"But reality may be crueler than your imagination!"

Mazi's voice suddenly became a little choked, he shook his head helplessly, and said to Ye Yueshen on the other end of the phone:

"The person who asked the organization to kill Shi Cai this time, as far as I know, is Shi Cai's mother, and her biological mother. As for what it seems to be for, I don't know, but when I got this news, I was even more shocked than you. , but since the organization has decided, I can execute it as an executive officer!"

As Mazi said, Yeyueshen listened. When he heard that it was Shicai's mother, Yeyueshen finally couldn't restrain the anger in his heart and said loudly:

"What a joke, tiger poison still doesn't eat children, how could it be Shi Cai's mother who asked to kill Shi Cai? I absolutely don't believe what you said, Mazi, is there something wrong with the information you got? I want to contact the organization. Contacting the headquarters directly, I don't believe it anymore. There is no gangchang ethics in this world. A cute teenage girl actually wants to dispatch a sniper like you to assassinate her. Is this still Shicai's biological mother? "

The conversation between Yeyueshen and Mazi passed through the communication system of the guide perfectly and was transmitted to the decision-making department of the organization. Hearing that Yeyueshen planned to have a dialogue with him, several people in the decision-making department discussed it and agreed to Yeyueshen. The reason for this request is that I really need to confirm the whole story with Yeyueshen in person. Since Yeyueshen no longer believes in Mazi's words, then as a decision-making department, if it is conveyed in person, the credibility will be high. With Yeyueshen With the sincere words of God just now, these decision makers feel that Yeyueshen still has an organized existence in his heart, but he has misunderstood the mission!

Unconsciously, the IQ of Yeyueshen was the same as himself. These decision makers naturally asked the guide to receive Yeyueshen's phone signal directly to the headquarters, and then briefly introduced the current situation to Yeyueshen, and After personally confirming that what Mazi said was not false, Ye Yueshen seemed to fall into silence!

"Yiji, you must be listening to me. Now I have broadcast the signal of the phone to the decision-maker of the organization. I believe you have finally tracked this most mysterious place. I am silent for [-] seconds, you can Be sure to cheer!"

Ye Yueshen prayed in his heart and looked at his watch. After thirty seconds, he said:

"Since the decision makers have already answered me like this, I understand it. Although it is difficult to accept in my heart, I think it is still up to the organization to decide the fate of Shi Cai!"

After hearing Yeyueshen's words, these guys who vaguely control the world's most mysterious organization nodded their heads one by one, happily looking forward to Yeyueshen's own hand to bring the scallops to them!

"Dear organization, although I really hope that I can do what you imagine, I still took a look at the dill, and the little dill is so cute, I really can't do it!"

Yeyueshen's words were a little confused, as if he was talking to his own heart!

"Do you want to betray your kid?"

A decision maker said gloomily!

"of course not!"

Ye Yueshen replied calmly, I also learned about the reason with Shi Cai just now. I found that the organization seems to be being used. Although the representative of the nest family may be listening to me, I still have to say a few words. Heartfelt words!

"Give you this chance!"

An old guy with a pipe in his mouth said lazily, although everyone was a little unhappy with Yeyueshen's resistance, but through this incident, these rotten decision-makers have already got a satisfactory answer in their hearts. Mazi was organized since childhood. It was cultivated and reliable at critical moments, and Yeyueshen is a guy who doesn't know anything at all, and through Yeyueshen's words, it seems that Yiji is still very excited about what she is doing now. Resistance and hidden The dissatisfaction in my heart seems to have been dispelled.

These guys who actually only care about whether their position and power can be threatened have already completed most of their goals. As for the family affairs of the nest, they are only used to test Yeyueshen, Yiji, Mazi and others. JB's touchstone is not important at all!


Night Moon God seemed to be very grateful and said:

"Simply put, I have now discovered a method that can not kill the dill, but allows the organization to gain greater benefits. This method is very simple, and even for the nesters, it is a crucial counter-kill, maybe There are representatives of the nesters at the scene, but I need you to think about the interests of the organization, not the inexplicable and dehumanizing internal killings of the nesters!"

Having said that, Yeyueshen said directly without waiting for these decision makers to react:

"Actually, Shicai has already told me why her biological mother sent someone to kill her. It's very simple, she knows it, and she has perfectly recorded almost all the criminal evidence of the nesting home, and this is exactly what made her mother Heart palpitations!"

Ye Yueshen said, a roar came from the other end of the phone:

"Boy, you are dreaming, you want me, the guardian of the nesting home, to betray the nesting home directly because of your little tricks to steal the concept. shake!"

"You thought of it!"

Ye Yueshen's tone was very calm, and said softly:

"Don't you realize that you are betraying the Linchao family and planning to cause chaos in the Chaochao family? Think about it, Dicai's younger sister has died of serious injuries, and now, her mother is going to kill her, so If so, wouldn't the Linchao family have no heir? Who the hell is betraying the Linchao family? Have you figured it out?"

Yeyueshen's words made the man speechless for a while, and then Yeyueshen showed his trump card directly:

"All the dukes are the smartest people in the world. I'll figure this out very clearly. As long as we get the evidence that Shicai has provided to our organization, then we can perfectly interfere with the nesters. ...and the Shicai beside me is the heir of the Nest Family. No one wants to be blamed for killing the heir of the Nest Family. Our organization is the guardian of this world, not the destroyer. Anyone or any family wants to interfere. The behavior of the organization will disappear from now on!”

Although Yeyueshen's words were long, he still hadn't said a word, and this sentence was hidden in the hearts of all decision makers:

"Our organization is the most powerful, and no one can interfere! The interference of the nesters can end today!"

With their eyes facing each other, the corners of these decision makers' mouths were already covered with gloomy smug smiles!

Chapter [-] Mazi's Doubt

"Okay! We agree with your plan!"

After a brief discussion, these decision makers naturally put their energy into the matter of dividing up the interests of the nest family, and announced the decision makers' decision to Ye Luna:

"Now we'll order Mazi and JB to bring you and Shi Cai to the headquarters. As for the guide, it's useless anyway. Write down the news that you will go home with first-class merit and wait for your promotion. We will come on the spot. Let’s test what you said, if Shi Cai can’t memorize those criminal evidences, we will be in a very difficult situation!”


Ye Yueshen smiled humbly, with a sneer in his heart:

"It's really dizzying, these old guys, have you forgotten that the best thing Yiji can crack now is your headquarters. Now that you have been talking to me for so long, your headquarters has long been skinned in front of us. It's as clean and transparent as lychee!"

Ye Yueshen sneered in his heart, but his mouth was not idle. He walked to the electric tower with Shicai, where he could finally meet Mazi and JB. After this meeting, Ye Yueshen decided not to do it again. Let people manipulate their behavior and emotions!

"Dad! This is thank you!"

Knowing how close she was to Death God just now, Shi Cai finally put on a relaxed smile on Yeyueshen's sweaty face, and she felt grateful in her heart, because of Yeyueshen's existence, she didn't get it. The same tragic fate as my father!

"Where, this is what I should do!"

Ye Yueshen shook the picture, squatted in front of Shi Cai, held Shi Cai's smooth cheeks, and said with a smile:

"It's you, let me know that there is still a beautiful existence at this time, you are always thinking of others, and I will naturally not abandon you. The reason why I was nervous just now was not that I planned to sell you this little cutie, but I was worried. If the fish die and the net is broken, what should I do when the time comes, this is Mihama Academy where you and I live after all, and the best thing those bastards are good at is using other people's emotions, I just don't want any problems in Mihama Academy!"

"I believe everyone will appreciate your hard work!"

Shi Cai nodded, pointed to the dazzling sun in the sky and said:

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