"At that time, something happened in my family. Although it was very depressed, it also distracted me because of your willfulness. It can also help people sometimes!"

Yeyueshen looked into Xiaoling Xing's eyes and nodded with an encouraging expression!

"Your parents have also been in the pain of making you suffer from loneliness and loneliness, and have been thinking about which one should you love between children and work! Then they came to the conclusion that children are the first. That's not your willfulness, That's the parents' hope! The child's human form is sometimes pleasing! You can be more willful!"

After speaking, Ye Yueshen said to hold down Xiaoling Xing's head and gently stroked:

"So far, you have worked hard alone! Fortunately!"

Saying that, Yeyueshen buried Xiaoling Xing's head on his chest, and soon, his chest became wet!

"God Lord Yeyue!"

Sobbing in a low voice, Xiaoling Xing couldn't hold back his suppressed emotions for so many years, and burst into tears!

In the empty playground, Yeyueshen and Xiaoling Xing stood on the steps, looking at the explosives stacked below, Yeyueshen held the fuze and said:

"The next step is to detonate your bomb and destroy the evidence!"

"Will someone find out?"

Xiao Lingxing turned his back to the pile of explosives he had just placed, and said a little worriedly in the night wind.

"I have prepared a plan to deal with it, cover my ears!"

Yeyueshen smiled and nodded. As he spoke, he saw Xiaoling Xing covered his ears, turned around, and darkened the exploding fuze!


The loud explosion quickly startled everyone who had just returned to the dormitory, and rushed to the window, only to see the sky full of dazzling eyes being released on the other side of the woods, and the huge fireworks seemed to be dancers in the night sky. Show off your beauty in the most gorgeous way!

On the steps beside the playground, Ye Yueshen looked at the dazzling eyes and the explosives constantly exploding on the ground, and said lightly:

"Although it is used to hide people's ears, it still looks spectacular!"


Xiao Lingxing looked at the lovely dazzling eyes in front of her, and hugged Yeyueshen's arm excitedly. She was able to make Yeyueshen sound the past years and be able to see these beautiful fireworks. This night, the hidden pain in her heart no longer seemed to be the same as before. That brings me endless pain!

Holding Ye Yueshen's arm and looking at the dazzling eyes in front of him, Xiaoling Xing tentatively put his hand on the back of Ye Yueshen's hand, and slowly, put his hands together!

"Thank you, Lord Yeyue!"

When holding Ye Yueshen, Xiao Lingxing's voice was so gentle, as tight and elegant as the splendor on a ribbon!

The next day, under the sun, at the gate of a small factory that looked a bit shabby, Ye Yueshen took Xiao Lingxing to stand here, looking at the rusted gate, Ye Yueshen raised his head and said:

"You haven't seen your mother since the accident, have you?"

"Because my mother must hate me..."

Xiao Lingxing lowered his head and expressed his thoughts...

"But it's your birthday, right?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Xiaoling Xing and asked.

"Well, yes!"

Xiaoling Xing nodded, Ye Yueshen reached out and took out a key from his pocket and said:

"I got this from your uncle!"

Saying that, put in the key and open the door of the workshop!

The sun was shining, Xiaoling Xing walked in step by step, looking at the familiar lathes and machinery on both sides, looking up, only to see in the original dark workshop, I don’t know when, a carefully arranged table appeared, hanging On the wall of the colored balls, the words "Happy Birthday Miss Xing" are written on a banner!


Seeing the arrangement of these scenes, Xiaoling Xing's heart melted a lot at once, and then walked forward, only to see that the bench was full of trophies and gifts, and under each gift or trophy, there was a Fortunately took out a note, opened it and read it silently:

"Gui Xing, I wish you a happy tenth birthday! I wish you a happy life in the future and laugh forever and ever, that's why we named you Xing Xing, this is our common wish! To say I love you , it's still difficult to write now, so use this sentence instead! I really appreciate you being our child, luck!"''

After reading the letter written by her mother with tears in her eyes, Xiao Lingxing was completely moved. It turned out that she was so important and beautiful in her mother's heart.

Closing his eyes and tears streaming down his face, Xiaoling Xing choked and said:

"I am, I am the one to thank you, Mom and Dad!"

Under the sun, in front of the ward, Xiao Lingxing, who had never stepped into the ward, sat beside her mother, staring at the haggard face of her mother, and heard the nurse's command from her ear:

"Although it's only a little bit, there seems to be a sign of recovery..."

Chapter [-] Ichiki's Call

"Are there only signs of recovery?"

Ye Yueshen stood at the door and whispered to the nurse:

"What is the likelihood of recovery from this condition? How long does it take?"

"Well, you may have to ask about this, but from my experience, being able to wake up is a miracle!"

The little nurse swallowed at Yeyueshen, then looked at Xiaoling Xing with envy, and then left!

"Fortunately, let's come back tomorrow!"

Ye Yueshen looked at his watch, walked into the ward, lowered the temperature in the room a little, and left the hospital with Xiao Lingxing!

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