyueshen faced Xiaoling Xing with a soft tone as if it were a lake under the moonlight!

"Finally remembered?"

Xiao Lingxing's tone was full of excitement and excitement. Although he had just experienced the crisis of the bomb, his tone was not so high-pitched, but the excitement in it could still be understood by everyone!

"I asked around a little bit, and I was lucky enough to meet your uncle! I heard that your parents had an accident!"

Yeyueshen turned his back to Xiaoling Xing again, and his tone was a lot dim. I really thought that in just a few years, some people's lives would undergo earth-shaking changes. Leave a good memory and compare the cruel reality, and then continue to torture your heart!

"My family runs a small factory. Although life is hard, my parents love me very much! But once the work is busy, the two of them can't take care of me. When I met Kazami's classmates, it was my parents who were busy. During that time! I felt that your expression when you were lonely was very similar to mine, and when I was playing with you, I could forget the loneliness! But, you came to that park less and less, and then that day, I was ten years old Birthday……"

Xiao Lingxing looked at Yeyueshen, tears could not stop flowing, although it was not a few years, but when I think about it now, it seems to be dividing the Spring and Autumn!

"Ten years, ten years old..."

Ye Yueshen lowered his head and muttered about this number. Who would have thought that his originally peaceful life would undergo earth-shaking changes when he was ten years old, and the change was so sudden and unexpected!

"That day, I sat at home alone, my parents accompanied me, and said to me..."

The tears in Xiao Lingxing's eyes became more and more, and they gathered together, and the previous picture appeared in front of him:

"Fortunately, today is your birthday, so the work is not done!"

Mother looked at Xiaoling Xing kindly, that smile seemed to be able to dissolve all the bad things in the world!


Xiaoling Xing didn't look very excited, stared wide-eyed, and asked dumbly!

"Because it made you feel lonely before!"

The father next to him nodded and said:

"So play with you all day today!"

Hearing this, Xiao Lingxing's eyes became even darker, and there was not a trace of surprise to show!


The father looked at Xiaoling Xing suspiciously. As soon as he asked a question, Xiao Ling Xing, who had always been well-behaved, shouted like a madman:

"If you want to celebrate your birthday like this, you two should go and celebrate!"

With that said, stand up and rush out!

"Wait! Fortunately!"

The mother called out loudly, but fortunately disappeared in front of me!

Chapter [-] The once love never left

"I'm venting! What I've been feeling for a long time is going to make you feel lonely? I can't forgive those two people, but when I was sitting on the swing in the park by myself, I found that I said very much. Excessive words.!

"Dad, Mom!"

At that time, Xiao Lingxing was holding the swing and crying hard. There was a voice calling from a distance. It was the voice of his parents. Xiaoling Xing got off the swing excitedly, ran and shouted towards the place where the sound came from:

"Dad, Mom!"


When the parents saw Xiaoling Xing, the excitement in their eyes could no longer be concealed. On the calm road, they only had their children in their eyes!


The voice of the ambulance echoed in his ears, Xiao Lingxing knelt on the ground, his eyes were bloodshot, from the moment his parents fell in front of him, Xiao Lingxing's eyes never closed!

Xiaoling Xing in the sunset looked up at the sunset and fell down weakly, while Xiaoling Xing in the classroom was already standing with Yeyue Shen, looking at the sunset outside the window and said calmly:

"My mother is unaware, and my father... left me forever! It was because of my human form that they had an accident! So I must be a good child, and I must be obedient and good."


Yeyueshen called softly, reached out to wipe the tears from Xiaoling Xing's face, and said in a low voice:

"On that street, I also remembered a little about myself. Although time makes us forget, memory will always guide us."

"Hey... can you hear my voice?"

A girl's silver bell-like smile came from her ears. The young Yeyueshen sat on the swing and played like other children. Although these things seemed boring to Yeyueshen at the time, there was no time for Yiji. Here, Yeyueshen has nothing to do, so he can only pass the time here. After all, the adult world is even more unbearable!

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