Shicai nodded, Yeyueshen took the bento she was holding in her hand, the little girl smiled and took the sapling from Xiaoling Xing's hand, looking at everyone's sincere eyes, Shicai stood up straight, and made one for everyone. Standard military salute:

"My father gave this to me. He said that the person who respects me the most should have a firm look and a serious expression. Although I am very moved and want to cry now, I thank you all!"

"Into the nest, let's go!"

Yelling, Shi Cai's face was identified, and she couldn't see that she was being tormented by her family and family affairs!

"Everyone, please take care! Dad and I will be back!"

"Let's go!"

Yeyueshen looked at the sky, near noon, the best time for sniping, although he certainly couldn't escape the attack of Mazi, but he was confident that he would protect Shicai as soon as possible in sunny weather!

"Is that enough?"

Yeyueshen opened the back door, said goodbye to everyone, and walked out of Mihama Academy. On the balcony, a girl with straight hair quietly looked at Yeyueshen who was far away, folded her hands and prayed silently!

Chapter [-] Mazi's scheming

The sun is just right, and even the leaves have become the reflectors of the sun, shining in the eyes of Ye Luna and Shicai!

"It's time to come!"

Ye Yueshen shook his head secretly in his heart, then with a flick of his hand, he pushed Shi Cai, saying that it was too late, and a gunshot accurately hit Ye Yueshen's feet, seeing this incomparably accurate sniper technique , Yeyueshen didn't say a word, just pulled the dill and fell to the ground...

Looking at the white smoke coming out of the muzzle, Mazi didn't blink, stood up, took off his goggles, threw them to JB next to him, and said lightly:

"The task is completed, the child is either dead or injured! We can withdraw! The sun here is really dazzling!"


Holding the pistol, he looked at Mazi in surprise. The guide next to him was stunned for a long time before he realized it. He hurriedly took out his phone and called the headquarters. At the same time, in his other pocket, he also heard The phone vibrates!

"this is?"

After reporting the situation of Mazi's sniping just now, the guide took out another mobile phone and looked at Mazi and JB in front of him. The arrogance and domineering at the beginning were no longer in his eyes. Although Mazi's decisive shooting violated the order of the catcher, But it shows Mazi's resoluteness when facing Yeyueshen. Naturally, the suspicion of Mazi no longer exists. In fact, the mission of the guide's surveillance has been completed, and then he becomes arrogant and domineering towards Mazi, thinking about Mazi's resoluteness just now. , the guide decided to be careful!

"It's my phone!"

Without saying a word, Mazi directly took his mobile phone from the guide's hand, pressed the answer button, and turned on the PA system by the way!

"Hey, is that Mazi?"

The voice of Ye Yueshen came from the other end of the phone. There should be no problem with the sound and appearance. The body is still strong, and the breath is a little rough, but there is no problem.

Mazi analyzed in her heart, and JB next to her hurriedly said:

"Yeyueshen, it's us, if you have anything to say, say it!"

Saying that, JB didn't forget to look at the guide next to him. At this moment, the pistol held by the guide moved again, obviously he was on guard!

"What do you have to say? What can you say? The sniper shot just now must have been shot by Mazi himself, otherwise it would have been so accurate! If I hadn't jumped on the weed at the beginning, the two of us would have been killed! We actually planned to kill it with one shot. Two people, who else in the world can do this except Mazi?"

Ye Yueshen's voice was very excited, and the guide next to him also quickly turned on the communication facilities in his hands, so that the conversation between Ye Yueshen and JB let the senior management in the organization understand!

"Uh... this is the mission of the organization, we must complete it!"

Mazi was stunned for a moment, took the phone in JB's hand, and said lightly:

"You are also a member of the organization. You should understand that we only seem to be loyal to the organization's orders!"

Mazi here was talking, but the guide's cell phone rang:

"Isn't the broccoli dead?"

"Headquarters, Shicai in the nest was attacked by Kazami Yeyueshen. Now there should be no danger to life. Please rest assured, I will definitely cooperate with Miss Mazi to complete this task!"

The guide hurriedly said, and turned on his mobile phone as an amplifier!

"Do you want to kill if you are loyal to the order of the organization? The shot you just shot was obviously aimed at killing Shicai, what are you doing? Who the hell asked the organization to kill Shicai? If I wasn't by her side, now I see What we have arrived is the icy corpse of dill!"

Ye Yueshen looked very excited, gasping for breath when he spoke, obviously very upset!

"Yeyueshen! Please pay attention to the tone of your speech!"

Mazi's voice was unusually firm, and he shouted at Yeyueshen:

"You are also a member of the organization. You should know that the orders of the organization should be fulfilled unconditionally, and as a member of the organization, you should also make a difference. Do you want to protect the girl destined to be abandoned by your own family? Is it really worth it? Have you thought about it?"

"Of course I know that I am a person of the organization, and I will not forget this, and I also know that you are my master, and I will not forget it, but the question now is, can you tell me why, if we If the organization can kill people indiscriminately, I don't think it's good for the organization!"

Ye Yueshen's answer did not show weakness, but he didn't feel that he wanted to defect at all. Mazi smiled slightly, glanced at JB, and then said:

"If that's the case, then cooperate with the organization and bring the dill beside you to the organization, and the organization will give you certain rewards. Remember, although our personal relationship is very good, I want to betray the organization. It is absolutely impossible to help you hide that little girl. I can tell you bluntly, although I am usually very unhappy with the bureaucracy in the organization, but the organization has cultivated me. Someone who knows what's wrong!"

As Mazi said, JB next to him couldn't help but muttered in his heart:

"Hehe, that's right, how did you let Yiji and Yeyueshen go back then, and now you are so righteous and awe-inspiring, Mazi, you don't need to act like that if you want your apprentice to pass the test smoothly, I almost got stunned. It's gone!"

Although there are some murmurs in his heart, JB is still very happy about Mazi's actions. Finally, his former companion is no longer the reckless man-like guy in front of him, but a man with a scheming and a brain. Now, although time will make people grow up, the change of Mazi still makes JB happy. After thinking about it for so many years, Mazi just pretended to be a carefree person. Nor will he become the number one sniper in the world and no one has any jealousy!

"Then please tell me who asked the organization to kill Shicai. I think the organization is an organization that cares about all human beings. When I got my sister to do the experiment, I resisted it, but after seeing my sister for so many years Come, keep telling me, because of this project led by the organization, how many accidents were warned in time before they happened, and how many people's lives were guaranteed because of this great system, I'm really happy, so, I also I don’t believe that the organization would kill such a cute girl as Shicai for no reason!”

Ye Yueshen said in a choked tone:

"Zicai is someone who has witnessed his father being killed. I hope the reality is not too cruel!"

Chapter One Hundred and Twelve Negotiations Against Killing

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