"Yeah, everyone thinks that you just warned us and didn't tell us the actual situation, so I'm still very worried. Everyone is from the same academy. If you make it clear, I believe everyone can understand it!"

Song He looked at Ye Yueshen with anticipation, as if he was doing a very sacred thing!

"When did Miss Man's eloquence become so good?"

Tianyin stood behind Yeyueshen and said in surprise!In the past, Miss Man didn't always have to rehearse the drama with a note and say her lines several times, but now she can speak so clearly and fluently, which is really surprising!

"Uh, it's getting better. I used to be nervous when I saw everyone and strangers, but now I'm not nervous anymore, and I'm naturally more fluent in speech!"

Song Heman smiled stupidly at Tianyin, scratched his head with his hands, and the golden double ponytails also swayed with his head, and it was really cute!

"All right!"

Ye Yueshen thought for a while, then nodded and said:

"It's all my own. Everyone wants me to speak clearly. It's not just curiosity, but concern for me and Shi Cai. If I don't say it, it's really inappropriate!"

After Ye Yueshen said that, he stretched out his hand and touched the head of Shi Cai, and said:

"Shica, remember, no matter what happens, father, I will protect you well, and you don't have any fear or fear!"


She nodded sensible, although she was still a little vague about what she might be facing, but seeing Ye Yueshen's firm gaze, Shi Cai couldn't help nodding her head, with a sensible and well-behaved look on her face!

"Let's go!"

Tian Yin stretched out his hand after Ye Yueshen and said lightly:

"Otherwise, everyone will be in a hurry!"

"That's right, I'm going to talk to Xiaoling and Yumiko first!"

Song Heman said, then rushed up the stairs, Yeyueshen, Shicai and Tianyin were walking behind, watching from a distance, the relationship between the three people really felt a little affectionate!

"Everyone is here!"

Shicai was taken by Yeyueshen to the activity room on the second floor, watching the sisters in front of them no longer watch TV and play with the computer as before, but sat on the sofa in unison with curious eyes. Looking at myself and Ye Yueshen, I can't help but feel a little nervous

"Let's sit here!"

Ye Yueshen didn't say anything strange, he nodded, and then took Shicai and Tianyin to sit on the opposite sofa, just like that, the six people sat face to face, as if they were representatives coming to negotiate!

"Say huh? What are you all doing?"

Seeing that everyone looked at each other in silence, Song Heman finally couldn't help but said:

"Yeyueshen, tell me, what happened? We may not be able to help, but we are also very concerned about the dill!"

"That's right, Lord Yeyue, tell me!"

Xiaoling Xing finally couldn't help but urged, although I know that everyone has a sad story echoing in their memory, but Yeyueshen's actions this time are very serious!


Ye Yueshen nodded, stood up and said:

"Actually, the matter is very simple, that is, someone is going to assassinate Shi Cai, and it seems that it has been prepared at the school gate. I plan to take Shi Cai out through the back door, and then find a way to investigate this matter clearly and let Shi Cai's life return. normal!"

"What? Assassination?"

Song Heman suddenly turned pale in shock, glanced at the silent Shi Cai, and suddenly felt a burst of shame:

"Are we busy? We shouldn't let you come and talk about this..."

"How can..."

Ye Yueshen smiled and said:

"In the beginning, I just wanted everyone not to go out casually and avoid danger. Later, in a separate conversation with everyone, I also expressed the view that this time is not so simple. Obviously, everyone still cares more, and they came to me together. After the conversation, it can be seen that everyone is very concerned about this matter, I should be happy, why do I feel so troubled?"

"It's fine if you don't think so!"

Songhe breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with a smile:

"It seems that this matter of mine still has some meaning!"

"That's right, Miss Man, you are more suitable to be the monitor than me, and you care more about everyone!"

Xiao Lingxing said with a smile, the latter heard it, and suddenly felt a burst of shyness:

"No, it's best to be the monitor, I can't..."

Chapter [-] The Parting Kiss

"So, when I learned that Shicai might be assassinated, I planned to take up the mission of protecting him, and I hoped that it would not affect everyone, so I think it is more feasible to take this strategy!"

Night Moon God nodded and said!

"Yeah. It's really feasible! In this way, you can avoid getting everyone involved!"

Yumiko, who had been silent for a while, nodded and gave Ye Yueshen an admiring look!

"But running away doesn't solve the problem!"

Song Heman reacted, and from Xiaoling Xing's praise, he said:

"Think about it, Yeyueshen is still a bit safe in this academy. Once he goes out with Shicai, who knows what will happen? Whether it will come back is a question! How can everyone support this idea? We You should stay in the academy, call the police, let the police arrest the guy who assassinated Shicai!"

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