"If Yiji is allowed to take that huge system as her own, not only the organization, but even our selfish Prime Minister will tremble!"

Mazi smiled, then took a hearty sip of sweet potato wine and said with a smile:

"Since this is the case, then we understand, take this task and let our organization also see if we are trustworthy!"

"Oh? How do you say it's so easy?"

JB was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that Mazi would agree so neatly!

"We can't really betray the organization. It's not clear to outsiders how big this organization is. Don't you and I still know? Anyway, that kid's level is high! I'm not worried!"

"I'm just afraid that some people will be soft when it comes time to shoot!"

JB smiled, nodded and left, and went back to reply to the telegram, while Mazi had already picked up the gun beside him, stood up, rubbed the oil on the gun little by little, and began to wipe it slowly and carefully!

Chapter [-] Irony

"Okay, I've already replied, it's useless for you to go back now!"

JB returned to Mazi's hut and said hesitantly with his arms crossed!

"Don't worry, this is the apprentice I trained. Of course, I know what he is like. Even if we delay it now, it has no effect except to deepen the organization's suspicion of us. The organization can send someone else! "

"But when you really shoot, do you do it?"

JB looked at Mazi a little worriedly. Now it's easy to say, but when that time comes, JB really doubts whether Mazi will be as clear as he thinks!

"Go on! When we get to the battlefield, we can just do it. Yeyueshen will definitely make his own choice!"

Mazi lowered his head slightly, the light in his eyes seemed to be the wolf king in the suburbs at night, full of determination and firmness!

"Alright then, I'll go get ready!"

JB shook his head helplessly, then turned around and left Mazi's hut. Although he came here often, this time, JB planned to go to the battlefield with Mazi, went back and explained to his assistant, and simply handed over the work!

Time passed quickly, and the next day came soon. In fact, Mazi, who had only slept for a few hours, got up at six o'clock, rode the motorcycle that Ye Luna used to, and came to the secret stronghold of the organization in a hurry!

"Uh, do you want to come so early? Isn't everyone up yet?"

Standing at the door and looking at Mazi who was fully armed, JB was speechless for a while. He swaggered down the streets of Kyoto with a sniper rifle. Only Mazi has this kind of courage!

"It doesn't matter if you get up or not, aren't we going to perform the mission?"

Mazi looked up at JB angrily and said:

"Why are you still standing there? We'd better kill the target!"

"You think too much, how can things be so simple?"

JB shrugged and said to Mazi:

"Why don't you park the motorcycle inside, someone will come later?"

"What are you doing here?"

Mazi looked at JB suspiciously. JB in the past was not as hesitant as he is today!

"You'll know when the time comes. If you are so arrogant, sooner or later the organization will be exposed!"

JB glanced nervously at Mazi, but let the other party follow him into the building. Seeing these high-tech equipment, Mazi smiled all the way, but everyone could see the disdain in the corner of Mazi's eyes!

"what happened?"

Walking to his office, JB poured a glass of water for Mazi, looked at Mazi curiously and said:

"Why are you so disdainful of the layout in our building?"

"It's not disdain, it's just a little funny!"

Mazi laughed, took the water glass that JB handed over, and said:

"You think, the two of us were punished for the sake of the two brothers and sisters, and now we are here for the two of them, but the two of them didn't do anything, so they were suspected. Think about that plan, how great it was at the beginning, it can solve the last troubles in human society, and now it seems that this group of people who called greatness at the beginning actually began to worry that after they mastered the system, their status could not be consolidated, you Are you sarcastic or not?"

"Be quiet!"

JB hurriedly looked around and said:

"A guide will come here to act with us later!"

"What? Instructor?"

Mazi placed the water glass heavily on the table, stood up and said angrily:

"What time is it, there are still guides to act with us. If the organization does not trust us so much, don't let us come!"

"It's not that the organization doesn't trust us, the main reason is that the organization doesn't think we'll be soft-hearted..."

JB looked at Mazi a little embarrassedly, ate something with her, met with the legendary guide wearing sunglasses, chatted a few words, and then came to the opposite side of Mihama Academy where the plan was implemented!

"There is no high ground here. The only high ground is the electric tower in front. I need to climb up. Can you climb up?"

Looking at the guide next to him, Mazi just finished speaking, and the latter made a phone call, causing the nearby power to be cut off, and a few people climbed the tower so calmly!

"What a luxury move!"

Mazi muttered, found his gathering point, and then lay down quietly!

"I'm going to report to the organization!"

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