Gently pursing their lips, the decision makers nodded, and soon, the order for Yeyueshen to go to the headquarters was sent to Yeyueshen!

"We really are people who can sacrifice at any time!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the top-secret information on the phone, smiled slightly, and briefly explained a few words to Yiji, and then received a call from JB:

"Don't talk, I'm JB, I tell you with my woman's perception, this Oslo is not simple, I hope you are careful, I'm going in!"

After speaking, JB hung up the phone.

"What an attentive girl!"

Ye Yueshen smiled, looked at the bright moon in the sky, nodded, got on a motorcycle, and soon came to the headquarters. At this time, all the people brought by Oslo had retreated, and only a black Ferrari was parked. At the door, when Ye Luna's motorcycle came over, Oslo got down from above and hooked his finger at Ye Luna!

"We are our own people. Those old guys must be watching in the surveillance. You and I should act like you!"

Saying that, let Yeyueshen turn around, put Yeyueshen's hands together, brought him into his Ferrari, made an OK gesture to the camera at the door, and then left the headquarters. , A group of tired policemen came over, checked it briefly, and handed over the headquarters of the organization to Mazi and others who came later!

"I didn't expect you to have such a secret base!"

Yeyueshen was taken to a place with a damp and musty smell everywhere. His keen sense of smell told Yeyueshen that there was a huge basement in front of him. From the sound of footsteps, Yeyueshen also felt the whole space. huge!

"Of course! Do you think I'm going to be stupid enough to go back to the hotel where I stayed in the first place, and wait for those arrogant old guys to sell me clean, and then be wiped out by the police with rockets?"

Oslo spat the toothpick in his mouth on the ground, reached out and took out his pistol, loaded it, and aimed it at the back of Ye Luna's head!

"what does this mean?"

Ye Yueshen had a disdainful smile on his mouth. Although he had long expected that such a scene would occur, he did not expect Oslo to be so impatient!

"What do you mean?"

Oslo looked at Ye Luna with a thick smile, and said vigilantly and pretending to be lofty:

"It's been a few years? I still remember clearly the scene where you knocked me down in the alley. From that time on, I kept telling myself in my heart, even if one day, this The little devil called Yeyueshen has nowhere to go, and will not rely on me to cooperate with me, but now, this miracle has actually happened, a person who has been so hostile to me since childhood suddenly ran up to me and said to cooperate, you think I will Would you be stupid enough to agree? Do you think I've been a terrorist for so many years, did I survive by luck?"

"What are you talking about? I don't understand a word!"

Ye Yueshen looked down at the button on his chest, the gloss on it was still so dark, smiled slightly, and continued:

"I just know that we all take what we take, you get what we can never get, and we achieve our purpose perfectly! Isn't it the best of both worlds?"

"But in my world, only the winner takes all, and the loser has no value to continue to exist!"

Oslo put a gun on the forehead of Night Moon God, and said with an evil smile:

"But you are still useful now. I got one-fifth of this system called Thanatos. Now if I use you to threaten your sister, I should be able to get the remaining four-fifths. Wait until then, The world is under my control, and you and your sister can go back to your little broken island to spend the rest of their lives!"

"Have you ever seen someone point a gun at someone's head to negotiate terms?"

Yeyueshen stood motionless, the wind was not passing by and told Yeyueshen that this was not an empty place, there should be a lot of things stored in front of Yeyueshen!

"Who negotiated conditions for you? I'm giving you a chance to live. You should thank me. In other words, I'm your savior!"

Oslo pressed the muzzle against Yeyueshen's forehead, Yeyueshen remained motionless, and the button on his chest was still so dull and dull. What kind of question is Ye Luna's outfit!

"Really? It seems that you are a person who often likes to put gold on your face!"

Ye Yueshen smiled, suddenly raised his wrist, and slapped the back of his neck, followed by a vibration from his chest, Ye Yueshen laughed, tore off the blindfold in front of him, and rolled on the spot , dodged Oslo's bullet, kicked the leg of the guard in front of him, jumped high, and slammed his hands on the slate on the ground, and the handcuffs suddenly cracked!

Chapter [-] have their own plans


A bullet hit Ye Yueshen's body, and a layer of fine sweat beads appeared on Ye Yueshen's forehead!

"Boy, surrender, don't make senseless resistance, this place is so empty, you don't even have a place to dodge, why do you make senseless resistance here?"

Having said that, Oslo put away his sniper rifle, walked to Ye Yueshen, and lifted the cloak on Ye Yueshen's head with the muzzle!

"Look, this place is full of explosives. If you accidentally ignite the things here, the entire Kyoto will be destroyed because of this. A person with a good sense of justice like you will definitely not watch such a thing happen! "

Oslo clicked an eye and looked at Ye Luna with a smile on his face!

"what do you want?"

Seeing that the button on his chest no longer flickered, Ye Yueshen's ears sank, and he looked at Oslo silently!

"Of course I want you to listen to me!"

Oslo smiled, walked to Ye Luna, nodded and said:

"Take out your left hand, I will give you a treasure!"

"Oh? What baby?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Oslo curiously, stretched out his hand, and looked at the masked people around him, knowing that it was very difficult to leave here!

"Of course it's a little gift!"

Oslo smiled, and suddenly stretched out his hand, and tied an automatic locking watch to the wrist of Ye Luna!

"Boy, your ability to bear is very good. You actually broke the handcuffs. Now I'll give you a watch that explodes automatically. You can try it. It won't exist anymore, then, I'll see how you can fight against us!"


Ye Yueshen spit on the ground, stood up, and said:

"We were allies just now. Now the organization has not been eliminated. You and I must have been hunted down. You actually want to kill each other. It's shameless!"

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