Seeing that Mazi was so calm, JB nodded and took out his mobile phone. Although the guide around him seemed to be a little different, JB obviously didn't notice!

"Your communication is being checked and controlled... Your communication is being checked and controlled..."

Hearing the beeping sound in his ear, JB almost took out his gun and shot the guide next to him twice!

"What do you mean? You cut off all our communications and contacts? What are you doing? We have been working for the organization for so many years, yet we are treated like this today?"

"Sorry, we're just following orders!"

The guide wearing sunglasses said rigidly, JB was about to argue, but was pulled by Mazi next to him:

"Just do the task, don't get excited!"


Unexpectedly, Mazi was so calm at this time, JB shook his head in distress, and then raised his head to look at Mihama Academy in the distance and said:

"It's Saturday, and these kids don't have to go to school. They came out because of the power outage. I don't know when it will be!"


Mazi didn't have any unnecessary nonsense. She looked at Mihama Academy in front of her with one eye and closed the other, as if everything around her had nothing to do with her!

"Why so calm?"

JB calmed down and squatted beside Mazi.

"I believe in Night Moon God!"

Mazi looked at the scope quietly, and the guide beside him seemed to no longer exist. Mazi only saw the academy where Yeyueshen was, and at this time in the academy, Yeyueshen had already woken up, stood in the room, The curtain is opened, and the situation around you is carefully observed!

"Please call out your phone!"

The guide next to him suddenly took off his glasses, JB got up and looked at it, he couldn't help being stunned:

"Uh, Commander, why are you!"

"Hand over your phone, this is an order!"

The man known as the chief didn't seem to see the dissatisfaction on JB's face, and stretched out his hand with a serious look on his face!

"give him!"

Mazi calmly handed the phone out of his pocket, but JB hesitated for a while, but did as his boss ordered!

"Is this a good comrade!"

The man smiled, put on his sunglasses again, picked up the binoculars on his body, and looked at the room where Yeyueshen was. At the same time, Tianyin next to Yeyueshen suddenly felt a shock in his ears, and quickly opened his eyes. Open your eyes!

ps: Merry Christmas everyone, and two more updates today.

What is the point of Chapter [-]?

"Well, who is it?"

Tian Yin twisted his body and asked which side of the phone was habitually facing!

"Give the phone to Ye Shenyue, I'm Yiji, did you just wake up? Don't leave the room when you wake up!"

Kazuhime's voice was a little anxious, and the speed of her speech was obviously much faster than before!


Tianyin yawned, suddenly opened his eyes, and quickly got up and said to Yeshenyue, who had already started exercising indoors in the living room:

"It's Yiji who is looking for you!"


Ye Shenyue nodded and hurried over to pick up the phone:

"Hello? Kazuhime? How are you doing?"

"not so good!"

Kazuhime's tone was clearly anxious:

"Now inform everyone in your school, don't go out! Don't go out! Mazi is sniping at you in the electricity tower opposite, your school has been powered off!"

"Uh? Is it?"

Ye Shenyue hurriedly walked to the front of the switch, pressed it, and found that the power was indeed cut off in the room. At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Ye Shenyue was stunned for a while, and hurried to the door, only to see Xiaoling Fortunately, she was already standing at the door in a maid outfit!

"what happened?"

Ye Shenyue opened the door and looked at Xiaoling Xing curiously!

"Uh, Lord Yeshenyue, our school seems to be powered off, so I'm going to make it difficult for you to eat cold food!"


Ye Shenyue nodded, and suddenly pressed Xiao Lingxing's shoulder and said:

"Then please, you must tell everyone not to go out, okay?"

"Uh, okay!"

Although I was curious why Ye Shenyue explained this, but after thinking about it, seeing Ye Shenyue's expectant gaze and serious expression, Xiaoling Xing quickly nodded, and then rushed to each classmate's dormitory alone with excitement. !

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