Chapter One Hundred and Twenty

"Listen to the people inside, I know you're inside! I'm Oslo that you've been trying to catch, and now I'm standing in your headquarters. The fire just now has been put out by me. According to the legend One-fifth of the copy of the universal system has also been safely kept by me, dear decision makers, think about it, what are you going to exchange for it!"

Listening to the voice transmitted by Oslo on the internal phone, the decision makers who had been received by Mazi in the safe area couldn't help looking at each other. If Oslo had mastered one-fifth backup of the system like this, the whole plan would be subverted. The possibility is very great, and the losses and subsequent impacts of the entire organization are believed to be endless!

"What should I do? Talk! You're all dumb. Who is Oslo, don't you know? Ah!"

Mazi saw that the old guys who were always bossing him were sweating and not speaking at this time, and he was secretly happy, and his mouth was not forgiving!

"I suspect this is a conspiracy!"

A man with glasses wearing four or six points looked at his colleague and gave Mazi a gloomy look before saying:

"This operation was automatically directed by the system to go to Yeyueshen, because Yeyueshen's failure led to Oslo's revenge, and then we fell into this field. No matter how you look at it, it was a complete conspiracy!"

"Sir, you are wrong!"

Taking off the headphones above his head, JB looked at the crowd lightly and said:

"The reason why Yeyueshen failed is because Oslo was already prepared, otherwise, it would be no problem to kill Oslo with Yeyueshen's hand, and the person who leaked the news would not seem to be killed. The brain of the system—Yueyueshen’s elder sister Yiji, Yiji will not let her family take risks, believe this, you all clearly understand!”


When JB said this, a group of old guys suddenly lost their opinions, and at this time, Oslo was not happy on the other end of the phone!

"I said, do you decision makers still have any backbone? Don't you just watch your headquarters being occupied by me? It's midnight, but I have absolute confidence that within [-] minutes There are live broadcast helicopters all over my head. Think about it, in the capital of the country, such a secret organization headquarters was captured, and it was captured by a world-renowned adventurer! It makes me happy to think about it. !"


Knowing that what Oslo said was not wrong, the angry decision-makers let out a low growl and ordered Mazi directly:

"Go, tell Oslo, you can negotiate any conditions. If he stabs this matter in front of the public, even if the organization is finished, he will kill him first, let him think about it!"


I almost thought that these old guys came here to fight back in secret, but they got such a reply, Mazi nodded lightly, and the contempt in his eyes was even more serious. For nearly [-] years, the worship and fear of the organization have been That moment just now will be a memory forever!

"Okay, I'll contact Oslo now!"

JB originally didn't like the old guys in the organization very much. Now that they have entered his trap as planned, he naturally seems to be very happy. He still has that heavy expression on his face, and his heart has already blossomed with joy!

"Conditions? You still dare to ask me for conditions?"

Oslo's disdainful tone made the decision makers seated for a while, but there was nothing he could do. One of the white-bearded old men reluctantly took the internal call from JB and said in his hoarse voice:

"Dear Mr. Eslo, you also know that our organization is involved with the entire country, and even the international community. I believe you also know that you are actually standing on the cusp of the storm now. If you are not careful, you will be in hell. This time, we were caught off guard by you. The sincerity of negotiating is entirely due to your unique charisma. Now, let's calm down and settle this matter before dawn. Japanese gangs are also there. It was only when it was dark that it moved!"

"Old guy, count your eloquence!"

Oslo said to the phone with a deep smile:

"First of all, Lao Tzu is the most straightforward person. If you have revenge, you will repay your kindness. Since you are so sincere, send your lovely little brother here first. He dares to assassinate me alone in the evening. You organize against him. Confidence is very high!"

"Oh? Night Moon God?"

The white-bearded old man was stunned for a moment, looked at Mazi and JB cautiously, and said:

"What about the other conditions? I don't have the final say here. I still need everyone's consent. I believe you know a lot about how we operate. If you destroy it at this time, you won't even be able to find a negotiator!"

"Okay, I'll say it together. Actually, I seemed to plan to make your organization disappear at first, but now I actually have a copy in my hand, and it says something about the Thanatos system, and I casually I took a look, this system seems to be very powerful, do you want to share it with me?!"

Oslo said with a smirk, and what he got was an angry roar on the phone:

"What a joke, this is a system that we have organized for several generations, and it took countless hard work, money, and manpower to succeed. You are going to take it away without a word. What a joke, if we agree to your request, we are the organization. sinners of history, sinners of history!"

"That's better than being a sinner alive, right?"

Oslo ignored the old man's anger at all, shook the backup in his hand and said:

"Think about it, what would happen if I stabbed this system in public now? Any political force would disassociate itself from this inhumane organization? And ah! The world is so ruthless. What I am doing to you now is actually a way to save you. If this system is exposed in the future, you can say it is mine, okay? Continue your decent life and kill two birds with one stone. The little guy who failed and caused disaster, handed it over, maybe he has made a contribution!"


Listening to what was said on the other end of the phone, the white-bearded old man looked back at his colleagues, only to see greedy eyes in the eyes of a group of people, yes, as long as the Thanatos system exists, once it is exposed, someone will take the blame. , And now, they can actually avoid this historical responsibility!

Chapter [-] Sometimes Friends and Sometimes Enemies

"Okay, we promise you, please leave quickly. If we can't take over our headquarters before [-]:[-], this cooperation is over!"

The white-bearded old man said with a sinister smile. Mazi and JB next to him had already glanced at the decision makers in the room with contempt. Although they could not change the minds of these people, they saw their ugly face in person. , Mazi and JB's confidence and fear of this organization have completely disappeared. It is impossible for a group of selfish people to form a group that is truly hopeful. Now it seems that leaving this group is simply too correct. !

"OK! Bring Yeyueshen!"

Oslo smiled at the phone, and with a wave of his hand, he let his subordinates evacuated the headquarters of the organization with the things they looted. At this time, at the settlement site in Kobe County, Mazi and JB were facing the group of cowards in front of them. question!

"Excuse me, Miss Mazi, do you have any thoughts on us sending your apprentice Yeyueshen to the secret terrorists?"

A younger decision maker looked at Mazi angrily.

"No opinion. JB has already told me about his unfavorable performance of the mission and made everyone suffer here. I have no opinion!"

Mako replied lightly:

"Since I nearly shot him at Mihama Academy last time, my relationship with him has dropped to freezing point!"

After speaking, he left the placement site with his own gun!

"Yes, the last time I entered the nest house was really good. I tested all the suspicious characters, and I also got the benefits of the nest house by the way!"

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