Song Heman said, and found that everyone fell into silence and did not respond to his own thoughts. After a while, he said timidly:

"Am I wrong?"


Ye Yueshen pondered for a while and said:

"If it was a normal assassination, I would have done it, but for this assassination, from what I got, the police came. Or calling the police, it didn't have much effect. The opponent's ability was relatively strong, and it alerted the police. , The whole Mihama Academy will not be peaceful. I think this is also very important. You don't want such a quiet life to be broken like this! And unless the assassination happens, the police seem to have no obligation to help before it happens. yours!"

"Uh...that's it!"

Song He was speechless for a while, it seemed that he was still inexperienced, and he didn't know that he couldn't ask the police for help in this kind of thing.

"En, so I support Ye Yueshen's choice!"

Tian Yin said:

"Although it is dangerous, everyone should be aware of Yeyueshen's ability to do things. I have always believed that our Yeyueshen can handle this matter well, so you don't have to worry!"

"Thank you!"

Although the current situation is still a bit tricky, Ye Yueshen is inevitably moved by seeing Tianyin's unconditional support. For so many years, Tianyin has played the role of his guardian, although he is often away from his side for a long time. For a while, Tianyin didn't complain to herself. Every time she was with herself, she would take out a book from her bag, which recorded the food thesaurus that she had collected, and then took Yeyueshen's family with him. Family tasting, really great!

"Where, this is what my girlfriend should do!"

Tianyin said, stood up, stood beside Yeyueshen, hugged Yeyueshen's neck, and kissed Yeyueshen's lips!

"I'm waiting for you to come back!"

Tianyin looked at Yeyueshen's eyes and said with affection!

"Don't worry, I won't let you down!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, and then just turned around, Shi Cai next to him also hugged Ye Yueshen Ye's waist:

"Dad, sit down, I want to kiss you too!"

"Uh, okay!"

Although he felt the enthusiasm of the three girls on the opposite side, Ye Yueshen could only sit on the sofa and smiled softly in front of Shi Cai, and the latter did not hesitate and kissed Ye Yueshen's lips. !

"My father and I will come back safely, everyone can rest assured!"

Di Cai's brows stretched, and she looked at Ye Yueshen with a silly smile, while Song Heman, who was opposite, looked at Ye Yueshen with a surprised expression, rubbed her lips with her hand, with some kind of longing. His eyes looked at Ye Yueshen!

"Can I do it too? I'm Yeyue's childhood playmate, and I really want to give a kiss to Yeyue's God when we part ways this time!"

Xiaoling Xing summoned the courage to stand up and looked at Ye Yueshen and Zhou Fangtianyin next to him eagerly. Although he was shy, he had already stood up bravely. The moment Xiaoling Xing stood up, the eyes of Yumiko beside him. Obviously stunned for a moment, he looked at Ye Yueshen lightly, and his heartbeat accelerated more than once!


Tianyin crossed his hips and said:

"Yeyueshen is my boyfriend, how can you kiss whenever you want? Usually I can't see it, but this time... Anyway, Yeyueshen is leaving soon, if you want to kiss, I will only be It's a goodbye kiss!"


The originally sluggish eyes suddenly became active, Xiao Lingxing was instantly turned over by Tianyin's arrogant statement, looked at Ye Yueshen eagerly and said:

"Can you? Yeyue Divine Sovereign?"

"Since Tianyin has no opinion, I naturally have nothing to say!"

Ye Yueshen smiled, leaned down and stood in front of Xiaoling Xing, closing his eyes gently!

"Really, girls close their eyes when they kiss. Why do you close your eyes first?"

Song Heman said, and without waiting for Yeyueshen to react, he opened his eyes and kissed Yeyueshen's lips first!

"You are so bad!"

Xiaoling Xing looked at Song Heman with a little helplessness, and finally kissed Ye Yueshen's lips!

"You all kissed. If I didn't kiss, wouldn't I be out of place?"

Yumiko stood up and looked at Ye Yueshen and the classmates next to her with a reserved face. Although her face was flushed, she still maintained her ladylike demeanor!

"You want to kiss early tomorrow!"

Song He said with a smirk:

"Still gregarious or not? Is being gregarious what Yumiko cares about? Let's have a parting kiss with Yeyueshen!"


Looking at Songheman with a shy face, Yumiko suddenly realized that she didn't know what to do. When she was confused, Yeyueshen had already hugged him. Except for a princess, she silently lowered her head and kissed her. down!

"I'm so envious! I should also ask Yeyue Shenjun to give me a princess hug!"

Xiaoling Xing clapped his hand and looked at Ye Yueshen, feeling a little unwilling in his heart, but he still likes it more!

"Haha, you have a chance!"

In order to cover up the embarrassment of grabbing the kiss just now, Song Heman rushed over and pushed Xiao Lingxing in front of Yeyueshen. At this time, Yeyueshen also felt a familiar feeling. In the world of human magicians, I have also enjoyed this beautiful scene, although in this world, I have given up strength, these kisses are all the girls' hearts.This kind of thing happened to me, even if I stayed in this world for hundreds of years, I would not have any boredom!

Chapter [-]: There is still hope

"The lobster has also been put back into the pool! Well, it's ready to end!"

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