Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, walked in directly, reached out and shot and broke a switch beside the curtain!

"You definitely don't want a recording of what we're going to say next, come on, sit down, I have no ill intentions!"

Chapter [-] Failed Action

"Okay, let's make such a happy decision!"

Holding Oslo's hand, Ye Yueshen still doesn't believe what happened just now is true, but the facts are in front of him. After hearing Ye Luna's plan and plans, Oslo readily agreed. The speed of the promise is very doubtful!

"I have been interested in that secret organization for a long time, why is there someone waiting to snipe me every time I go to a specific place, so that's what happened! Since you guys are going to beat up this organization, my enemy is naturally Willing to help!"

After a brief explanation, Oslo and Ye Luna decided to meet again. After that, Ye Luna returned to the cabin and gave a brief introduction to everyone!

"This guy is really refreshing, it's too surprising! Yiji, you have to pay attention to that guy at any time, it's not that I don't believe him!"

Mazi looked at Yiji seriously and said, while Yeyueshen said in surprise:

"Uh, when did the relationship between the two of you become so good? When I went out just now, the two of you still ignored the other, what happened now?"

"It's nothing, it's just a casual chat, and we don't have any knots!"

Yiji looked at Ye Yueshen lightly, as if none of this mattered, she shook her head and said:

"When the time comes, I will let the system automatically determine the location of Oslo, and then suggest you to attack. After you miss, Oslo will have a reason to attack the system. After entering the headquarters, I will automatically send [-]%. Ten's system backup was given to him, and when the time comes, the terrorists send out the information in their hands, but it is not our business!"

"good idea!"

JB nodded and said with a smirk:

"When the time comes, Mazi and I will pretend to happen to pass by the headquarters, and rescue the group of decision makers first. In that case, we will not have any doubts at all!"

"Sure enough, a dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist, what a good way!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, looked at the sky outside, and said:

"It's getting late, let's try Mazi's craftsmanship together, we'll start working tomorrow!"

"All right!"

Mazi nodded angrily, climbed to the top of the closet without saying a word, took down four packs of instant noodles and started cooking!

"Uh, I'd better retreat first, get up at six o'clock tomorrow morning and gather!"

Yiji watched Mazi skillfully start instant noodles, her brows tightened, and she immediately flashed!

"Wow, my computer!"

Seeing that Yi Ji was flashing, JB hurried over and picked up his computer from the floor, looking at the somewhat soft shell, JB felt more distressed in his heart!

"Well, it looks like you need a computer with better cooling!"

Yeyueshen shrugged helplessly, then ate instant noodles made of pockmarks with JB, prepared things for the battlefield tomorrow, and fell asleep, although Yiji would definitely take Oslo in the daytime. The news from Kyoto has been sent, but thinking of the cautiousness of the group of decision makers, I estimate that I will attack Oslo in the middle of the night!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

A familiar voice came, and as soon as Mazi came up, he kicked Ye Yueshen!

"Looking for you!"

Throwing the phone to Yeyueshen, Mazi started putting equipment on him!

Ye Yueshen got up and picked up the phone, nodded hurriedly, said yes again and again, got up from the bed, and started to put on the equipment on his body, and Mazi simply said hello, and rushed back on a motorcycle The city of Kyoto!

At this time, Kyoto was still silent in the dark night. It was like this in the early morning of three o'clock. When Ye Luna rushed to the room where the day came, Oslo lazily opened the door in his pajamas and looked at Ye Luna. Tired face!

"Let the girls in your room leave quickly, I'm going to leave some bullet marks here!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Oslo's tired eyes, and suddenly wanted to shoot this guy, but after thinking about his plan, Ye Yueshen gave up and waited until the girl in Oslo's room left. , Ye Yueshen threw a bomb in directly, then pried the bullet out of the pistol, shot him in the arm, then threw a few incendiary bombs and left on his own!

Soon, Yeyueshen sent the news of his injury back to the headquarters. The decision makers were surprised when they suddenly found that the headquarters they controlled had been attacked, and a group of masked thugs rushed forward indiscriminately. Come in, smash things when you see them, kill people when you see them, and don't even leave a living hole!

"Report, yesterday the secret base sent over [-]% of the system backup!"

I don't know what happened to the secretarial system. When the most important information was passed, the loud gunshots outside were approaching the office of the decision makers. Although there were guards, it seemed that this group of thugs were even more powerful and rushed over quickly. Come up!

"Come on!"

At a critical moment, Mazi suddenly appeared in the office of the decision makers, looking at the information on the screen, without saying a word, this group of gentlemen who usually make a fortune went out!

"Twenty percent of the system backups are still missing!"

Looking at Mazi's hurried appearance, one of the decision makers was considered to have a good conscience and hurriedly blocked the way!

"Life is important or that thing is important, let's go!"

Mazi threw a few smoke bombs into it, dragged the panicked decision makers and rushed down the spare stairs. Seeing that Mazi had no plans to go back to rescue, the decision makers didn't talk nonsense, and looked at each other. He rushed down with Mazi, completely ignoring that [-]% of the system backup would be taken by the thugs led by Oslo!

"Mazi! Here!"

JB, who had been prepared for a long time, saw Mazi come out, and drove an off-road vehicle directly. The group of people was in a hurry and did not care how JB, who was on vacation, appeared here at four in the morning, and just got in the car. I rushed out and didn't stop until Kobe Prefecture near Kyoto!

"Thorough investigation! It must be thoroughly investigated. What the hell is going on? Why does the terrorist in Oslo know where our headquarters is! This is a core secret!"

When they got to the safe area, the panicked decision-makers reacted, and when they reached the nearest secret stronghold, they picked up the phone and started roaring!

"Whose subordinate is the guard over there? How dare you? If I hadn't known that my apprentice was injured and rushed over, would you still be alive?"

Mazi still looked rebellious, but what he said made one of the decision makers look ugly!

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